Describing Wordsfor Dust

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Here are some adjectives for dust: hollow, spherical, gritty, gray, microscopic interstellar, smooth, scarlet, omnipresent gritty, utterly unbroken, dark mushy, present scarlet, common flinty, harsh alkaline, clean, hopeful, fine coal, much inorganic, somewhere vermilion, sparkly fairy, nuclear fairy, brilliant cosmical, fine alkaline, black olympian, fine pungent, immensely aware, blind but immensely aware, powdery, gray, powdered coal, probably volcanic, loose, gritty, morally imperative, gritty dark, sterile ochre, fine sugary. You can get the definitions of these dust adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to dust (and find more here).

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Words to Describe dust

Below is a list of describing words for dust. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe dust:

hollow, spherical gritty, gray microscopic interstellar smooth, scarlet omnipresent gritty utterly unbroken dark mushy present scarlet common flinty harsh alkaline clean, hopeful fine coal much inorganic somewhere vermilion sparkly fairy nuclear fairy brilliant cosmical fine alkaline black olympian fine pungent immensely aware blind but immensely aware powdery, gray powdered coal probably volcanic loose, gritty morally imperative gritty dark sterile ochre
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fine sugary widely trodden fine ashen hallowed and unbroken fine but sharp drab velvety poisonous, brown extreamly subtle powdery red healthy coal ever-present red periodic and phenomenal personal, impersonal just crimson fine, rusty colloidal metallic powdery, fine scorched, poisonous white ashen thick ochre enough casual hot, whitish metal and fibrous gritty, grey spiced imperial fiery chaotic grey, pungent irrelevant, historic cupro-arsenical fine cupro-arsenical away sacred meteoric red red stinging dry bitter seasonal planetary microscopic metallic heavy brownish same indistinguishable impalpably fine last airborne black interstellar red, flaky oddly incandescent powdery, caustic hot bony shorter, white bright and magical same gritty useless, ashen thin yellow-gray long-time happy chalky brown whitish colloidal high-altitude volcanic careless gray kindly golden imperceptible cosmic faint, furry harmless, mindless simultaneously black red, wind-blown arid crimson odd, chalky loose cosmic cosmic or meteoric white, provencal much-abused and all-pervading fine, alkaline dear and kindred indifferent, facile awful organic blinding, flinty senseless, nameless whirling olympian heavy flaky gritty coal all-pervading coal wild, inescapable frail and pitiful vile degraded again animated low trodden unbroken, deep soft, tenuous tan and powdery acrid and thick more and lighter windy, much soft, ashen finer red unseen hospital coal, black their--immortal dreadful poisonous merely powdery glorious, immemorial red and fluffy blinding fibrous rare spice-laden loose and steep cool powdery white sepulchral ghostly restless beastly asiatic golden or straw-colored fine irritating especially inorganic kindred native red pungent charcoal or charcoal least and lightest hazy, much inevitable blinding effectually clean spare, vile volcanic and cosmic disturbing enny feathery coal much indistinguishable animated and vociferous immense but futile slow, golden wholesome old-world dark-brown and black moral aesthetic beach--coral bright beach--coral pale windswept ethereal vital fine chalky fine volcanic fresh coal many innocuous amazing gray thin but wide acrid, gray damn coal wet coal clotted yellow periodic months-long rutted white vile and perishable golden powdery fine, blinding much brittle dry charcoal oldest dead much or so little gray lunar much radioactive volcanic black fine, gritty black coal estumnal scented metallic fine, powdery enough cosmic meta­phorical gray, poisonous <p>coal already cosmic alkaline white loose lunar almost viscous red australian fine, bluish gritty lunar thin and distant intensely radioactive treacherous fine ubiquitous lunar thinner and charcoal dry and silken fine atomic primordial compacted wonderfully welcome just sparkling hot khaki fierce global previously undisturbed chalky, bony black suburban volcanic red powdery lunar black, fantastic fine caustic pale, greasy sickening gray fine bookish black, volcanic fine, yellow-green loud ol reddish, foul-smelling deadly coal fine but heavy such acrid chalky red harmless, everyday cold, nebular atheneal greenish sparkling ingrained coal down gritty smoke--coal southwest reddish sweat-soaked grey small cosmic baked tan ankle-deep orange still volcanic imperceptible velvety occasional fratricidal thin nebular dense cosmic reddish, powdery grey, powdery omnipresent, fine fake radioactive molecular gray all-pervading red glutinous organic murky but alluring trodden, stony ever-present scarlet rocky lunar primal unified airborne radioactive sandy white whirling horizontal penetrating coal gray common cold radioactive treacherously unpredictable deep and treacherously unpredictable coal-black cosmic eternal, distressing chalky lunar deep and sumptuous ubiquitous volcanic fine gray-blue gray fluffy hot, irritating extensive and forgetful queer, fine chalky grey green stellar misty stellar gritty toxic tenuous cosmic chokingly dry fine, chalky same gray-black metal and grave chalky, brittle damned afghan compacted red tiny extraterrestrial ever-present reddish bitter, coarse ever-present powdery strange, ever-present insubstantial atomic white, provençal vile, degraded now deformed cool, powdery tabernacle--only black peculiar, grey particular luminous white watery thick and frightful gross and pungent coal or coal maybe metallic altogether perishable fine, microscopic more charcoal sparkling poetic consequently wet fine, irritating rare ould brief, human dry spiced formative prolific insignificant, common fine charcoal hot, reddish reddish, greasy unpleasant gritty agrarian democratic plain, harmless dead, unintelligible strange, whitish wicked dirty gay, loose shapeless, incoherent gray powdery particularly coal infantile human sun-baked, thirsty neat and continuous brilliant scintillating blinding golden stinging, white yellow, pungent blind dividual already thinnest <def>charcoal compacted coal much cloistered soft, flaky horrible gray suspiciously regular fluffy brown unusually persistent fine powdery much coal native lunar gray, furry thick, turbulent gritty white simple atmospheric same kindred metal and metallic clammy grey metallic yellow loose, powdery real coal concrete and white heavy, reddish dense outer powdery white electric red scorched gray white bloody many radioactive fine, brownish harmless gray illusional crimson and dark bothersome old gray, powdery strictly imaginary black filthy black gritty general indiscriminate blinding, maddening coal or charcoal white, brilliant _pedal thick gross poor peaceful grey, dry fine, invisible little beloved thin powdery crumbly gray hot stinging thin chalky fine, yellow precious yellow so-called african thick small coal white alkaline dry, fragrant usual volcanic treacherously thin >coal grey, moonlit sticky, blood-soaked abrasive lunar porous chalky fine lunar dry antiseptic now radioactive silken fine insidious red old, undisturbed heretofore undisturbed faint and invisible maybe airborne finest intelligent poor, soggy fine, metallic fine, brown invisible yellow immediately fresh compacted lunar radioactive metallic faint but visible infin\-itesimal omnipresent red vast globe-girdling particular huge away interstellar dark mineral gray powdered moist, little considerable dry past silky slow monstrous barely disturbing instantly thick invincible greenish lethal radioactive infin­itesimal dry coal incoming interstellar thick, powdery customary grey meal and fine finest volcanic hot stale fragrant, spicy dry, icy fine, fruitful dry, bleached clean sun-warmed hot radioactive bright coal red gritty pyritical much meteoric wet, silvery dry powdery sparkling, black white voluminous otataral white, powdery much yellow fine, penetrating little lifeless fine gray dry and powdery thick dry incredibly fine fine brownish hot, gray thine unworthy powdery meteoritic dry, powdered nearby natural flat, opaque acrid brown brilliant lavender ubiquitous red now dreary peppery red sterile red powdery yellow last alien red black heavy, blinding deep fine puffy yellow red, powdery grey black dirty, heavy strange ruddy black and sooty thick coal fine red fine and dry great global little senseless fine reddish little coal radioactive powdered red especial and peculiar especially thick meteoric tiny molten impassive red bright, undulating instead black slight gray silken yellow red powdery equally invisible fierce and tumultuous forth black gritty red lifeless gray atom-like small, bowl-shaped little interstellar potent red ever-present gray still blinking thick, gritty useless green red granular fine, salty more turquoise furry grey frantic, fugitive sharp, sparkling enough atmospheric little fertile dry, grey much awful red mineral doubtless mere softest and finest such canal dear ancestral grave, noble little meteoric yellow-gray connatural greasy yellow dry, fine fine grey white, sparkling black coral white, chalky fine gritty fine ruddy dew-sodden gritty black rich, complex small nasal more salty damned red slightly thicker strange spicy black, bright soft whitish coal and coal thick, foul much sparkling much sacred mysterious and delightful gritty away imaginary vast interstellar fine white white, bright alike mere more sleepy fine sandy hot crimson crisp lunar gritty gray regular lunar little sleepy faint, gritty big volcanic feathery yellow sandy grey extensive central hot, fine tenuous interstellar away invisible toxic metal sweet acrid much pink deadly radioactive dark, vicious dark cosmic grainy red much airborne much aristocratic worthless yellow unbroken grey black, moist dry, chalky inconceivably fine fine, silvery vast, tenuous acrid, pungent fragile yellow coarse, gritty thick, sharp hot, blinding vile red soft and fertile fluffy grey deep dense thy wan thin fine bituminous coal proud and angry sure more deep soft much ancient volcanic black, powdery intellectually superior grainy black white and blinding deep, white soft alluvial circular yellow troublesome and disagreeable dry, loose endless, undulating simple and gentle finest meal thick metallic deadly red fine yellow fine, whitish certain more pure fairy marvelous golden almost insubstantial ancient orange fine salty otherwise undisturbed back ancient much cosmic fine, stinging white volcanic perfectly imaginary sometimes striking old-fashioned political poor fragile thy voiceless thick powdery curious volcanic black, sooty dense, gray much unavoidable faint fine hot dry fine silvery fine, white white metallic deep hot large opaque soft powdery little sordid little vain much lethal foul-smelling black fine, gray sweet pungent now sodden little sooty velvety white cosmic wind-blown pale, chalky hot, gritty little coarse little radioactive happy fairy blue fairy whitish brown merely red powdery grey untracked again black small meteoric miserable alien dry and ancient thin greasy sacred human precious dead dry, irritating whole metal mere perishable silent, helpless thin, hot fine black charcoal relatively warm fine, soft ankle-deep fine brown fine dark dark, pungent more sandy planetesimal suddenly white white, luminous pink and lilac black and tawny little mathematical deep, dry nasty yellow dry, aromatic warm, gritty much volcanic more coal hot, thick black lunar impenetrably thick “coal damn fairy silent, peaceful greatest old thy original black, brown black charcoal cometary special red sandy red black volcanic dry, black fatal red thy welcome fine, black peaceful, quiet more invisible wind-driven dry, gritty dead, long mere lifeless little powdery thick ribbed thick, white powdered blue fine, grey red, bloody black foul dry, reddish much powdered hot thick fine dry much red fine powdered slippery black tiny crystalline dead, gray blinding yellow chalky sad gray alkaline dark orange sullen brown cold, ancient powdery gray fine crystal hot barren infinitely fine bright, brittle heavy reddish thy venerable warm, yellow last and least ochre grey and pink fine, golden precious personal dreamless decades-old orange and gray hot mineral fine moist away ancient yellow ochre dry gray acrid white inevitable red little brilliant thy filthy soft, fine thick white blinding soft, loose slow lazy solid yellow fine golden arsenical finest black white coral fine, dry vast, rocky few transparent fine, sandy dry, gray wet and warm thy religious deep warm spice-laden white, pure somewhat miscellaneous ordinary atmospheric deep white late-summer thick, sticky bright amber fine metallic asteroidal dead red therefore mere little charcoal long and low white fluffy thin, gray black metallic hot yellow other telltale capacious white fine, loose soft, powdery thick, fibrous dry white stinging, blinding just ancient frail mortal ancient, sacred interstellar thick yellow one-year blinding white trodden thy silent own mere fine, sharp such black high-density delicate pink grey metal white pleated white crystalline thick red filthy yellow sudden blinding modern fairy dry, ancient smoky white impossibly dense white powdery fine, deep hot sandy thick opaque loose metal reddish cold dry cold, dreary clean, dry new planetary poor red peculiar white wet red little dry finer intellectual angry gray last mere much gray poor withered little imaginary hot white white feathery fine, thin dry black terrible red strange green thy cold dark lunar furious black blinding, stinging yon grey dry, dark dry, brown hot, dry skimpy little red volcanic interplanetary just fine little fine gray and orange ubiquitous white visible white fine crystalline sandal bright, metallic peculiar yellow now long fairy unfertile bright, yellow mostly soft much bare brown and withered small dense rusty red bright coppery peculiar red white moonlit long undisturbed wet or dry hot, acrid soft-coal hot, yellow thick furry lunar months-long yellowish brown deep sandy deep and heavy fine coloured poor frail grey and blue other invisible yellow pink and orange reddish grey grey concrete richly scented more pink deep reddish sometimes red excessively fine whitish red deadly white omnipresent undisturbed granular cold, lifeless noticeably less exceedingly fine soft coal kindred finer and finer stinging dry brown fine cold inorganic gray dry, red sub-orbital just thin atmospheric dry sparkling red good grey less irregular much fine abrasive more red tiny dark same fine same sparkling thy pure white, sandy highly explosive airborne thy rich acrid forgetful sandy white or yellow greasy brown mostly human thy feeble dry, dead thy sacred fine blue sun-warmed dead, dry soft dry soft deep little stray fine hot real italian golden same stupid paltry little globe-girdling solid or liquid soft gray grey now dry

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Words to Describe dust

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "dust" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "dust" are: hollow, spherical, gritty, gray, microscopic interstellar, smooth, scarlet, and omnipresent gritty. There are 995 other words to describe dust listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe dust suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "dust" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many dust adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is dust?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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