Describing Wordsfor Spirit

examples: nosewinterblue eyeswoman

Here are some adjectives for spirit: contrite and humble, pert and nimble, vigorous continental, foolish extravagant, rigid and intolerant, pythonical, misguided and unclean, infernal democratic, present enterprising, radiant and loving, devil�mythological, holy independent, grey thirsty, brave, high, meek and quiet, central connective, generous and reasonable, irrecoverably venal, cheerful and irrecoverably venal, impatient devilish, peculiar devotional, humble, tranquil, natural quarrelsome, respectful and judicial, dizzy drunken, cheerful but reverential, thy unprepared, tolerant and sympathetic, thin, poignant, noble and dauntless. You can get the definitions of these spirit adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to spirit (and find more here).

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Words to Describe spirit

Below is a list of describing words for spirit. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe spirit:

contrite and humble pert and nimble vigorous continental foolish extravagant rigid and intolerant pythonical misguided and unclean infernal democratic present enterprising radiant and loving devil�mythological holy independent grey thirsty brave, high meek and quiet central connective generous and reasonable irrecoverably venal cheerful and irrecoverably venal impatient devilish peculiar devotional humble, tranquil natural quarrelsome respectful and judicial
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dizzy drunken cheerful but reverential thy unprepared tolerant and sympathetic thin, poignant noble and dauntless gentle and heroic true virtuoso cheerful, uncomplaining illiberal and vindictive rare kindred steady and constitutional free, magnanimous proudest poetic impatiently enterprising grudging narrow malignant, loutish fugitive, proud practical and expansive animate public zeal and public overbearing, dominant sombre and cynical youthful and even boyish modern cutthroat narrow and unsocial luminous evil vain childish human domestic fine imperious sanguine and adventurous generous high valiant and indignant sufficiently humanitarian stern warlike secret and harmonious magnificent and fiery enlightened, enterprising wayward elfin mutinous and riotous industrious and hopeful daring, mournful enthusiastic and liberal healthy competitive proper humble mighty and dreadful inner and actual slightest exotic unchangeable provincial wayward and tricky pale, religious humble and trusting active and imitative inquisitive and peremptory benevolent and philosophic bright and ardent virtuous and voracious rightly regal and intelligent rightly regal regal and intelligent thine impenetrable devious, jittery childish vain old, chivalrous enterprising, independent daring and invincible independent and rebellious daring fiery chief, poetic little, captious absolute tranquil great but malignant dreadfully mercenary zeal and pure unseen and pure disloyal french religiously social mischievous and aggressive dutiful, unselfish coy inquisitive monarchical or military cold and very reasonable individual and socialistic equally prophetic reckless and presumptuous same vindictive momentarily troubled high and dauntless terrible free dumb and deaf impotent, invisible chivalrous and passionate ardent and unquiet stern, coherent wretched, insidious secret kindred truly marital spontaneous and incredible vital, cruel reverent and religious free and girlish own combative perfectly candid and dispassionate martial and independent malignant and rapacious crafty and interested restless and rapacious discerning and even magnanimous high and intrepid kindred or rival good macho high, rebellious independent, reckless naturally volatile productive ethereal habitually devout natural martial good combative resolute, self-sacrificing remarkably acute and energetic ingenious and free ardent public slender incomprehensible active and pious great and trusting wicked and mutinous vivacious and susceptible restless indefatigable thoughtlessly meek and self-sacrificing thoughtlessly meek true and fiery rebellious and irreverent persistent, methodical true and nobly virtuous indivisible and invisible shiftless, civic sacred and worshipful fatally serious young audacious grandly comic aerial wild democratic evil dauntless bold scornfully proud wonder-working great keen but temperate wondrous pious restless and republican fierce and foul true and really heroic still hopeful and vigorous broad burlesque evident burlesque narrow or partisan great, willing mutually conciliatory prudent and reflective indomitable human indecent, law-breaking ghostly electrical volcanic but fruitful obdurate and harsh radiant and stainless trusting and beautiful mystical ancestral past, intangible dark but splendid great greater wholly literary narrow and crabby restless impatient tenderly protective sensitive and fearless old, fun-loving evil tempting swift and virgin masculine and ambitious refractory and independent genial and playful indomitable, heroic pure, aspiring good and truly bold highly pugnacious broadest and freest true bulgarian warlike, adventurous animated and lofty diplomatic and pragmatic poor do-nothing enlightened civic pure and merciful happy and truly industrious highly chivalrous and romantic fearful and servile thoughtless and childish manly classical anarchic and subversive true, joyous delectable, mellow lawless and fierce overpowering devotional subordinate but crafty morbidly restless radiant, godless obscure but mighty sprightly superficial critical and selective sophistical, captious wild, litigious unknown, kindred vindictive and unforgiving frugal and ingenious gentle and voluble slow, gentle and voluble imperishable woodland new and sincere fiery, revolutionary buoyant and sunny restless evil unsatisfied human properly humble and thankful willing, free bitter and intrepid long-dormant national unenlightened but very sincere fantastical and furious purely theological and dogmatic gay, elastic wanton and violent delicious and airy obliging, social equally dauntless peaceable and healthy truly tolerant daring and haughty great helpful persistent self-seeking gentle but patriotic versatile and tenacious virile and buoyant hostile and insubordinate old demoniacal obstinate rebellious proud and resentful adventurous and wayward full-blown disembodied bold chivalrous helpful kindred gentle but lofty white and finely flavored careless and even boastful selfish, sarcastic proud, patriotic morbid, discontented fanatical, dark strong rebellious prying or suspicious infinite omnipresent mild but inflexible same contrite intriguing and tyrannical savage and diseased rich and fervent eager, discontented amiable and healthful wonderful liturgical truculent or suspicious high daring high and jealous unconquerably sanguine peculiar dismal refractory and uncommunicative singular jealous naturally facile native, adventurous gratuitously malignant lethargic national strictly austere strict or puritanical metaphysical and polemical diligent, tireless old, invincible skeptical or radical timid or ecclesiastical mysterious and wayward violent and ironic demoniacal, irrational bad unappeasable impersonal, economic incorporeal feminine hard-working, unsettled evil but weak fierce, unconquerable sanguine and unconquerable resentful passionate exotic voluptuous bolder and worthier grand bold refractory and unwilling rational, intelligent and immortal revolutionary and skeptical clear and generous fancy and invincible artless and constant materialistic and imaginative beautiful self-conscious powerful and thrifty poetic and eager divine and subtle intelligent, divine and subtle supernatural martial thankful and dutiful economic and mechanical once perturbed august and virgin laudable and public overbearing, vindictive independent and logical invincible but unavailing high and indomitable fiercely militant mystic, unshakable kinder and broader insubordinate and fiery still impartial low and timorous true and transcendent wayward and desultory dark and elemental thine incorruptible indomitable and independent luminous and benign same devotional evil or wicked maternal and protective broad farcical true parasitic free and lofty lofty scornful big original active, sanguine proper eerie unseen, benign -individual human former irrepressible typical bland reckless, unconventional mercenary and material wistful and perverse absolutely lawless evil pneumatic pains-taking, merry high, independent gentle, loving and powerful material, earth-bound proud and amoral worth and public irrepressible, cheerful coarse and pagan inferior but rebellious proud and narrow furious, ungovernable intolerable and stubborn wicked unforgiving daring fearless own totemic hostile or malignant critically analytical habitual but disdainful fearsome woodland mutinous and discontented rebellious and wayward tricky, volatile boldly adventurous tempestuous and enigmatic clear and pungent brave, cocky gratifying new vast and changeable harshly critical stern and scientific sympathetic and trusting dark, negative perfectly calm and observant clannish local dialectical and controversial inventive, impulsive finite, transitory kindred but greater young, speculative german, honest sensuo-rational cautious and salutary amazing, inimitable philosophical and speculative purely philosophical and speculative liberal and harmonious broad and impulsive keen, sharp and caustic courageous, helpful provocative and hedonistic generous or philanthropic own imitative more anti-christian proud, egoistical passively conservative patriotic, conservative juridical, administrative administrative, military unpractical, pedantic lofty and martial divine and amicable docile and unselfish humane, gentle critical and litigious proud remote inimical and magnificent singularly bold and adventurous independent but still inferior undifferentiated divine almost buddhist omnipresent, superpersonal broad federal violent, litigious rational and generous dark and ambitious unbounded and irregular eternal imperceptible literary and eclectic least sectarian zeal or public infinite and unconscious naturally fanatical modern, restless bold ferocious noble fiery sensual and unromantic lofty statesmanlike utterly vile and detestable high maritime serious victorian adroit and natural loving, christ-like wondrous subtle free, sincere opposite and wholly irreconcilable warlike enterprising violent, intolerant open, joyous high, indomitable uncompromising puritan unduly proud and sensitive unduly proud plucky and truculent proud, plucky and truculent godless and cynical ambitious and fearless reverent and cautious revolutionary secular mystical, esoteric essential irish frothy celtic enterprising and commercial restless, ungovernable precentorial powerful lofty capricious and light-hearted independent, confident bold and tenacious cognate susceptible heroically patriotic legendary, gallant divine and most transcendent enthusiastic, delightful and loving romantic generous perturbed and anguished again strong and clear sweetest and most compelling quiet and worshipful playful and unrestrained proud and somewhat haughty restless and disaffected vain, soulless infinite, glorious imperious and constructive belligerent and tyrannical liberal or authoritative military and adventurous pensively sublime fiery and very unwholesome gentle and enthusiastic present, holiest german and almost heathen ethereal and splendid persistent and self-sacrificing great, childlike personal disembodied thirsty and unsatisfied fundamentally moral frank, open and independent aspiring, enterprising inquisitive and analytic irrefutable, unavoidable germinal public admirable humanitarian same holy wild, devastating singularly inhuman motley and evasive sinless pure rude, sarcastic hopeful and exuberant sensitive, self-willed personal wicked deeply reverent and submissive purely disembodied holy infinite magnificent and ardent somewhat magnificent and ardent sunshiny, breezy fancy and greater truly humble and religious unbroken warlike haughty, bitter free mutinous stoical and analytic subjective and mystical historic and orthodox almost degraded obstinately administrative comprehensively constructive drastic and conclusive extraordinary burlesque helpful, considerate sane and enlightened curious utilitarian far-sighted and princely public undivided and fruitful supercilious and intolerant vindictive republican modern or relative tolerant synthetic pure acid independent and masterful carefree, independent narrow fearful inorganic, infinite unprepared and guilty glad and fearless radical and ironical resolutely wicked hopeful and tranquil thoroughly rebellious illiberal and inhuman unique universalistic strange and perturbed calm, simple and serene loyal and hospitable silent and proud callous, cheerful sympathetic and pure fearless and loving wise, noble skeptical, destructive laudatory, voluble restless or weary practical and strenuous intensely practical and strenuous intensely religious and devout intensely sacerdotal superficial and narrow pious, philanthropic chivalrous, vitriolic reverent and justifiable gay and lawless lawless and indomitable holy zeal and devout magnanimous and lofty fairy or disembodied authoritarian and yet indecisive free mortal captious and capricious doctrinaire middle-class frivolous and sensuous ecstatic emotional weary but uncomplaining absolute romantic lawless and traitorous guilty and unquiet impetuous overbearing dull and proud noblest, freest high and truthful singular, vigorous feverish troubled intense and indefatigable imperious and exclusive exalted and ingenious noble or true volatile, hungry misty, disembodied unexpectedly temperate biblical evangelical exceedingly conciliatory noble and undaunted whole, immortal avaricious and mutinous fiery and unregulated same puritan recently disembodied adventurous and enthusiastic jealous theological cramped and dogmatic loyal and humanistic conciliatory and conservative conservative and didactic critical but fraternal giddy, reckless discontented and suspicious loving and serviceable newly royal indefatigable and patriotic sarcastic and bad wonderfully bold and savage academical and eclectic sceptical and wayward implicitly absolute empirical secular impatient reluctant communicative, sociable impious and evil essentially rationalistic and eclectic essentially mystical essentially mystical and devotional robust and boisterous frank and inquisitive narrow corporate once pacific strong and tasteless pugnacious disembodied martial and industrial exalted and retrograde primary and strongest con-natural fiery and patriotic genial and most social highly enlightened and philosophic capricious paradoxical central nitrous erratic and daring hot enraged ultra-commercial individualistic and unchristian twin, dissimilar divine desirous free and thankful voluntary and immortal independent and grander broad and even eager hopelessly partisan stubborn self-sufficient dauntless and patriotic bold, inquisitive and scientific inquisitive and scientific sturdy and enterprising strong clannish fickle and profane chimerical and passionate prevalent revolutionary lawless or revolutionary thoroughly lawless or revolutionary otherwise optimistic buoyant and girlish watchful modest vile critical frequently malignant real regimental evident regimental impartial and truly international rebellious, lazy modern kindred healthy and highly laudable immaculate and pure active, moral restless and dominant individualistic, militant reckless impatient ambitious, scientific liberal and finely sympathetic sectarian or intolerant profound and enterprising naturally loving and sympathetic gladly expectant [ancestral nitrous ethereal godless pagan mundane pagan restless missionary fiery, noxious essentially servile languid lazy critical, disruptive intolerant, unsympathetic appreciative and indebted positively appreciative and indebted positively appreciative stronger anti-papal narrowly acquisitive joyful, victorious proudest and most poetic unselfish and impersonal calm energetic tart and bitter reasonable and philosophic serious and almost gloomy high but gentle divine imperishable audacious and turbulent gentle and fairy adventurous and cheerful adventurous and fierce haughty, sour frank and hasty martial and turbulent haughty but noble restless and resolute high and ancestral feverish and wayward vast, homogeneous ardent humanitarian terrible and wise joyous, playful thoughtful and depressed weary and distressed pure and victorious restless and intolerant martial and ferocious high and independent pure contemplative doubtful public lofty and enterprising liberal and enterprising great uncanny truly missionary mysterious, insubstantial free and disembodied fierce demonic rousing much hostile and insidious rigid and jealous active and martial certain partisan energetic and noble brave hopeful thy unprotected frivolous or sentimental large, inclusive good wicked immutable and immortal bold, turbulent easier modern enthusiastic, inquisitive petty, mischievous wicked or evil hitherto undaunted meek and self-sacrificing huge and ragged generous and cosmopolitan nobly virtuous imperishable and universal candid and fair good hopeful sober strong wicked satirical abstract and dreamy violent and extortionate fresh and childlike already perturbed hapless and oppressed rebellious, romantic weak and volatile sunshiny, cheerful hopeful and vigorous bold and austere humble and contrite strong volatile celestial and immortal grimly defiant proud, unyielding fraternal and affectionate genuine public broad and philosophic sincere public naturally hopeful fierce republican discontented and mutinous hitherto constant buoyant and elastic disinterested public kindred ethnic newly generous woodland and human restless experimental strong, colorless strong and colorless angry, revolutionary generous and reckless insolent playful sensual free sole strong unchanging and immortal true bipartisan true, gallant nameless and shadowy strange kindred sssteal pale and shrunken single, invisible extraordinarily adventurous weary but indomitable vivacious and upbeat black elemental black intangible devil-mythological old, indestructible horrible, earthbound engagingly independent proper adventurous bright, indomitable evil familiar preconceived, narrow fast busy anonymous unclean royal and republican superior and indefatigable invisible, disembodied macabre and demoniac aggressive, adventurous feral and malign negative and resentful warm communal great ridiculous normally calm and flexible calm and flexible boisterous, whimsical independent, amoral foul but highly effective wrongful and impudent bloodless and barren somewhat bloodless and barren wayward malevolent active and economic magnificent regimental inflexible and stubborn exalted and undaunted evil subtle intolerably mercenary intense and fearless overdeveloped, superhuman undaunted and cruel restless and apprehensive exacting and narrow selfish and engrossing meek and intelligent weighty and sweet remarkably weighty and sweet innermost creative universal undifferentiated invisible, haunting poetical discerning strong incipient ancestral national servile, intriguing independent, intractable lawless and undisguised beautiful and indomitable formal, satiric restless anarchical sullen perverse mighty, energetic blindly reverent appreciative and candid intense aristocratic such demagogic similar republican realistic and sober unimpaired national easy, uncritical naive uncritical lively municipal laudable and liberal externally cheerful ever malignant thy internal thankful and devout national warlike melancholy dull childlike, loving fine worshipful fierce independent sincerely ardent and enthusiastic sincerely ardent distinctly amiable candid and conciliatory wise and open-minded thoroughly sordid young and self-willed vain, self-indulgent pugnacious, sceptical unreasonably indulgent affectionate but feeble strong and very pure violent impetuous malevolent, unjust restless and revolutionary equally humane and liberal remarkably philosophic infinitely buoyant quaint and infinitely buoyant eager and martial truly gentle and high-minded courageous and self-reliant daring and somewhat foolhardy bold and unimaginative oppressed, self-absorbed lofty, tragic vast insurgent naturally gentle and artistic inscrutable, ever-present magnanimous, patriotic tolerant, rational honest and slowest inquiring and experimental broad creative acquisitive, aggressive national ardent toughest and most stubborn merciless and dark pure and reverent free, lofty true, inborn gracious, glad scholastically frigid universally amicable still sanguine interestingly difficult new and interestingly difficult wisest and deepest blithe sociable purest altruistic gloomy, awful imperious, unyielding pure and deeply religious dour illiberal quietly companionable less maternal undaunted and splendid timid, traditional creative and daring torpid and inert unselfish, pure vindictive or personal vehemently republican inexhaustible and universal spiritual, inexhaustible and universal unsettled and war-like grimmest, wildest lawless, brutal southern or cavalier distinctively southern or cavalier defiant and mutinous affectionate, filial fairy, non-mortal frivolous and facile magnanimous public duly generalized

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Words to Describe spirit

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "spirit" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "spirit" are: contrite and humble, pert and nimble, vigorous continental, foolish extravagant, and rigid and intolerant. There are 995 other words to describe spirit listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe spirit suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "spirit" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many spirit adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is spirit?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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