Describing Wordsfor Abode

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Here are some adjectives for abode: vast and grim, extraordinary and most insolent, familiar, congenial, lofty lone, traditional happy, general underground, gloomy and already sorrowful, aristocratic imperial, happy & peaceful, now gaal, seaside temporary, demure, staid, low one-room, new and uninhabitable, humble and totally unworthy, sacred safe, undesirable or uncongenial, ordinary but not constant, well-defined, circumscribed, natural but inconvenient, remarkably healthy and comfortable, luxurious masculine, miserably incomplete, cheerful or convenient, dismal, infernal, temporary common, patriarchal and imperial, eligible and comfortable, sombre, ruinous, principal and perhaps aboriginal. You can get the definitions of these abode adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to abode (and find more here).

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Words to Describe abode

Below is a list of describing words for abode. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe abode:

vast and grim extraordinary and most insolent familiar, congenial lofty lone traditional happy general underground gloomy and already sorrowful aristocratic imperial happy & peaceful now gaal seaside temporary demure, staid low one-room new and uninhabitable humble and totally unworthy sacred safe undesirable or uncongenial ordinary but not constant well-defined, circumscribed natural but inconvenient remarkably healthy and comfortable
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luxurious masculine miserably incomplete cheerful or convenient dismal, infernal temporary common patriarchal and imperial eligible and comfortable sombre, ruinous principal and perhaps aboriginal ordinarily tranquil romantic and dangerous already sorrowful dark and final dour and windswept happy and blissful deep-seated eternal shady and cooler comfortable and very private wretched and foul magnificent, habitable alluringly wicked old-fashioned, quaint hopeless and dark abiding or permanent dazzling, incorruptible suitable or pleasant congenial and tolerant obscure and cheap gallant and cynical capacious but exceedingly gloomy spacious and still cheerful hitherto transient tangible, habitable venerable but gloomy eastern celestial favorite and almost constant dim and lonesome cheerful and desirable desolate and last once pleasant and tranquil comfortable, habitable idle and most unprofitable pleasant undisturbed medieval rural desirable aerial squalid, dismal childless lone dismal, lifelong humble safe eternal and unseen ruinous and gloomy simple, virginal familiar temporary flat and grimy antiquated and dusky noiseless and obscure scarcely sadder murky, silent and dreary humble but decent romantic and salutary last virginal foul and dreary fitting permanent modest temporary absolutely wretched ethereal and serene perhaps aboriginal dead and dark rather uncongenial mathematically small and insignificant mathematically small totally unworthy gloomy royal brilliant and favorite auspicious and healthy magical and malevolent ruinous and now dangerous young fugitive neat but unassuming low-ceilinged, dim late cheerful shady, black lofty, celestial free and remote silent and temporary exclusive, material nay luxurious characteristically boyish high, wearisome deep and subterranean recent metropolitan poor but neat deplorable human once pleasant neat, unpretentious own unwholesome original, divine large and habitable mysterious and splendid dismal and sorrowful nil�chal thy nilachal thy former snug infinitely ancient gloomy monastic dreary dark new corporeal dim cavernous restful and impressive usual privileged thy corporeal agreeable and convenient elizabethanly complete blissful, eternal and highest proud royal resplendent, unfamiliar constant and sure desperate and damned bare and colorless primitive and humble inferior but still tolerable main immediate dreary, dark present peaceful characteristic and delightful richest and most comfortable exceedingly humble cold and lofty fairly elegant dull mortal lone and last comfortable temporary visible temporary proper and exclusive true funeral horrid and dangerous far olympian comparatively aristocratic free and tranquil huge ruinous hospitable and cheerful large venerable native and proper strange and luxurious own movable graceful and luxurious solitary and distant own one-room own nightmarish favorite aerial pleasant and neat humble but pleasant rough one-room former unlucky little patriarchal long and last desirable and permanent peaceful and picturesque quiet and congenial silent, fair bare windowless superb and mysterious healthy and comfortable bare, inhospitable immortal and imperishable solitary and miserable eternal and highest tidy and comfortable particularly delightful thy serene quite temporary strange and desolate desirable and convenient magnificent ancestral more palatial silent and dreary own, humble blissful, bright lofty and serene last terrestrial main characteristic comfortable and suitable simple, rude truly sylvan luxurious royal warm-hearted and hospitable wondrous wide small but convenient pleasant and tranquil white and elegant magnificent feudal old poverty-stricken handsome, luxurious present monastic once favorite ancient and ruinous cold solitary original ancestral regular continental permanent royal interesting royal bright, serene wonderful aerial otherwise somber dark and filthy absolutely plain original sacred present or late natural and domestic comfortable and cozy gloomy, desolate exceedingly gloomy present intolerable eternal and glorious scarcely accessible ancient and august thine august jacal imperial high wholesome and delicious own foremost once desolate slimy, green present higher less sumptuous beautiful and quiet eminently satisfactory safe and permanent much briefer narrow intermediate humble, unpretentious peculiarly comfortable exclusive and permanent still tolerable sad and miserable entirely suitable present luxurious small, humble singularly agreeable temporary human dark solitary permanent and peaceful beautiful, luxurious venerable and ancient quiet, tranquil fine and pleasant long and spacious once tranquil dark and windowless peaceable and happy still cheerful lonely himalayan final and eternal cheerful and pleasant black and gloomy pleasant, airy dark and doleful same blissful small and dark modest new comparatively humble plainer and simpler sunny, cheerful silent and sombre now humble thy dreary comfortable and pleasant former peaceful present uncomfortable solid, comfortable superterrestrial next galactic clean, small now dangerous thy mysterious dull and dirty new and safe breezier natural and fitting present miserable ancient asiatic high and eternal hitherto peaceful dim and smoky otherwise gloomy roomy and comfortable thy terrible somewhat dismal next vacant same ill-fated thy sublime such cheerful fast-vanishing pleasant, warm little red-faced once royal thy new thy last pleasant and comfortable sane and safe less luminous present comfortable dark and cold present strange beautiful and peaceful quiet and serene most dear present dreary nearest human remarkably healthy humble strange and barbarous snug and comfortable once quiet comfortable modern surprisingly neat permanent or temporary gloomy and desolate own blissful own humble dreary and desolate somewhat sorry tranquil and happy thy mild charming and picturesque sweet and wholesome perfect fairy dark and foul wild and remote spacious and comfortable less fancy rather solitary calm, serene brighter and better thy frail respectable middle-class permanent temporary thy calm solemn and beautiful thy eternal thy gloomy gloomy subterranean wild and desolate warm, cozy happiest possible bleak and desolate own distant peaceful, pleasant modest and unassuming same historic mysterious and beautiful pleasant, cheerful palatial delightful new own celestial own cheerful grave and silent particularly cheerful thy sole new temporary wild and stormy own lofty once happy truly splendid thy high supposedly secret present beautiful tiny new blissful thy wild thy divine donegal more illustrious once peaceful subterranean thy celestial new and happy own obscure thine unpretentious little somewhat gloomy paradisaical sure and safe fairly modest ordinary chinese large shady more permanent hospitable exquisitely neat present humble less comfortable warm and dry habitable much poorer present wretched abyssal old domestic ancient and beautiful small plain old dear more comfortable thy cold dark and fearful seignorial thy bright quite normal unsafe own new more suitable more serene wet and slippery somewhat dull other hot gloomy narrow dark exceedingly dangerous dry, warm humble little somewhat long unknown and mysterious thy present inhospitable dreary less solid much brighter poor and humble attractive little thy beautiful thy dark more airy last dreadful quiet and peaceful strange and secret fitting desolate long and dangerous tomblike visible and invisible paternal peaceful celestial once rich one-room long and happy luxurious more picturesque dismal comfortable warm and comfortable congenial more wretched belial gaal once magnificent terrestial uninhabitable own glorious true poetic dark and dreary same delightful cool dark more reputable uncongenial still lower tolerably comfortable less permanent new royal strange and sinister most excellent chaparral huge, heavy more solitary more magnificent present more congenial merely temporary peaceful little charming little more hospitable conjugal eternal own solitary sacrosanct snug serene august less pretentious aristocratical parental ancestral snug little briefer thy own truly royal manorial cold-storage squalid delightful still darker same calm dark and gloomy rather dismal transitory eligible tranquil more worthy safe preferable large, comfortable such wise transient more pleasing vice-regal tumbledown everlasting more royal abysmal modest more modest sumptuous uninviting more spacious more tranquil solitary thy true more fitting old royal unmolested dreary little new and unknown own happy suitable two-room more humble royal unpretentious underground more ambitious much simpler more sumptuous unfit enchanting more agreeable humblest safest delectable thy sweet erstwhile own miserable former more constant charming old warm little spacious inviolable thy dear mountainous less dangerous joyless almost constant new and strange regal exactly similar sepulchral inviolate more splendid now useless poor but honest wretched gloomier calm favorite own royal cheerful more pleasant own simple happier divine penal desirable own wretched more charming dark prefab infernal happy peaceable last human fit unwholesome sylvan comfortable little perpetual bright little healthier enviable quiet, peaceful sacred atypical ruinous lone magnificent primæval wearisome frail insecure patrician dark and dismal low-ceilinged ramshackle post-mortem penurious such pleasant aerial charming terrestrial woodland arboreal hereditary festal own peculiar own ancient fittest more pretentious more delightful quiet grim meager lonesome final run-down monastic circumscribed kraal own dark rural incorruptible fleshy voluptuous mythological pontifical fair obscure patriarchal rustic cozy agreeable communistic picturesque chief lofty miserable such long virginal suburban provisional aristocratic delicious more private more cheerful unquestioned more peaceful more luxurious more durable cavernous more severe poverty-stricken baronial watery forlorn unsuitable thine own olympian corporeal unpromising aerodynamic own poor dark and silent uttermost venerable pristine perishable coy stationary wholesome more excellent supernal safer pre-eminent convenient world-renowned pacific metropolitan childless dim incongruous prim�val romantic hallowed limitless worthy mythical last long cooler singular exclusive ill sad ancient unassuming stainless moist constant windowless murky cloistered sorrowful more stable post-war penitential completely different primeval ducal undesirable fabled bright leafy pretentious privileged incomplete demure life-long sadder foul windswept undeserved mournful aboriginal satisfactory splendid reputable legendary customary own proper dingy strange diaphanous fairer proper bleak secret quaint little lifelong gargantuan tangible cheaper rude polluted cramped salubrious contemptible irksome uncomfortable inconvenient habitual staid private material consular usual resplendent uncanny fairy undisputed fortuitous pleasant pink and white righteous astute neat darkling fatal primitive a�rial mysterious ethereal miserable little elegant frightful original airy imperial wrathful faultless capacious more convenient sordid pleasant little primaeval strange new special untidy pestilential evil shadowy salutary depressing ineffable accessible poor immaterial exalted nightmarish sanctified unknown principal stormy late auspicious sublime natural insupportable two-story stable marital quaint old high digital populous iced rifled silent restful sooty human inane tolerant fevered insolent more interesting allegorical genial daytime native obscene own little sombre gorgeous far-off frugal bottomless monkish maritime unworthy remote himalayan dreadful shady imperishable dangerous respectable questionable well-defined brighter unkempt joyful dull untried red-faced impressive attractive mortal perilous horrid long natal funereal warlike interim fateful pitiable godless onetime undisturbed studious protracted scorched filthy plainer sure illustrious territorial famed movable asian infamous masculine roomy ideal bloodstained maternal marvelous more distant rarest beauteous unprofitable unquiet unsteady decent continual variable beloved vile noiseless earliest distant dire warm dour lucid beautiful poetic abiding sweet insignificant decorous inaccessible cynical sulphurous intolerable more modern vast plain unseen quaint healthful spiritual neat little tasteful abundant civilised old-world actual narrower glorious carnal doleful feudal middle-class poorer suave floral monumental fragile dazed shabby narrow episcopal warm-hearted prettier domestic wild asiatic conventional highest one-time ordinary vulnerable simpler sunny joint stealthy healthy dainty composite joyous idyllic slimy

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Words to Describe abode

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "abode" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "abode" are: vast and grim, extraordinary and most insolent, familiar, congenial, lofty lone, and traditional happy. There are 995 other words to describe abode listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe abode suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "abode" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many abode adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is abode?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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