Describing Wordsfor Stridden

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Here are some adjectives for stridden: straight-backed regal, limber, tireless, familiar positive, long and noiseless, abrupt muscular, easy and balanced, easy catlike, tireless, ageless, bouncy, outgoing, loose-jointed free-wheeling, stern and breathless, easy cat-like, grave, regal, flawless mechanical, hideous padded, loose, british, single and swift, long, broken-backed, quick refreshed, long and limber, straight-backed, free, monotonous but safe, easy long-distance, orfantal, rhythmic, jocund, full, impassioned, familiar rhythmic, quicker, softer, effortless and noiseless, characteristically ponderous. You can get the definitions of these stridden adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to stridden (and find more here).

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Words to Describe stridden

Below is a list of describing words for stridden. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe stridden:

straight-backed regal limber, tireless familiar positive long and noiseless abrupt muscular easy and balanced easy catlike tireless, ageless bouncy, outgoing loose-jointed free-wheeling stern and breathless easy cat-like grave, regal flawless mechanical hideous padded loose, british single and swift long, broken-backed quick refreshed long and limber straight-backed, free monotonous but safe easy long-distance orfantal rhythmic, jocund full, impassioned familiar rhythmic
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quicker, softer effortless and noiseless characteristically ponderous leaden, mechanical peculiarly swift and easy vast next purposeful confident business-like quick casual and quiet superb, irresistible easy, regular lithe and rapid earlier long atypically loose usual purposeful different, confident normally cocky long and quick short but brisk wide steady lithe, disquieting easy, tireless graceful, arrogant leggy, easy elegant, self-assured confident, long long, confident quick, rangy unhurried, graceful efficient, unhurried strong and uncaring normal purposeful unchanging, rapid great quick elastic, graceful free, purposeful grave jewish eccentric, resolute wide and hasty gigantic and almost sudden swift, undulating long and cat-like long unisonal steady but swift steady and apparently tireless majestic and yet voluptuous genteel rickety noiseless and curiously delicate grand and initial loose-jointed, flat-footed elastic, athletic long, militant noticeable long lithe unhurried distinctly editorial beautifully free and easy swift tremulous swift, joyous rapid, disordered long and effortless resilient, tireless visible, large and direct unnecessary downward supple, easy doubly furious swift business-like slow and shadowy positively melodramatic long, energetic long, tireless short polite usual leafy unnervingly steady quick, feline own jaunty rough, lumbering familiar graceful long and careless easy high free, effortless outlandish geometrical vigorous, buoyant long, free liquid, silent customary brisk soft and sudden long, furtive swift, confident jerky, mechanical strong, easy long, easy characteristic catlike brisk, purposive solid, confident strangely gaited short, balanced quick, massive resolute easy customary leggy resilient, peppy own six-foot-four jerky extra graceful, steady unmistakable brisk steady, long loose easygoing long methodical easy athletic darkly graceful inhuman but imperious noiseless, unhesitant odd, automatic consciously smooth fragile, no-nonsense inefficient angry full overbearing purposeful and completely sober smooth, predatory loose deceptive quick comfortable less gusty slow, bouncy same bouncy slow arrogant attractive brunette habitual double long and distinctly ominous boyishly jubilant faintly catlike habitual purposeful customary confident quiet but purposeful lanky, purposeful tiredly jaunty arrogant, confident peculiarly swift vigorous, purposeful long, effortless purposeful, urgent quick, bouncy weird, feral hulking, lumbering quick, woozy familiar, arrogant ferocious, relentless automatic robotic almost loose unhurried, purposeful bouncy, carefree brisk and bouncy limber, easy habitual confident characteristically saucy bidepal economical, purposeful absolutely sure and full rapid, tireless brisk, athletic full, spirited restless and tireless easy, elastic swift brief low restless swift sombre hearty, self-confident swift, wonderful easy lilting long logical swift, unflagging long hasty tense swift tireless steady easy swift easy, alert long rapacious long slouchy low frictionless beautifully free quick, tireless intensely theatrical nonchalant brisk full splendid carefree and easy long careless powerful, regular long, brisk smooth, tireless long easy broad, quick strong, rhythmic long, noiseless urugal silent, easy former confident rough, rapid same purposeful swift, resolute free, swift rapid eager flat, grim long, resolute arrogant military next quick simple casual free, quick long, tremendous successful big short restless fine happy easy, vigorous natural elastic tan and heavy actual fine characteristic jerky easy, fearless soft, easy-going long stilted unceasing, persistent free elastic calm, purposeful swift long soft and secret jerky, uneven soft rapid long and easy long, quick long, military swift smooth easy, powerful fine smart long, sure long, rangy blocky, muscular regal and imperious loose, angular beautiful careless free, long characteristically long normal, loud angry, quick slow menacing long and tireless full and comfortable fine willing swift, airy normally lazy slow, arrogant last, bold stiff, angry peculiar, dainty stiff native gangling boyish long and economical precise, confident entirely naturalistic single belligerent exaggeratedly slow long arrogant lengthy, silent confident, aggressive beautiful, rhythmic painfully circumspect easy elastic single more great, fearful magnificent and inimitable long, careless vast revolutionary swift elastic strong and easy large and direct vast gigantic long indignant long tireless long, ponderous confident, easy slow long new associate quick rhythmic slightly quicker long, aggressive ponderous, powerful long, generous steady long unmistakably familiar proper and free rapid and long great, easy big, swift usual masterful stealthy, silent usual impatient quick, military long, stealthy long, indolent alert, quick usual sluggish slow, hesitant long quick long, swift long free naturally short fantastically long quick, purposeful slow, dead long, elastic long awkward long rapid great easy free, easy long elastic quick and nervous long, impatient quick purposeful same jerky usual uninhibited strangely stiff exaggeratedly careful distinctly ominous heavy, mechanical long, catlike long, purposeful casually confident easy balanced nice, graceful swift, desperate quick, practical great elastic fierce, familiar long jerky still majestic quick, elastic freer and fuller long noiseless unisonal free long vigorous, aggressive long cat-like full and magnificent rapid silent own somber quick, heavy long, rhythmic long, vigorous graceful feline single downward special short sixth great lithe, easy frighteningly long steady, rhythmical vast administrative occasional slow long, splendid absurd long unmistakable military quick, energetic long, rapid long, athletic rapid, jerky long, loose-jointed long swift ragged and desperate loose, easy such resounding same tireless usual broad lean and graceful stiff legged bold and positive long confident swift, lithe silent, catlike swift, military swift purposeful big, solemn hasty and rapid quick, rapid apparently tireless easy, steady phenomenally long sudden rapid mock military single impetuous purposeful more brave long, angry characteristic british steady, tireless quick, steady long and wonderful final, long easy, graceful usual brisk rapid, silent larger and looser long and lazy swift noiseless slow, careless long steady long, steady swift and relentless quick, lopsided smooth, athletic uniquely powerful loose, long steady, purposeful steady, remorseless swift but noiseless usual forceful low, careful hurngal hungry, predatory slow stiff solemn, slow single, sudden genuine professional more confident long, nervous long, powerful elegant long free, noble brisk, businesslike curiously delicate free wild old defiant easy, athletic swift, powerful fourth long completely sober long, ardent best full quick powerful slow, restless militarily precise careless, easy short military long, curious steady, swift long, feverish easy, rapid jaunty military good brisk usual graceful long and eager quick, impatient single long graceful, easy long, unhurried usual crisp present gigantic strong, elastic lithe and beautiful long supple long deliberate slow, languorous quick, strong fairly consistent long rhythmic steady, quick peculiar silent usual proud same sturdy swift, noiseless quick impatient deceptively lazy tremendous intellectual long majestic quick, noiseless swift graceful slow, sluggish long urgent usual terrific easy, unhurried old energetic free, full quick and heavy steady, heavy strong, quick ordinary free almost martial calm and easy same unhurried smooth, easy slow, powerful long, regular single complete swift, soft old confident smooth steady fine, long quick, catlike seemingly tireless quick silent long full usual imperturbable fine, free great evolutionary comparatively clumsy familiar, comfortable unusually brisk same vibrant almost sudden grand free slow, long normally smooth swift and easy quick, graceful strong, long heavy, long good free final long hard long wide, easy slow, menacing more stiff regular and steady fine free rapid, nervous swift, smooth calm, steady usual confident smooth, graceful big important effortless slow deliberate swift, sure slow, purposeful bold and masculine long, loose quick, angry quick, easy same unbroken vast moral perfectly steady strong, graceful swift, strong sudden long late arrival slightly hesitant steady, confident slow rhythmic strange slow own relentless hard, steady slow solemn free-wheeling smooth and easy strong, energetic long nervous precise military beautiful, wonderful surprisingly long bouncy same regal usual jaunty seemingly effortless quick, lithe long, supple same automatic short, choppy quick, impulsive true masculine more assertive bold, confident great cultural long, furious lean, graceful single rapid long, clean long legged quick, nervous long final unhesitant slow graceful long, limber long, familiar quick, confident glad, free slow, easy collossal full professional several quick rangy easy, natural long, continuous unhurried slow, mechanical usual deliberate strong steady long, single usual long bold, free terribly long easy confident usual boyish long uneven brisk, no-nonsense gentle, easy broken-backed tireless long, graceful brisk military own huge long gentle gaited own swift easy, confident long, calm strong, clean quick nervous cocky little usual impetuous rapid brisker stern and gloomy six-foot-four vigorous little proud and lofty catlike cat-like thirty-mile single quick long, luxurious limber slow, deliberate almost defiant long, dangerous curious long extra long loose-jointed same rapid sudden and rapid brisk largest possible carefully casual long, comfortable wonderfully long noiseless long, slow long, lanky good steady barometrical long, hungry single, long slow heavy less uncertain steady rhythmic elastic long, lazy quick, savage short but heavy sudden quick somewhat hasty terrible long already impressive nice easy leggy long graceful macdougal too-rapid lithe, graceful almost arrogant categorical long and powerful legged same long more arrogant firmer more vehement free and easy swift long, soft quick own unconscious steadier stealthy few frantic long elegant fourth or fifth long loose impossibly long tall, athletic greatest scientific long strange mechanical slow, careful fine-tuned fine bold more quick great revolutionary long or short same easy self-confident same angry almost feverish quick, short same deliberate short, quick last, desperate jaunty long soft jerky already considerable martial quick, decisive long, silent quicker tragi-comic slow, steady longest possible long, quiet graceful somewhat larger great lumbering long, smooth hasty hesitant rhythmical long, hot slouchy long, strong more rapid rather wide long, lithe extraordinarily long swift, silent already long heavy military resolute forthright no-nonsense slow and steady same proud quick and easy buoyant shortest possible slinky single human quick, eager birdlike supple almost masculine more normal cocky uneven long slow mid peppy long smooth long, elegant lithe long, hard free and independent absolutely sure athletic refreshed mellifluous unusually long crucial penultimate same steady fairly long long and strong more decisive long long flat-footed slow full three-mile melodramatic regal impatient same powerful good, long businesslike deliberate shorter straight-backed energetic carefree haughty freer unsteady same slow free single slow and solemn resilient ageless almost painful more deliberate perturbed aggressive longer vigorous long-distance eager authoritative lumbering majestic nervous dougal now familiar slow-motion lilting woozy mile-long angry self-assured thunderous next great more casual defiant more majestic choppy brunette lanky masculine good long arrogant conjectural gangling careless more long confessional methodical big blond stilted boyish military self-willed prodigious swiftest jocund gigantic feline masterful militant stiff-backed toilsome unflagging alert outgoing tremendous awkward own military other animal unconcerned balanced assertive nice long long, heavy frictionless feverish longest purposive languorous unequal meditative eight-foot quick, sharp easygoing robotic looser smooth slowest great practical lengthy ponderous breathless longish bold normal human uncaring meteoric business-like impetuous enormous long, low lusty powerful short stiff slower stiffer lopsided inimitable verbal loose dauntless polite magisterial furtive remorseless imperious theatrical resounding elephantine thoroughbred unwarrantable bolder decisive early-morning fifth immense last great forceful restless shifty frank furious mighty uninhibited colossal downward other large khaki evolutionary wide-open more positive mechanical careful guilty despairing weary fourth unintentional geometrical circumspect threefold litle incalculable unmistakable unbroken sluggish vehement tedious next maximum semantic capable fearless festive conversational stalwart agile tottering predatory napoleonic indolent pompous leaden inept relentless fuller belligerent muscular long, long sharper undulating solemn naturalistic tremulous inordinate casual associate lazy impulsive truculent disquieting

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Words to Describe stridden

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "stridden" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "stridden" are: straight-backed regal, limber, tireless, familiar positive, long and noiseless, and abrupt muscular. There are 995 other words to describe stridden listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe stridden suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "stridden" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many stridden adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is stridden?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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