Describing Wordsfor Ice

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Here are some adjectives for ice: para-elemental, kinder thin, thick continental, invisibly transparent, dirty, rock-hard, immense and almost innumerable, thin, flawless, horizontal and pelting, nearly horizontal and pelting, more pelting, beautifully numbing, pure compact, new catastrophic, dirty brash, largely foamy, pure interstellar, less, infernal, paraelemental, thin and spidery, hard pure, distressingly gorgeous, awful primordial, elsewhere thick, cold rock-hard, dim, polar, excellent continental, sweet raspberry, pale slippery, blue glacial, longer chopped. You can get the definitions of these ice adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to ice (and find more here).

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Words to Describe ice

Below is a list of describing words for ice. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe ice:

para-elemental kinder thin thick continental invisibly transparent dirty, rock-hard immense and almost innumerable thin, flawless horizontal and pelting nearly horizontal and pelting more pelting beautifully numbing pure compact new catastrophic dirty brash largely foamy pure interstellar less, infernal paraelemental thin and spidery hard pure distressingly gorgeous awful primordial elsewhere thick cold rock-hard dim, polar excellent continental
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sweet raspberry pale slippery blue glacial longer chopped contorted, treacherous thin brash uniformly transparent northern transparent sufficiently strong and smooth merely greenish especially interesting and perfect deal, less loose, rotten thin, illusory foamed electric few high-speed red sugared permanent, ancient diminutive polar pale endless pure freshwater other and free deep and probably black opaque and brittle merciless emerald apply chopped singularly hard and clear brittle, unsupported young or thin thin conventional smooth, wind-swept slack and navigable generally opaque and white clear and apparently solid rough or very smooth porous crystalline smoother and greener rough, smooth rough and very smooth granular and even solid often wind-swept short, glacial again solid bleak, moonlit easy, slippery massive polar pure and solid endless arctic blue-green glacial explosive, amorphous crusty, speckled permanent and inescapable two-year thick clear slippery dangerous thin sparkling, virgin other, jagged smashing corporate flip past -ing thin more flavored terrifically rough and slippery terrifically rough enough brittle tiny polar older and glacial whitish porous dry, mere great ungenial splintered, wind-driven --general young orange or raspberry perfectly hard and transparent richer and smoother uneven, fantastic finest transparent loose but heavy low brash smooth wind-swept rubbly blue social thin mere raspberry radiant raspberry stratified snowy compact blue transparent and blue uniformly transparent and blue false and pitiless down polar broad, tempting practicable young negotiable young white and treacherous snow-covered, rotten unbroken, young heavier and solid now uneven treacherous, rugged snow-covered, impracticable open and rotten uneven and impassable rough and often mountainous pure chopped finely shaven perfectly compact and solid thin but slippery bare glassy corners--real good quite unbroken and flat pitiless polar thin, one-year-old still blue and clear unexplored and unseen frail girlish topmost iridescent keenest, hardest hardest and oldest opaque or snowy much and difficult endless rough detestable granular hard and porous cleaner intermediate adjacent porous snow-covered rotten afterwards fine fast inshore thin verbal own bluish awfully rough and bumpy severe and much rough or soft equally unbreakable wondrous pure weak or rotten porous opaque bright, blue-green bluish, corruptible phil--finely chopped unbroken polar dusty and trodden welcome orange glacial, snowy thick ribbed treacherously thin imperious blue thin polar thin legal heavy, life-size invisible, three-dimensional longer pink purest crystal tiny, needlelike good pistachio gray ancient jovial blue apparently perennial rotten, treacherous clear solid generally opaque sluggish or stagnant soon thick transparent, dark blue, wind-swept adjacent coastal lone, inhospitable admirably smooth crisp wet heavy, compacted thin and rotten dark or transparent striking heavy �usual much glacial new smooth great unstable solid and impenetrable frightfully rough sharply canted and treacherous small polar bright, reflective homemade orange lower, cooler nearby stubby never plain dark, crystalline personal thin new steep deceptive and treacherous gray and spongy hard bumpy harshest arctic iridescent jagged mountainous mile-long thin theological staggeringly bright blue and crystal shrunken, late-summer liquified fossil thin and slippery goddamned thin >canal bitter metal everyday hot everywhere awful cold, unbroken dramatically scalloped green glacial compacted white instead colored concrete polar naked translucent menacing arctic uneven lower underground and polar enough asteroid honeycombed white sterile polar long-crystal fragile, long-crystal <p>proverbial primordial gray unnavigable polar hard, misty dense, high-pressure thin ethical total polar black, rock-hard fragile, moon-washed land-locked glacial little premium-brand cloudless, arctic scabrous blue indifferent glaring big compacted pure, livid slippery uneven perennially frosty milky and crystalline slick, opaque largest headless deceptive and thin austere and barren pristine polar triple, easy north asian naturally available slick, half-melted clear glacial continuous, abrupt admirable smooth black, virgin solid and perpetual blue and solid looser white ordinary coastal last unstable exceedingly hard and brittle already consolidated once compact thin conversational blue, solid steeper blue opalescent, green silent boundless ragged and mountainous unsafe young eternal northern thin and very slippery soft and rather watery splendid, smooth fresh smooth hideous, dead terribly smooth and slippery terribly smooth slippery, transparent intensely blue and transparent thick and rotten comparatively smooth and unbroken pure glassy impenetrable and hopeless often mountainous heavy, free different, nice possible theoretical quite unbroken clear and beautifully transparent open innumerable huge shaky thicker and older foul, uneven vile rotten seemingly rigid endless smooth monstrous and huge gay, blue dense clear pure granular uninterrupted and unceasing domed and dingy thick snow-covered treacherous thin much mushy above-mentioned grand trackless, slippery equally smooth tiny central white dry great motionless fresh homemade clear, black brittle young polar finest, clearest stagnant brown bare and windswept vast lifeless awful thin bare, blue much intricate perilously thin bright dry thin new thin emotional worst black mighty thin small, streamlined thin moral gray, distant sad, naked large polar grey, porous little flaky hard and transparent palest emerald loose, rugged slippery blue also slippery transparent solid famous tall impracticable young thicker white jagged, rough black, new perfectly compact mighty clear good passable splendid flat uneven new hard and perfect interminable and monotonous much smooth white, porous soft bad worse, treacherous new, thin greatest accessible smooth, treacherous small and suitable grim uncompromising white, dry new thin dazzling, sparkling same impeccable ancient glacial thick northern clean solid small, jagged white and clear clear and solid smoothest possible damned thin solid, hard pistachio dangerously thin cold but familiar down cometary immense globe-spanning northern glacial harder, older hard older exotic, fragile largest sweet --glacial recurrent, ever-worsening appalling indoor fabled northern striking unyielding lacy, translucent small, half-melted shiny, grey splintered, jagged old, immovable entire polar tiny permanent silent, smooth flawed blue mexican fried dirty treacherous ancient hard savage polar enormous polar thin, opaque hot greenish skeletal blue best homemade lower and sounder unexpected underwater cold, towering premium-brand blue dry thick, permanent specially-designed feline twin ringed fresh fifty-pound massive passive groundup cloudy, green pale arctic twenty-six separate lovely fake transparent new rough, porous perfect and transparent capital, chief white and porous black, clear transparent, brittle thick, snow-covered thick immovable shiny silvery old compact smoother and better solid stable compact, unbroken yellow cornmeal unusually tough opaque red still heavy sweet chinese new, dry much thin incredibly dense dirty, gray thick salty probably dry gray, lumpy white and bitter much clean soft, watery solid clear comparatively stationary low crystal uneven snow-covered much uneven thick, glassy rough, difficult thickest, heaviest insecure young thick glassy thin, new glacial southern polar probably black hard blue smooth, glassy less compact pure transparent south polar slippery bare mordial cold glacial immense polar corporate and political flat, unbroken real thin utter and irredeemable dark, inaccessible gray, solemn important old-fashioned cold, polar now solid huge, secret nearby italian hard, slick \~critical dense polar sharp and rugged past intricate old cometary low, solid foreign and terrifying dense chemical pure translucent frail good slippery, uneven now substantial labyrinthal jagged and uneven young thin purest crystalline successfully penetrating hard, flinty quite trustworthy clear, bluish smooth, dangerous same impracticable excessively rough nearly solid beautiful flat north polar northern polar white or bluish cool, haughty bare smooth old lunar solid, crystalline hard unyielding grey, mysterious crystalline solid large, sinewy huge upturned other cold-blooded now massive small and rugged irregular blue thin social old, thick apparently rigid distant lofty blue and emerald awfully rough somewhat smoother good municipal such thin deep glacial bleak, windswept loose open thin, brittle clear, blue huge polar immense northern blue unbroken much weighty largest solid rough, snow-covered white, snow-covered coldest and hardest blue chemical decent italian same, green durable black vast arctic metal striking smashing more arrogant and brutal principally white thick clear perfectly hard rough or smooth solid crystal less tough thin and treacherous spongy, porous smooth thin opaque green down solid bare, rough half-melted clean, high now occasional less porous now distinct thin, glassy good low solid compact clear glassy terrible mal singularly hard solid, unbroken much artificial clear black much loose slick blue smooth, sparkling liquid and several unblemished white clear pure slick and dangerous sluggish, dark massive continental dark and featureless illegal black unfortunately familiar sheer, slick hard greenish awfully thin legendary blue nearly stationary steep blue treacherous young solid new blue and transparent vast polar terribly thin hard, green mildly flavored brumal great polar usual strong snow-covered arctic white northern clear smooth pure crystal clear, glassy earliest practical old, dirty luminescent blue little raspberry high and extensive green glassy quite flat particularly thin new canal hard, gray oddly colored raspberry clear, hard smooth, perfect sharply canted deliciously flavored ribbed blue austral and boreal solid blue cold, more acial rough and slippery steep, treacherous smooth, brilliant tradeable enough fancy legendary black full fine beautifully transparent extensive flat clean, blue ashen gray rough, jagged slippery black still unbroken still thin green and azure already thin thick, clear coarsely chopped still thick thin delicate clear, transparent big dirty freezingly cold white, motionless treacherous black best soft shiny, metallic much heavy clearest crystal green, glassy smooth, new moderately thin relatively cold last continental hard, blue much young smooth, clear thin young other edible gray, cold clear, dark large-diameter heavy loose nearly unbroken wind-driven slick wet thick, thick rock-hard beautiful blue-green speckled gray glassy blue solid permanent flat, snow-covered glassy dark clear, crystal such deceitful tolerably hard hard, smooth hard gray tough white almost sheer thin, clear red and amber rather mundane sparkling clear white dazzling same treacherous good, smooth seemingly eternal nearly horizontal almost clear comparatively smooth much rough still blue brash somewhat shrunken clean bare just useless smooth, slick own crystal wet orange treacherous, slippery good permanent porous, spongy rugged, uneven tolerably thick good cool nearly cold just huge chopped smooth, black solid thinner and thinner almost luminous gray blue smooth, blue thin pelting rather thin relatively thin slippery flawless black ancient lunar several towering just dry blue clear old and rotten remote and dreary rough and heavy jalapeno rough and ragged thick and heavy clear transparent wet slippery thin nervous hard smooth invisible electric comparatively thin several steep often heavy now green cold blue silent black white crystalline blue translucent damn thin long, ancient orange-flavored smaller and narrower black raspberry large pink smooth and beautiful horrid bad terribly heavy smooth black thick hard sharp, jagged ancient dark exceedingly sharp almost solid six-foot-four curious low clear crystalline fairly smooth perfectly transparent fat hairy sheer blue clear, greenish single, great spindly metal beautifully symmetrical low, regular thick, old heavy, oppressive now dense fresh dry fine flat glacier-like thick, solid pure, clean hard green smooth, unbroken small, blue vast uncharted smooth blank flexible white dangerously unstable smooth unbroken rough strong pure dark more ragged old solid huge continental enough free more loose dull grey quite smooth wonderful white little chopped stratospheric inshore cometary same startling same glacial distant and beautiful solid hard tiny, hard frosty white perfectly cold startling blue black, smooth thick solid one-year-old honeycombed same warm little double clean, clear many adverse especially interesting white powdered sharp and jagged smooth and slippery almost eternal rotten flavored sharp, cold little loose warm, dry always unexpected rather watery low, dirty finely chopped jagged clear blue good blue thin clear intensely blue rough and uneven apparently solid not-too-distant rough blue heavy old one-ship slightly plump newer, fresher stunning white much liquid clear strong almost perpetual red raspberry bare, black less wonderful hard white walk-in wet and slippery weird, uncanny smooth still sharp exceedingly thin dry comparatively heavy fine, smooth smooth, slippery less rugged glassy beautifully clear transparent blue more thin same gruesome pure green largest and most beautiful pure, transparent smooth hard solid grey particularly rough smoother vast metallic ever-worsening geometrically perfect finest new smooth glassy more delicious nearly pure pure, fresh globe-spanning flaming blue magically animated just thin rough, heavy clear crystal apparently strong wind-swept nice cool unbroken curious and wonderful big-name thin, bright cold, black brittle almost innumerable now pure down dry pure clear white, opaque firmer smooth, hard granular baltic thinnest aereal splintered cold, dry perfectly smooth loose windswept hard shiny small but intense old, rotten clean, smooth thinnest possible compacted thin, transparent treacherous clear, sparkling cold gray slick black rich, rich faintly green soft, spongy next good steep green slick somewhat loose almost vertical eternal petual fresh black hard, clear last thin sheeted fairly solid clear dark hard bright powdered such solid remote and inaccessible smooth, clean hard black cool liquid clear, smooth smooth young steel-gray blue smoothest densest unusually heavy

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Words to Describe ice

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "ice" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "ice" are: para-elemental, kinder thin, thick continental, invisibly transparent, and dirty, rock-hard. There are 995 other words to describe ice listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe ice suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "ice" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many ice adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ice?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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