Describing Wordsfor Lake

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Here are some adjectives for lake: second-largest freshwater, large and brilliantly blue, highest navigable, somber subterranean, placid subterranean, small cultured, immense, man-made, far-off caustic, lovely bottomless, green alkaline, calm and perfectly transparent, still placid and glassy, long freshwater, huge and dried-up, dreary and troubled, strenuous blue, small but tranquil, largest artificial, mighty, slow-moving, wide artificial, huge briny, gigantic freshwater, sizable but shallow, new shallow, small unfrozen, placid, vast, new, man-made, vermilion and crimson, longest freshwater, exceedingly clear and pure. You can get the definitions of these lake adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to lake (and find more here).

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Words to Describe lake

Below is a list of describing words for lake. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe lake:

second-largest freshwater large and brilliantly blue highest navigable somber subterranean placid subterranean small cultured immense, man-made far-off caustic lovely bottomless green alkaline calm and perfectly transparent still placid and glassy long freshwater huge and dried-up dreary and troubled strenuous blue small but tranquil largest artificial mighty, slow-moving wide artificial huge briny gigantic freshwater sizable but shallow new shallow small unfrozen
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placid, vast new, man-made vermilion and crimson longest freshwater exceedingly clear and pure calm glossy pink, cochineal large and apparently deep peaceful, dark-blue tranquil and glassy immense dried-up ancient enormous bright, miniature underground freshwater black mournful circular artificial thermally active great bitter deepest subterranean native and desolate smooth and stagnant smoothly sparkling fifth grassy large nitrous motionless interior wide unruffled placid, classic peculiarly grand and impressive still placid little palm-fringed far-off baikal still cold and smooth great deathless --astonishingly beautiful largest norwegian beautiful, extensive smaller bitter still glassy wide and blue beautiful dal quiet and clear mighty underground plain, glorious lovely subterranean huge, placid dazzling wide swampy and somewhat unhealthy circular emerald vast freshwater treacherously placid small tree-lined blond and nerveless blue clean milky man-made wide, impassible circular and placid misty, wintry excruciatingly slow and tedious brackish, turgid enormous stagnant filthy viscous perfectly smooth and solid significant blind evil, hungry mere central northern or chinese world-renowned bavarian wild and changeable blue, brackish circular clean-cut placid or stagnant beautiful, nameless transparent swiss distant and expansive troubled and swollen glassy or leaden famous dal so-called dal wide, turbulent bold glacial deepest and most tempestuous inexhaustible, subterranean rydal and rydal idyllic woodland nameless northern diminutive limpid tiny tranquil luminous, moonlit shallow, freshwater yellow, misty silent and lonely little solitary and very interesting considerable ancient motionless stagnant darned dry dull, unruffled tolerably insoluble placid or beautiful far nameless blue underground strangely deep and quiet deeper or smaller beautiful and moonlit cool and azure well-known bitter dark and deepest superb land-locked fallow, crystal peaceful hazy generally rich and productive sickening, freshwater past flathead showy crimson bluest accessible nameless and almost unknown stagnant swollen azure and bottomless beautiful but not wild wide, reedy uncannily long and lean far-away bavarian black, crimson beautiful but then dreary beautiful, brackish quite rough and more stagnant torpid newborn glacial favorite canadian picturesque artificial solid, restful famous periodical tremendous glassy gloomy and bottomless extinct glacial lavish chinese-style handsome but shallow sombre sacred mere or small sullen, wintry mere or little wide, prehistoric inner post-glacial emerald coloured moist and shallow vacant, broad placid crystal bad vermilion stagnant red own land-locked recurrent great dear, mysterious little extinct apparently underground freshwater baltic aforementioned ancient fair azure rapt, deep remarkable gangabal never-ending great vermilion, purple beautiful unnamed prehistoric swiss stupendously beautiful rectangular sacred furthermore scarlet japanese associate pure nocturnal calm and halcyon fishy fishy quiet, icebound rugged romantic tranquil and wonderfully clear small but singularly beautiful broad, stagnant wind-swept and unsheltered extremely picturesque and beautiful unseen, bottomless lowest and most extensive bright, stygian clumsy but picturesque motionless and stagnant past mono next and yet smaller moonlit and mysterious limitless and placid luminous moonlit small synthetic deep upland deep dirty white foamed wide and unsettled huge salty wee, sleepy prodigious artificial beautiful andean shallow, artificial immense interglacial broad and rather shallow shallow underground fair vast beautiful, crystalline your real large man-made clear smooth dark, foamy obviously man-made vast artificial brilliantly blue larger, clearer vast calm slippery scarlet vast rancid large nameless private half-acre wide emerald monstrous dead unbroken crystalline narrow, reedy inconceivably frigid deep placid clean and seemingly bottomless large freshwater motionless colorless extensive but shallow gray, man-made large brackish vast alkaline satisfactorily deep huge brackish southern and most crystalline calm rosy ninth biggest otherwise leaden rare shallow pleasant artificial goddamned crystal calm shallow clear, pristine vast, listless spectacular, craggy flat warm great japanese-american molten underground shallow glassy big salty important sudden shallow sour nearest bottomless hot and blue shallow man-made pink, circular unknown warm fair and broad wide filthy nasty, polluted cold and possibly dangerous oil-slicked central deliciously cool and moist yon treacherous mysterious warm far unnamed calm, misty shallow, futile treacherous and stormy rather brackish large artificyal great freshwater variable and indeterminate crystal and delightful beautiful, crystal and delightful artificial swiss unknown interior thy hushed fifth and largest fabled elfin still unfrozen noble artificial deep mighty vast and indiscriminate vast phantom quiet lucid smaller, cleaner calm sicilian silent dry deepest and bluest everlasting fiery uncannily long limpid, glassy romantic small biggest freshwater picturesque miniature broad and tolerably calm plain and glassy wide and circular much crimson hitherto unrivaled small but very deep lower and largest lovely lonesome green and sacred central and domestic deep, glacial enchanting italian glassy dark-green usual subterranean narrow but beautiful broad and lengthy still lone partly man-made plain and placid wide, weird icy, crystalline farthest large handsome, wooded small and partially wooded deep unruffled great and filthy endless endless clear but very deep small man-made small brackish small freshwater clear, small great lost quiet eternal small and peaceful pure and profound distant, beautiful big artificial small glacial spacious blue large and mysterious wide and glassy shallow, swampy largest freshwater old mono exquisite formal huge stagnant otherwise unruffled narrow beautiful great, gracious great, unerring great sulphurous male japanese wonderful prehistoric dark and boisterous small, brackish horribly sad arid, sterile new, lower still italian placid moonlit broad and stormy vermilion, red blue irish now shrunken nearly separate vast shiny small but romantic cold gray-blue deep artificial small artificial fairly calm ancient, legendary same woodland vast and superb far canadian deep and capacious black and bottomless large artificial extensive shallow lone blue rosendal soft, translucent dim and vague long artificial vast, underground enormous inner serene green bowl-shaped dead broad artificial steep flat certainly deep and cold deep volcanic big freshwater small airborne flat, unbroken homicidal protective gray, restless amazing red circular central placid and peaceful immense, artificial legendary underground far-off small ninth and lowest deepest, bluest narrow, salty other undisturbed shallow, crystalline incandescently flaming distant ornamental same dried-up far sparkling big, stagnant small calm huge argentinian pleasant and excellent subordinate general vast and romantic golden syrupy once glacial cool, glassy extensive irregular shallow, reedy artificyal usually turbulent broad and silent many sylvan shallow brackish dark and limpid wide long terrible and sacred beautiful shallow stormy, treacherous liquid fiery black unfathomable solitary and almost inaccessible immense pale thy glassy beautiful, historic highest big magnificent oval blue and placid blue, cool yellow and yellow tiny blue-black glorious southern broad crystalline blue radiant rather low and considerable fine freshwater still canadian deep and open immense shallow flat desolate aforesaid great next upper turbulent and muddy freshwater immense artificial great artificial dark subterranean vast, cool black underground serene and sunny swiss or italian gigantic artificial stagnant little small, artificial largest and most prosperous small land-locked large and picturesque smooth translucent broad and wide wide, stormy little limpid upper and larger tremendously deep tiresome, stupid weird, green turgid little tiny azure silent desolate wild wee broader and larger lovely placid picturesque new usually extensive northern canadian soft horizontal black, stormy nearly dried-up gray monotonous calm or stormy smaller and prettier equally impassable immense hot black stygian delightfully romantic beautiful, distant vast, dead large swampy little land-locked peculiarly grand miniature artificial sunny italian great swampy dark clear little unnamed deep glacial vast dry huge placid salty red adjacent black wide lavender almost dried-up big gooey mighty subterranean inverted l-shaped curved maroon small sylvan beautiful and clear infernal green clear and glorious calm and lucid large and sacred separate minor long, dazzling clear, placid strangely deep finest artificial largest african previously smooth small, placid clear, peaceful mysterious, deep huge unnatural shallow temporary wide and tranquil fair and picturesque black and muddy interesting circular ancient swiss past broad quiet sandy quiet, smooth wide, placid so-called beautiful sentimental italian placid green yon breezy blue italian vast shallow deep subterranean vast, shallow dark and silent marvelous blue white misty small clear still blue small, icy small clean small dark-blue large and vivid vast tidal still greener glassy little blue and limpid great placid extensive and delightful large sacred richest and deepest broad and dangerous glassy, transparent permanent and stable broad and picturesque beauteous green fresh, blue little artificial vast, deep great, wild deep, placid small shallow great glacial dead calm navigable deep and icy closest large small, dead single sparkling deeply crimson largest natural deep clear narrow artificial huge coastal little man-made huge, dirty goddam fake calm mysterious placid, beautiful remote glacial small gloomy deep and cold vast maritime immense deep wonderful artificial quiet, black beautiful swiss great navigable broad, tranquil great tertiary shallow, brackish tiny miniature black and stagnant great tumultuous largest and most interesting small blue-green great and charming narrow ornamental beautiful canadian beautiful artificial perfectly unruffled beautiful but terrible raw gray still profound quiet, misty small, shallow small, clear blue and beautiful land-locked sinister dark blue, bright small woodland large, placid huge dry shallow and muddy wide underground blue tropical little placid tiny, clear generally rich little landlocked deep and peaceful quite rough certain norwegian remote canadian little fishy large tidal rather muddy clear, deep deep, clear placid beautiful flat rydal large, silent tranquil little apparently deep wild, desolate lovely blue certainly deep deep and black gigantic, dark brown sticky shallow artificial large and tranquil broad, calm unnavigable dead ancient great sticky vast, turbulent beautiful swedish fiery, restless large canadian clear and shallow tranquil green small placid silent, desolate small but very beautiful exceedingly clear small beautiful great and broad deep, transparent dim and quiet small glassy deep, luminous blue coloured beautiful land-locked clear, translucent warm and sleepy stygian endless, endless expansive white nearby dry calm deep little wintry distant great big cool deep unfathomable numerous dry large picturesque smaller interior little dark-blue reedy great shallow sparkling clear green irish more crimson wide shallow deep, hot wide blue vast underground huge, lazy foamy brown great moonlit small, circular sacred underground shallow, stagnant pale, eerie black icy grim dead little reedy dangerously open smooth and clear blue, deep large interior great swiss tempestuous little beautiful woodland solemn solitary small reedy almost quiet calm, smooth beautiful circular sad, grey fair blue beautiful, serene wildest and grandest spectral blue long woodland green swiss calm dead grey, empty clear and smooth vast blue brackish clear dark huge artificial clear, smooth calm and beautiful large shallow great vacant vast yellow bleak, dreary tranquil and beautiful frosty blue bright and breezy small, natural beautiful distant small but deep long oval dank and gloomy deep, dangerous crystal blue somewhat unhealthy deep clean wide and long never dry clear turquoise large, muddy small volcanic extensive artificial real and dangerous blue, beautiful tolerably calm broad oblong deep blue-green vast interior black, motionless large ornamental large, calm wonderful subterranean small nameless quiet woodland lovely fair nearest and largest fair and spacious sparkling emerald fair, broad beautiful cathedral deeply wooded large grassy lovely italian great interior muddy grey formerly clear once molten shallow coastal blue little awful deep ancient artificial hitherto tranquil great fresh great woodland sullen grey dim misty yon sacred broad, shallow glassy greenish blue large and extensive deep broad landlocked endless black beautiful miniature immense central long but narrow flat, barren shallow white beautiful sparkling great, irregular fairy little long and lean big clean enormous crystal beautiful azure great fossil shallow subterranean great underground stagnant large and deep little woodland dark underground biggest goddamned calm black amazingly clear picturesque natural infinitely soft vast oval calm, blue new and smaller big sandy vast and deep largest and most beautiful beautiful calm pure, cool full smooth black slimy small stagnant clear, calm clear small narrow, long deep translucent clear blue unruffled small, deep calm and placid unfrozen sparkling little romantic little clear green limpid great clear deep, smooth clear, broad pure and transparent little subterranean real, natural chinese-style other upper smooth glassy smooth clear little big dark stormy narrow, deep smooth, clear small and shallow large and pleasant artificial wide, shallow wide, smooth vast, dry solid brown calm, open small landlocked black bottomless palm-fringed fat, delicious small, central little interior small, beautiful little, dark broad dark man-made moonlit small underground large, hot fourth largest calm green great emerald many innocent cochineal somewhat inferior little ornamental smooth blue shallow little icebound wide, sluggish excruciatingly slow big, dead perfectly peaceful small and beautiful small and perfect deep and clear wonderful mexican small, wooded bottomless deep blue deep, blue great prehistoric deep and broad underground intensely blue clear little broad beautiful broad and placid vast subterranean subglacial perfectly transparent little pure broad, beautiful highly romantic sparkling blue shallow brown small, peaceful deep, broad deep, awful small but beautiful great, blue big, cool silky blue new artificial beautiful little now dark deep, cold deep quiet curious black large underground clear, transparent blue black shallow, muddy wild grey largest such small, transparent still calm occasional large sweet blue whole big deep and beautiful glassy smooth dark, subterranean wide dry fairly sizable long polar dark glassy little scenic enormous metallic fair italian reedy little large unknown hitherto placid single immense little shallow small picturesque fine wide famous sacred wine-dark salt-crusted wonderful green small deep placid little vast and silent flat brown foul and loathsome

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Words to Describe lake

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "lake" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "lake" are: second-largest freshwater, large and brilliantly blue, highest navigable, somber subterranean, and placid subterranean. There are 995 other words to describe lake listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe lake suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "lake" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many lake adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is lake?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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