Describing Wordsfor Fruits

examples: nosewinterblue eyeswoman

Here are some adjectives for fruits: forth corrupt, citrus and other, canned citrus, citrus and tropical, sisal, citrus and tropical, sour soft, lonely late, sinister, oblong, sufficient ripe, small, stewed, red, orange and green, forth evil, excellent ripe, rough and stringent, great, succulent, lower-middle-class wholesale, large and most nutritious, cool ardent, down mellow, local edible, direct, legitimate, reddish, oblong, tartly sweet, forth proper, intellectual green, forth proper and abundant, poisonous but golden, ripe soft, most ripe, enchanting, delicious. You can get the definitions of these fruits adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to fruits (and find more here).

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Words to Describe fruits

Below is a list of describing words for fruits. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe fruits:

forth corrupt citrus and other canned citrus citrus and tropical sisal, citrus and tropical sour soft lonely late sinister, oblong sufficient ripe small, stewed red, orange and green forth evil excellent ripe rough and stringent great, succulent lower-middle-class wholesale large and most nutritious cool ardent down mellow local edible direct, legitimate reddish, oblong tartly sweet forth proper intellectual green forth proper and abundant poisonous but golden ripe soft most ripe
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enchanting, delicious extremely ripe citrus and canned luscious, sun-kissed yellow, pink-cheeked ripe and spontaneous blue, juicy prepared ripe remarkably appropriate luscious and delectable malign scarlet philippine citrus juicy autumnal premature and artificial purple, pear-shaped fairest and most exquisite ripe and final fresh, recent dry edible crops--tropical citrus, canned pickled and spiced stewed and canned longish edible inferior and quite local choicest and most exquisite much luscious ripe and admirable hard and inedible sour, unripe ordinarily seedless poisonous native stewed pink unknown but delicious sweet, insipid sleek sweet great unripe elephantine yellowish fine and bloody tart bluish mostly moldy celestial tropical juicy exotic swollen artificial oblong lavender citrus or hothouse cool waxen especially citrus or hothouse peculiar and perfumed especially citrus juicy, fresh perishable, imperishable fresh seasonal ripe tropical yellow or rosy luscious and healthful forth tame sumptuous liquid sour, indigestible numerous bright-red worth-while mental miscellaneous tropical sour, disagreeable slightly unripe temperate, chaste sour or very juicy raw or stewed miscellaneous citrus unripe and superfluous imperfect or very ripe plump celestial innumerable finer crabbed, natural whole-wheat, whole-wheat desirable fresh juicy, edible forth sweet and edible other luscious several barren other citrus succulent tropical odd fresh luscious native towering automatic proper and abundant green and ripe citrus, other knobbly red rare and refreshing citrus monstrously expensive pale ripe wet, ripe assorted fresh terribly sour chopped large juicy blue-black piquant intoxicating early-season indigenous ripe and delicious new but delicious imperishable and incorruptible ripe and maddening new, fresh and delightful refreshing yellow forth fresh and ripe sour unripe forth pure and excellent golden citrus open hard tiny undeveloped pear-shaped fleshy fiendishly juicy orange, monstrous middle-class wholesale beautiful and luscious old and fragrant larger citrus chinese, fresh fine and first-rate tart, crimson unripe and acrid enormous juicy essentially exotic evil and rotten forth concrete absolutely ripe unhappy but natural other stewed lovely spicy ripe good smaller tropical fresh, gratifying humble but spicy wondrous and excellent possibly unripe rapid or even flagrant strange and possibly unripe due and hoped-for uncommon delicious rich and immediate abundant and most welcome forth fresh and new forth plentiful nearest sweetest many iced real cereal tropical and ordinary wholesome and highly flavored _early ripe thinner, better richer or rarer large melon-like evil, bitter oval, smaller austere and small olive fragrant european or tropical earliest ripe agreeable edible red and tempting such eatable marvelous citrus great and delicious sweet but unknown small and extremely sour scanty and immature painfully characteristic seedy, withered large and highly flavored often small and insipid late and bitter insidious and meretricious flaky green oblong, fleshy apparently ripe mostly edible sweeter yellowish commonly spherical copious crimson globular-pyramidal harsh, unripe soft and somewhat imperfect tan, ripe unripe or scarcely ripe golden, ripe wild and sour small and unpalatable delicious and highly nutritive eatable and very palatable pear-shaped sweet woolly scarlet little stewed scarcely ripe much ripe spiced, exotic ripe tempting succulent scarlet young unripe never bare choicest hothouse canned or stewed fresh and canned delicious tropical beautiful and tempting crisp, succulent queer eastern cylindrical red thy ripe gnarly wild fresh terrestrial heroic fifty-pound monstrous swollen yellow citrus fleshy or seedless ripe, liquid suddenly ripe warm stewed tiny infamous seasonal fresh spare and bitter new, purple divine ambrosial fresh and stewed olive and soft tantalizingly bitter exotic citrus cool and tantalizingly bitter seedy orange juicy orange large and coloured gorgeous ripe sterile or seedless squashed ripe premature or unripe cereal, fresh immediate and almost inevitable exotic, sparkling tropical, luscious dead ripe most tropical golden, aromatic native and tropical matchless black richly stewed hard, unripe juicy small gigantic citrus other sweeter largest citrus bad and unripe sometimes shiny solitary fleshy crinkly pale usual and not unpalatable fresh hybrid finer and most delicate orange, red and purple ordinary semi-tropical fairly delicious sweet and citrus unidentified but very tart forth worthy spindly ornamental various luscious green applelike juicy and brightly coloured little ripe again canned ungainly potted quintero--political furry rotten ripe and healthful unexpectedly ripe forth excellent and solid showy inferior raw or stale principal magical savory wild bottled fresh true succulent ordinary stewed secondary but precious sufficient stewed abiding and substantial ripe, nice-looking good and miraculous pleasant scarlet strange but golden nevertheless evil forth luscious ripe, wholesome natural and poisonous hardier wild also special and singular yellow crisp cant--natural stray unripe rich appetizing purple or almost black disappointing poetic small, roughish strange sparse colored edible edible and harmless delicious and most salubrious good and delicious forth abundant and good crisp smooth cloudy, crimson little long-stemmed close red native citrus aforementioned mature strange, luscious transcendently delicious forth many and great small and ripe perfectly ripe and fresh hence unripe proper and bitter fresh or stewed poisonous and nutritious black insipid various ripe harsh austere sisal, tropical full, legitimate exalted and beneficial ripe and not unpalatable also fresh and full full-grown unripe extent--tropical pleasant and nutritive interminable extent--tropical sour but necessary choicest and most rare stewed dry handsome but inedible largest eatable canned and stewed unsound or decayed wholesome ripe smooth, pear-shaped luscious eastern rotten or unsaleable favorite northern unripe and unwholesome glorious and most useful plentiful and exhilarating cornmeal, canned delicate and refreshing green or pickled always ripe and unripe uncommon and delicious largest and most spherical assorted and exotic full-grown but unripe unripe or hard tempting luscious choicest and earliest enough wormy tempting tropical small unripe particularly good and plentiful scanty and gnarled forth succulent other and rich |oval delicious crimson semi-tropical citrus green distasteful strange and sticky remarkably rich and delicious annually canned gorgeous, luscious wretched stewed strange, fragrant many starchy smooth or almost smooth nameless but delicious cheapest and most competent juicy, tropical nice, perfect usually inedible smooth, desirable choicest semi-tropical unripe or stale strange belated loathly stewed fruits--immortal immature citrus rich fruits--immortal nice hothouse unnamed citrus luscious and refreshing interesting citrus oval blue-black more full-sized succulent edible broader but smaller choicest and most charming delicious assorted tempting, longed-for dry true fragrant and most luscious luscious and rare delicious, juicy and refreshing less tart pear-shaped, crimson nutritious, pungent mature perfect fleshy aggregate characteristic spherical delicious and tropical comparatively hardy innumerable luscious fascinating and luscious unwholesome and indigestible bitter but sugared luscious pear-shaped large but somewhat untidy peaceable precious ripe, glorious seemingly unsavory yellow delicious sugar-cane and tropical trees--generally useful tropical and citrus many citrus most fleshy sour and indigenous insipid tasteless consummate golden various citrus exceedingly fair and good redly purple usually succulent sweetest, choicest honest juicy delicious and rarest luscious, yellow important indigenous noblest permanent further and quite unexpected ripe pink vermilion and yellow diminutive undeveloped pure and simplest ripe hand-picked good consequential delicious and juicy -tropical juiciest and sweetest sweet and thrifty comparatively uncommon fresh and tough abroad high-grade rarest, dearest luscious, perfect green exotic long or flat handsome persistent gory and dreadful medal canned quite dry and clear forth commendable extremely cheap and plentiful joint, third-class beautiful and god-given tasteless, inferior ripe, perfect excellent and appetizing pleasant and great welcome and triumphant choicely fine delicious, handsome pleasantly sweet and spicy eclectic small considerable tropical late, beautiful much-needed and wholesome golden, red decayed and immature smaller, long medium-sized, excellent surpassingly delicious decayed home-grown good, edible wormy and worthless always fair and handsome seldom thin gnarled and worthless unripe or diseased good or perhaps better mature and luscious ripe and unusually large indispensable, eternal stewed or raw tawny, ripe seemingly mature fine and seemingly mature substitute other somewhat similar but inferior striped and golden delicious european forth bitter and poisonous delicious hothouse necessary and poisonous wholesome, such afterwards stewed juicy, fragrant tart, unripe stony, sour large fetid mature or nearly mature golden and mellow small but luscious sometimes luscious sweet and large succulent multiple juicy pear-shaped forth fine and vigorous rich stewed sweet and visible certainly unwholesome enough canned or fresh wild, astringent golden mystic choicest and juiciest shapeless succulent cloying, luscious abundant nut-like juicy edible pear-shaped, fragrant triangular, inflated green and angular yellow, orange or red now half-grown still red and unwrinkled rosy, tempting large, nut-like curved and yellow long, curved and yellow russet green bitter and deadly such deadly nearly abnormal exceptional and nearly abnormal rarest and most delectable prominently ribbed luscious melon-like --nearly ripe else unblemished excellent bottled sweet, angular unusually fine and plentiful oblong eatable red succulent ribbed scarlet equally large and fine green and partially ripe new citrus insipid indigenous own acidulous last-named and kindred exceedingly delicate and soft mature fine abundant and enormous greener and imperfect wrong and corrupt verily divine recent and abundant cherry and small large more piquant and wonderful sic fair oatmeal and fresh wild, sour succulent, delicious marvelous ripe juicy, scented high scented clean and plentiful luscious and popular attractive, alluring fine red-cheeked small and intensely pungent smooth, edible yellow edible fragrant but inedible key or key scaly multiple collective fleshy forth good and perfect unripe other ripe red citrus recognizable wild agreeable and nutritious strange and vexatious ripe and luscious delicate southern non-tropical stewed fresh golden or purple applelike also tropical soft, ripe unexpectedly grand flawless and seamless languid and luscious plentiful fresh similar fleshy wrinkled brownish fatal and pernicious sharp soft forth impure green citrus sour and unripe abundant and bitter unripe or rotten fragrant and sweet tropikal small but useless larger succulent forth venomous hardy and valuable rich seedless rarest and most delicious pure, ripe analogous conventional prodigious golden peculiar multiple luscious and juicy delicious southern often small occasionally mature splendid ripe small austere new edible stewed or fresh evil purple ripe many ripe iced sweet huge, red and yellow delicious, juicy smaller and sweeter other pickled ripe autumnal delicious edible magnificent poetical poisonous, dangerous fine hothouse ripe golden luscious tropical cold creamy �musical forth bad ripe or unripe ripe and golden most fresh sour, hard other unripe sour, rotten sweet and edible delicious juicy ripe, luscious ripe and green forth bitter fresh ripe many edible ripe and unripe edible red curious, applelike own citrus juicy, sweet exotic tropi\-cal small, juicy tasty yellow gigantic rotten expensively unseasonable precious, succulent ripe strange fine, self-respecting fewer edible strange, thorny huge, ripe stewed and fresh sweet exotic plump, unknown dark mushy oval scarlet peculiar jamaican weirdly mechanistic juicy, luscious unknown fresh familiar fresh large warty mostly seasonal insipid wild nouveau occupational unfamiliar delicious green, elliptical pungent pickled oblong, edible assorted local juicy, tangy ripe shiny fuller richer lusciously juicy bright, oversize lusciously juicy and sweet prickly tonal “ambrosial double-decker juicy tasty smaller lumpy lavender things—special smooth and succulent oval milky special, delicate red leathery strange ripe forth good and wholesome delicious exotic forth due luscious deceptive meal, fresh juicy, hot strange, sweetish white, pink and purple beautiful and sweetest green furry many succulent tart applelike deeply iced canned whole strange, ripe genuine legitimate real prize-winning beautiful iced ripe citrus ripe pleasant swollen ripe wholesome, luscious ripe and nicely edible ordinary bottled nicely edible remarkable practical unknown and tropical richest eastern tardy sour sour citrus oval purple raw ripe citrus and alien sour tart furry tan sour or stale unique, valuable forth rotten generally red or black abundant full-sized less ripe unsatisfying tropical forth delectable pear-shaped white delicious and fragrant unripe red wild and rare vast and plentiful fresh and ripe fabulous rotten eminently beneficial nice exotic bloody and shameful tropical, organic sugar-cane, tropical colder fresh strange but luscious rare and luscious direct poetic clean and perfect other semitropical tiny, rotten fortunately delicious textured golden native and domestic exotic, unpleasant forth malignant fournal concrete and distasteful ripe fournal exotic and delicate wrinkled rotten natural immediate same luscious tart unripe warm, sugary abundant and wonderful translucent scarlet fair tempting delicious spicy distinctly temperate least rotten few citrus amazingly sour forth many sweet and narcotic finer and different irritating, ubiquitous ripe or nearly ripe unearthly turkish strange and luscious lumpy, bright-red forth vicious rotten juicy attractively colored hybrid citrus similarly fatal bitter and unpalatable brilliant, strange accidentally lethal tempting native no-longer-lethal red blue or blue-black hereafter royal beautiful and unknown ruddy, mellow acrid, aromatic superb, mature honest golden immature or unripe infidel and atheistic black edible delicate and luscious large and nutritious forth happy mild and ripe choicest and most precious orange and other luscious and abundant squashy black abundant ripe incomparable and precious rich and ripe rough and astringent good culinary red acrid useless wild mature healthy fine luscious old ripe european and tropical excellent, inexpensive mellow, delicious rare and divinely beautiful many commoner forth fairer finest exotic spherical, yellow generally red and white fragrant citrus always ripe green, inedible late ripe appropriate and inevitable lawful and innocent coal, fresh bright delightful strangely impartial brilliant glossy forth ripe wretched wild distinct fresh unripe and bitter industry--tropical once succulent standard and small bright exotic insignificant but brightly flavored so-called hybrid prominent and abiding plain, abundant largest co-operative ripe southern sure and sovereign luscious soft peculiarly flavored nice dainty unripe, green mellow and luscious therein fine fairest and most luscious small perishable fresh and rich costly southern juicy and refreshing rare and costly southern forth liberal spontaneously numerous fleshy solitary melon-like raw and stewed also unripe sweetish, alkaline forth richer sweet, alkaline unripe or bad new, luscious mature and delicious strange luscious artificial coloured fine melon-like delightful and wholesome hence spiced orange or other hermetically canned paradisa�cal primitial mellifluous and pleasing latest and most precious little unripe ripe fleshy forth unnatural seeming sundry same juicy different and noble fair and mellow fresh, wonderful expensive canned pleasant, nutritious sweet but insipid half-grown and full-grown sweet and much forth sweet and much african fresh refreshing juicy diseased or decayed stony juicy rough or corrugated ludicrously disproportionate latest, richest pleasantly sweet rather unripe plain ripe luscious and sweet small excellent earliest imaginative large, excellent never thin rare and favorite much immature black, astringent abundant and very fine productive small much unripe forth fatal

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Words to Describe fruits

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "fruits" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "fruits" are: forth corrupt, citrus and other, canned citrus, citrus and tropical, and sisal, citrus and tropical. There are 984 other words to describe fruits listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe fruits suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "fruits" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many fruits adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is fruits?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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