Describing Wordsfor Nod

examples: nosewinterblue eyeswoman

Here are some adjectives for nod: wise private, brief, self-effacing, formal, cautious, ambiguous, noncommittal, slight, inconspicuous, furious, tight-lipped, sharp affirmative, cool, languid, grateful, sheepish, short vehement, reasonably impersonal, short grateful, relatively cordial, characteristic curt, single, solemn, sardonic outlandish, deliberate short, distinctly ironic, short, reluctant, civilian polite, slight gracious, grave cautionary, grim and appreciative, defer�ential, slight, defer�ential, wry, grudging, taut, careful, slow impassive, curt, decisive, curt, sour. You can get the definitions of these nod adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to nod (and find more here).

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Words to Describe nod

Below is a list of describing words for nod. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe nod:

wise private brief, self-effacing formal, cautious ambiguous, noncommittal slight, inconspicuous furious, tight-lipped sharp affirmative cool, languid grateful, sheepish short vehement reasonably impersonal short grateful relatively cordial characteristic curt single, solemn sardonic outlandish deliberate short distinctly ironic short, reluctant civilian polite slight gracious grave cautionary grim and appreciative defer�ential slight, defer�ential
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wry, grudging taut, careful slow impassive curt, decisive curt, sour single, respectful long affirmative single rapt arid insolent sidelong, sunny short dumb cool, good-natured intelligent and apprehensive tiny, guilty curt shy deferential hesitant, cautious immediate, apologetic semi-cordial short resolute final curt jerky, coltish careful, regal decently respectful respectful but equally quick quick, deferential brief apologetic solemn and guileless simple appreciative curt and unenthusiastic slight, somber gracious, affable slow, critical slow fateful silent and haggard choppy, abrupt cool, curt ponderous, agonizing single, regal involuntary but emphatic jerky unwilling cordial and careless deep and shrill slight condescending customary curt single curt slight, hopeful common affirmative slow, sympathetic sharp, respectful slight triumphant emphatic little silent but meaningful brief, shallow proud but benevolent cool and courteous graceful, proper vigorous affirmative stiff, canny tight, calm single, reluctant abrupt, conspiratorial brief, regal slow, supportive single, pained curt and proprietary defer\-ential slight, defer\-ential single, singular terse, somber best unimpressed vaguely remorseful thin, pessimistic ominously serious heavy, decisive hearty absent-minded robotic, mechanical reluctant, incorporeal curt mental little, unsurprised little emphatic last respectful thoughtful and emphatic quick compliant vague noncommittal short, disapproving tiny, significant strangely deferential brief and jerky slight and hopeful grave and very curt doleful and unbelieving bitter, expectant curt and condescending slightest, dubious stern, reluctant significantly hostile short, gracious curt quizzical remote, imperious stiff and disdainful sad and convulsive cold and very dry little, emphatic short, affirmative intimate but rather careless comic affirmative regally gracious grave and non-committal careless and rather contemptuous scant, silent brief, oblique happy sidelong merest contemptuous suavely personal slight and insolent insolent, cool haughty suspicious cavalier little pleasant inclusive good-natured and confidential curt, impersonal negligent little little, dreary peculiar brief curt, contemptuous slight, wise small gracious jerky, careless peculiar emphatic huge, emphatic hard, significant graciously easy shy affirmative little, significant inimitably aristocratic sleepy and significant upward despairing portentous negative faintly gracious quick negative single, curt small, grave tiny ironic polite, wary short apologetic slight and indifferent choppy, angry curt little weary, uninterested small, provisional deceptively cordial tiny careful near-regal short, purposeful curt, haughty single, deliberate majestic little cheerfully familiar crisp and beautiful poor wakeful high and weak mere curt mildly angry single grim brief, shy slow but definite suitably regal cool, polite short and suspicious slight, haughty rather insincere quick, grateful single emphatic short, dizzy small, civil delicate provisional marshal portal possible polite brief graceful polite but sardonic minutely perceptible deeply gloomy slight, wary shallow but deliberate harsh, noticeable terse, jerky curt, proud curt european curt and shallow once terrific faint, heartbreaking perfunctory sleepy equally gracious icily polite small and very reluctant slight, deferential now infuriating brief disapproving professional, slight curt, polite final, civil slow conspiratorial mock gracious jerky, convulsive preternaturally wise faint and tentative occasional impassive distant and bemused brief, grudging single, jerky quick and noncommital brisk, unemotional single, shaky slight and unconvincing slight concessional quick taut awfully cool cautious, breathless brief, neutral slow, military cordial mechanical slow respectful stern conclusive simple and noncommittal sudden, choppy brief, unwilling precise, gracious cautious affirmative bare respectful numb and breathless crisp, prim okay-i’ll-deal fierce, grateful creepy, collective wary, noncommittal barely cursory wise and soulful brisk, self-congratulatory single, stiff wan but slightly defiant grateful but decisive slight, defer-ential short and slightly impatient insultingly casual silent curt crisp, perfunctory typical brisk lazy sidelong sad, elegant slight polite belated brief slight respectful terse, formal apparently responsive slight indifferent carelessly gracious little affirmative slight and familiar shy slight quick affirmative emphatic double ostentatiously careless customary jerky eager, expressive uncertainly emphatic curt, grave grave, emphatic silent savage would-be contemptuous slight, affirmative insolent and familiar brief, automatic sharp menacing brief but good-natured indifferently civil little inscrutable curt formal sulky and careless little, confidential queer slow private imperative slight, defiant graciously condescending sharp, attentive brief hesitant brief, abstracted queer, curt significant and covert short and impertinent gracious but proud proud, condescending quick persuasive curt, unwarranted spanish deprecatory brief unsmiling grim diagonal sufficiently brief decisive little barely perceptible brief sharp short, uneasy great superior brief single last sleepy brief and businesslike slow reflective little resolute single forceful small, reluctant short formal small ironic little comprehensive easy, sociable slow thoughtful short, curt brief, ironic abrupt, decisive small indefinite short, noncommittal small contemptuous vaguely apologetic wise, slow slight appreciative occasional solemn thy imperious slow, complacent severe double silent negative short and ungracious slight but imperious brief short short and significant seemingly merry little ungracious insolently familiar slow occasional brief but peremptory final decisive short, cool usual curt almost imperceptible distantly polite little provisional short and sullen little hopeful single slow affirmative brief, polite tight, thoughtful grimly triumphant brief decisive awkward childish slight affirmative slight, perceptible cool, unsmiling solemn, wide-eyed little miniscule brief and polite barest perceptible brief, sober solemn, appreciative appropriately grave final bleak brief, correct brief, meaningful polite but stiff nytral occasional thoughtful quick, cursory mildly enthusiastic sudden curt deep, unsmiling curt, silent slight, regal equally microscopic quick, respectful surprisingly poignant curtly polite single, forceful tight, affirmative final, curt proud, sharp defer-ential distantly courteous tight, grateful curt, sullen slow and somber invariable slight slight, gracious small but emphatic slow, nonchalant slight perfunctory curt, formal same, sharp vague affirmative amicable little imperceptible but triumphant almost imperceptible but triumphant short brisk quick authoritative coolest little serious and respectful final significant more curt slight, silent decidedly affirmative mere busy pleasant confidential rather curt small slow terse little sanctimonious little somewhat abstracted positive little almost perceptible single, brief brief, stiff brief, tight little sinister small quick cool, civil brief, formal slight stiff single remote short defensive single thoughtful distinctly haughty little peremptory little sidelong slight but emphatic slight casual unusually emphatic habitual little brief stern easy familiar slightly dubious almost curt formal little regal little confidential little cool little slight but noticeable little jerky single definitive brief polite slight, sardonic quick grateful brief, jerky curious stiff quick, capable slight silent quick appreciative slight, respectful cool but polite disconcerting double grand, gracious slow metallic especially enthusiastic familiar single sharp, efficient final, brief single grudging painstakingly precise oddly solemn grave, portentous slight, formal small, regal brief, apologetic same emphatic short distant perpetual nervous occasional calm quick stern little confident slight and slow brief, familiar pleasantly impersonal imperceptible barely civil brief, emphatic short, unhappy small sympathetic sharp, emphatic absent little little decisive customary cool short, emphatic emphatic jerial embarrassed grudging short, grim quick, urgent appreciative little quick, tense small, cool small formal fully confident nearly imperceptible equally imperceptible brief, cool cool, impersonal small and reluctant short, polite small, tense odd single brief, courteous pleasant, impersonal polite but perfunctory manic little deferential little little complacent proud, careless little supercilious little double slow, emphatic little sarcastic apologetic little slow, grim significant little noncommittal haughty and supercilious odd, stiff silent, serious single sympathetic little intermittent little oblique would-be wise slight double ironic little sharp, abrupt faint, faraway perceptible quick, uneasy slightest imaginable slow, grave quick, eager fine sharp jerky grave little single, tight weak but unmistakable short curt almost gracious single, slow small but meaningful faint, unmistakable weird double quick birdlike bare, silent final hearty single, sad respectful little unwilling little last frosty quick, single faint, imperceptible weak, slow slow, wise rather condescending almost distant little expressive rather absent little haughty last cheerful little defiant careless modern jerky little same curt airy little calm, superior short, awkward coolest possible lively irish mere careless terse almost respectful short, jerky serious little slight but definite uncommonly serious single tight curt, angry tiny, nervous final, bitter perpetual slight faint involuntary cold, decisive single crisp small, respectful characteristic sharp coldest possible quick, grim quiet, familiar decorous little slight wise little quick, business-like final happy gracious little scarcely perceptible perfunctory small, stiff thy awful slow, reluctant quick, terse abrupt, angry concessional small precise curt, cold subtle, secretive cool, formal quick, fearful slow, doubtful little confidential slow, short condescending little careless, good-natured quite sophisticated deferential barest condescending barely noticeable small, quick same polite quick, jerky sharp, vicious quick little little polite barely polite slow graceful short, defiant slow, distant almost sarcastic universal affirmative nearly indistinguishable small, fleeting slightly austere single stiff last awkward gentle, slow little birdlike little introspective single sharp short, decisive vain poor appreciative polite small, graceful thy potent little signal reasonable little apologetic stiff little sheepish contrite little vast slow single graceful birdlike little stiffly polite rather red little capable short cold somewhat sheepish contemptuous little simple but expressive complacent little decisive respectful little significant courteous barely discernable little gracious little thoughtful brisk little short, sharp sharp, short gracious reluctant last solemn briefest possible sharp decisive own significant less cordial single abrupt single, simple smallest little careless little quick brisk still briefer bright, quick hardly perceptible cursory choppy brief equally quick committal single, graceful single, distinct wise, thoughtful small, tentative quick and graceful cool and distant cold, quick more courteous slow, deliberate somewhat unwilling quick, involuntary hesitant little silent piquant little fractional imperious little sad, thoughtful unsurprised same nonchalant shrewd, humorous little piquant briefest almost infinitesimal single, sharp quick, decisive rather sulky surly short, savage slightly nervous sympathetic little little intimate quick, awkward stony little ironical little severe little stiff, jerky slow and ponderous quick, appreciative little quick single swift slow, mournful bashful little last least first-degree slow, sad cold, imperious small, shy slightly perplexed small crisp slightly defiant strange heavy emphatical invitational little grave little intelligent little brief slightest possible somewhat supercilious regal puckish slow, thoughtful quick, abrupt quick, birdlike noncommital sharp, decisive oddly formal usual expressionless scant little little distant sidelong tight-lipped awkward little brief little willful little somewhat feeble rather thoughtful silent and unseen quick, frantic informal little little discreet significant slow abstracted quick, angry just perceptible rather perfunctory careless, indifferent almost indifferent wayward little short, terse submissive little slight cold small cool short, tense almost regal somewhat clumsy rather careless little positive rueful quick, short more awful intimate and personal usual gruff small, distant small, involuntary abrupt abrupt little careless polite little rmal small, uncertain slightly bemused rather irritable small, informal slow quiet noble animal stiff military single short scarcely discernible short, quick sharp short, impatient single, quick same tiny tight little little sympathetic triumphant little grave and silent little faint energetic little sharp, brief short, choppy slightly impatient slow, sullen nonchalant icy little cordial short, painful short jerky quick, silent stern little crisp little frank, open almost familiar succinct small, sharp contrite quick decisive deep, slow sharp, dry obeisant skimpy little vigorous little rather contemptuous little modest defiant little incorporeal extremely slight affable ironic short little self-effacing hasty little sudden, hard grim grateful sharp little cold, formal scarce perceptible little easy meaningful thoughtful less familiar rather mechanical tense little humorous little courteous little frigid little slow, ponderous unsmiling more respectful impulsive little usual cheerful short, dry little familiar stiff gay little shaky little formal single, small tiny, sharp little cool mournful little good-humored solemn expressionless cheery little faintest possible wry single, short rather distant cautious cheerful little conspiratorial familiar little short small and shallow small, slight short strong same sympathetic single brief practical little slouchy little unconscious fierce little saucy little congratulatory unenthusiastic little furtive briefer short quick brave little confidential birdlike crisp miniscule somewhat uneasy supercilious companionable confident quick, quiet tiniest possible grave sulky impudent little mysterious little slightest joyous little offhand vigorous grim little solemn little slow deep scarcely conscious short, slight silent cheery glum nervous little almost invisible quiet, serious small mental little weary businesslike impassive permissive tiniest fear-filled rather uncertain peculiar little almost convulsive intimate little coltish half-hearted faintest inclusive weary abbreviated short, angry silent, solemn troubled little impertinent little pleasant little slow and deliberate short sharp absent-minded

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Words to Describe nod

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "nod" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "nod" are: wise private, brief, self-effacing, formal, cautious, ambiguous, noncommittal, and slight, inconspicuous. There are 995 other words to describe nod listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe nod suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "nod" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many nod adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is nod?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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