Describing Wordsfor Train

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Here are some adjectives for train: woeful white, rapid and apparently random, kindly menial, quickest and nearest, once absurd and terrible, sumptuous special, vile, submissive, usual high-speed, long and purely abstract, shadowy funeral, imperial or presidential, martial and splendid, splendid and unarmed, deep and probably painful, good, fruity, long needless, fawning, timid, disingenuous and unsound, dark insurgent, slow suburban, noisy, old-fashioned, recurrent, dangerous, new, quick, systematic and remorseless, empty and expectant, small and saddened, dim terrific, wicked, ministerial, original two-wheel, precious fraternal. You can get the definitions of these train adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to train (and find more here).

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Words to Describe train

Below is a list of describing words for train. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe train:

woeful white rapid and apparently random kindly menial quickest and nearest once absurd and terrible sumptuous special vile, submissive usual high-speed long and purely abstract shadowy funeral imperial or presidential martial and splendid splendid and unarmed deep and probably painful good, fruity long needless fawning, timid disingenuous and unsound dark insurgent slow suburban noisy, old-fashioned recurrent, dangerous new, quick systematic and remorseless empty and expectant
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small and saddened dim terrific wicked, ministerial original two-wheel precious fraternal magnificent and most certain your vestal southbound local thy planetary last suburban poetical and gloomy loudly human once absurd remarkably sumptuous extraordinary depressing prosaic noisy slower, emptier dark-haired virgin regular and irresistible unbroken, funereal fearful but curious treacherous tartar beloved, inseparable unhappy concomitant overcrowded and illiberal lazy funeral capricious and unprofitable wonderfully smooth and easy imperial extra deep and instructive dumb deserving red-cheeked, affectionate uneasy and gloomy revolutionary-hospital handsome lacy fine transcontinental fatally consecutive wholly new and confusing maddening local slow local single convoluted gloomy funeral obscure and numerous numerous and martial once-a-day sophisticated long-distance admirably cynical now fateful contrary but human last phantom placid and refreshing deliciously placid and refreshing deliciously placid exactly humorous heavy bridal north-bound empty terribly erotic unusually self-critical prodigious silken subtly thrilling uncommon slow new and very startling cheery musical numerous and very fatal giddy, fleeting rapid and exalted active but noiseless fairy bridal long vassal bright and jocund primitive, miniature cheap or first-class half-hourly electric black shirtless earliest outgoing honest and advantageous ramshackle, once-a-day distinct consecutive scanty funeral careless military numerous and frightful later westbound splendid ostentatious next revival apologetic and moralistic idle phantom long, transcontinental ordinary unheated numerous and gay compact and merry cheap parliamentary humble funeral slow second-class early incoming madly eager long belated furious and notable cheap and slow fat competent vast splendid usual sorrowful immense and unwieldy safe, impersonal consecutive and lucid sorely laden nobler, calmer new but unavoidable brilliant powdered fastest coast-to-coast characteristic and congenial intolerable, sooty slow and dusty obligatory insipid unconnected and preposterous hard uninviting noble bridal slow and dirty awful stuffy ragged bridal long and usually monotonous more oratorical contiguous little kindred phantom similar proud undefined and unexplained rather undefined and unexplained regular or consistent diminutive and absurd fast southbound slow and cheap real etiological dangerous and kindred noisy, fussy undefined but anxious welcome and helpful richly gorgeous daring gallant massively brocaded desperately sluggish dark inveterate noisy naval rationally self-consistent agreeable and rationally self-consistent tremendously historic and popular tremendously historic previous overcrowded outgoing or empty-handed ehtereal bright ehtereal distinctive suburban ongoing single ceremonial or formal woeful martial complimentary special railroad--special silly vulgar ill and impious deliberate spanish long, funereal agreeably riotous actual meteoric last underground slow italian thine ecstatic swarthy sacrilegious numerous and vulgar numerous brutal long peruvian debilitating heavy exceedingly original and beautiful bland and sober convenient quick immoderately long common, no-good absurd and terrible thy menial probably endless congested suburban lumbering local incoherent, inexplicable magnificent and powerful abominably slow royal special brief bridal thy jocund gay and motley north-bound interzonal longest and most exotic fancy domed gorgeous bridal long, cold and solitary inexplicably casual exceptionally long and empty extremely deliberate and thoughtful ole electric endless, painful nuclear and excessive green modern terrifying and tragic empty southbound essential famous special, fastest half-empty interzonal quite untrue loathsome, segmented available westbound huge, unseen endless and silent broken-down yellow big, continental exact, inconsequential unaltered modest wild and erotic hitherto preconscious fastest aboveground distant southbound mad wealthy gory bridal next westbound sleepy local sleek, private black-on-black runaway old, above-ground stiff but mercifully short slow sombre long, industrious slender virgin common episcopal essen--special holy angelical slow, tiresome great and well-equipped tame implicit late dreary old unguaranteed larger funeral early tidal fast underground successful special bright, innumerable peculiarly spiritual sadder captive hottest and slowest missionary next single and straightforward slow-moving local long imperious incoming suburban expensive fifteen-minute mysterious austrian long slow-moving silently obedient noisy, loose-jointed slow continental austrian armored new and profoundly interesting nocturnal funeral uncomfortable local whole mono incoming hospital thy pompous fast local marvelous and awe-inspiring down parliamentary fast special numerous and gorgeous long incoming historic and popular biggest special miserably weary frightful and never-to-be-forgotten fastest direct largest suburban long and heavily laden cold and very slow triple, double and single whole baptismal unusually long and heavy dull, noisy heavy transcontinental strange nuptial smoky, snake-like motley and diversified decorously mournful keen and heartless naive and wishful gilt special heavy, limited gallant vassal thin colonial slow irish ridiculous long long, lumbering legendary last damned slow slightly sadistic sleek, golden vivid and persistent longest and most complex rapacious and insolent awful slow six-thirty maximum total long funeral nice slow south coastal intertimensional immense luminous dismal local passe grand long and tattered early floral long armored pale celestial painful but interesting long equestrian grand or sublime sublime funeral signal and automatic special funeral haggard human stern and martial fine, prosperous ever jovial extra valuable finest biographical already useless continuous uninterrupted regular long-distance long theoretical daily local next ordinary thy elfin complete transcontinental german special loose or irregular eight-thirty unnaturally dark great bulgarian modern armored same special thy lean french hospital last civilian little perceptible westbound entire funeral spe\-cial pneumatic cial pneumatic adcial pneumatic high-velocity electric hot canadian unbelievably primitive >coal noisy damn long, viscous fifth prenatal modern, architectural light-rail slow, late-night tiny lone distant underground bumpy little fabulous and luxurious old and pointless slow, two-day nice uncomfortable unusually obliging little dog-eared gay wealthy curious, wild long and greedy rapid, fiery meditative, spiritual damned full long hospital prematerial splendid special blind and sordid desperately slow joint electric brilliant and illustrious sad and exciting slow, cheap typical royal third-class slow mighty funeral same apprehensive clear or consecutive listless, perennial long transcontinental thoughtless and giddy natural and naive more rickety straight plain mucky old endless funeral whole numerous large warlike ornate and graceful gracefully long old and regular numerous and noble dark and singular stately funeral long unnecessary bright and noble probably painful possibly imaginary gay bridal elberthal whole funeral dark and suspicious also imperial slender military merry girlish numerous and splendid hell-bound slow, late gorgeous imperial liberal and expansive long and motley luxurious first-class long uncounted small, jerky last ordinary long transatlantic last cheap numerous quick magnificent luminous certain suburban curious canine longer continuous appropriate and necessary —special fearful heavy yon majestic same harmonic whole bridal next underground great or principal tolerably quick happy female wide dazzling inferior naval gaunt and pallid entire current long, luminous rigid and severe next outgoing damn hot thy wanton funeral ordinary slow empty, motionless awful dual actual hands-on auspicial proper analytical cold local subsequent slow whole mournful efficient hospital long lucid long international frequent and convenient already exorbitant liquid yellow solemn and sorrowful long funereal now fast-moving long bridal usually monotonous infernally slow wet and misty armored military comparatively slow-moving beautiful or better continuous and severe noble and numerous laden coal crafty cunning sadly plaintive cruelly logical sullen, weary orthodoxal little funeral southbound short local empty hospital own unparalleled thy nuptial whole hateful long and cumbersome distinctly criminal real electric entire magnificent last eastern able and acute such consecutive rather undefined fair celestial little ramshackle imperial special wonderfully smooth less luminous new and confusing ancient mechanical fairly late trans-continental bridal little, lithe nasty stuffy magnificent electronic next southbound dreary and terrible rotten ole long unconscious austrian heavy silent and singular thy captive german armored thy destructive long psychological little dummy last reasonable same godlike fine suburban thy degenerate strange and motley prime old shortest and simplest usual gloomy present magnificent slightly antiquated entire special slow, unpleasant strange funeral long and evil small clerical long and voluminous heavy and cumbersome miserably slow vigorous, independent modest local long brocaded long, fragrant universally human mexican central necessary special earliest possible great victorian extremely deliberate own funeral drearily familiar entire two-hour tiny antique voluminous pink biggest electric next damn curious verbal great and miserable fresh and independent earliest western same melodious earliest convenient long huge solemn funeral wholly futile last hospital thy triumphant somewhat doleful exceedingly original menial little sawed-off new and ardent dark and swarthy ordinary coal black infernal french civilian primitive local immense long utterly insufficient much belated special hospital great trans-continental wholly insufficient thy kindred bold and haughty bright celestial inter-city big electric somewhat mangled little overnight now hateful singular and unusual young, romantic half-mile long self-sufficient little great festal greasy, well-worn deep and pleasant correct political swift and beautiful thy horrid long and silken whole joyous hot stuffy physico-theological long and pompous silent, spectral later royal worthy noble transcontinental thy shadowy special imperial next incoming long and rich twice-a-day happy, noisy |central truly fiendish dark funereal less confidential long and peculiar round-the-world thy martial ramshackle little deliberate and thoughtful innocent yellow peculiarly malignant long, dingy silent, peaceful ordinary first-class small, special long, exciting warm and dusty long special extraordinary and peculiar incredibly slow triumphant and glorious stern and solemn swift, smooth apparently random quite irrelevant long and fatal longest and heaviest unguaranteed next military fresh and eager real royal black and desolate unreasonably long big, luxurious so-called special same late regular local cool, comfortable home-bound entirely illogical long desultory sad funeral long, clumsy whole weary real special less alluring same invariable little spectral original and beautiful purely abstract next possible intercity old pre-war long flaming long luminous bright azure particularly slow terrible white catch-all special own runaway rather jerky sleek pink fine, proud rapid and irregular single local sudden and new long and splendid miserable, dirty three-member small but faithful low, degraded next whole long tidal intercontinental long and uneventful next convenient little coal next available thy youthful wholly new great sleek long, filmy rather maudlin small rickety new postal new and overwhelming whole fresh long and sinuous own incoherent hot, stuffy muni thy numerous last local other joint ordinary suburban real canadian fair and wise morbid and unhealthy long, misty bare, naked next regular suburban white, dusty little crooked great and numerous special presidential black funeral incoming oncoming preconscious last regular thy virgin jocund real last last funeral dark and intricate specyal slow, cumbersome dreary, dreary speshal own numerous sideral whole majestic new, wonderful thy illustrious thy funeral old-fashioned open long and illustrious soft, short long and numerous little local new and sudden old and useless great funeral runaway huge long cold and solitary real prime long creamy special electric huge royal old magnetic endless underground slow little long brilliant poor and humble old funeral tiny local more gloomy small old-fashioned whole female tolerably long great transcontinental last western hospital outbound japanese military long and complex hot metal outgoing >total long drab mighty valuable more morbid long, interminable rather late merely local long and dismal aa self-critical great, lumbering short but heavy lively rather gloomy almost life-size equally delightful slow, hot long, gloomy long, pink grand and sublime ever-swelling enormous old whole tremendous gay and splendid long swift special educational own painful ancient electric big, fancy next slow rather unsettling good quick new and unpleasant now considerable numerous and brilliant back next little rickety little smoky several japanese more felicitous special royal long snowy natural and obvious yon bright two-wheel long logistic engineless whole extra long and profitable apparently irrelevant turkish military own different fastest perfectly astonishing whole domestic long, shiny long, glossy great shadowy coast-to-coast same unbroken exceedingly dirty civic and military big underground long silken last possible almost royal hot, dusty long and empty long fiery soft coal thy glorious fully laden grand ducal long shadowy great noisy long and strenuous last available more tiresome more tortuous wonderful electric thy spotless thy fatal long irregular heavily laden rather poor otherwise unaccountable shaky little daring and successful motley slow austere little entire damn nice, fresh fairly frequent dark cool single heavy thy noble huge electric profoundly interesting non-stop martial huge human same laborious more salutary slightly lighter slow, sleepy less gloomy overlong festal rush-hour gay and fashionable whole magnificent long, brown quickest cranky little no-smoking now motionless much prettier inbound numerous black, heavy next and last clattery same psychological underground headstrong young dark smoky mercifully short rather unsatisfactory good tough third-class immensely long perfectly hideous mid-afternoon somewhat numerous comparatively slow long crimson bestial moderately long ungallant slow-moving wrong long purple private, secret somewhat disturbing big, comfortable exceedingly unpleasant slow, weary special mental belated ancient national overcrowded same relentless onrushing grecian tuneful enormously heavy whole private --special unheated carefully neutral etiological long and brilliant high-speed more old-fashioned ratty little own heavy electric almost solitary rather quick nuptial particular mental long-hoped-for long and anxious enormously long slow, slow nice long triumphal same painful heavy, slow little miniature over-night long, dusty gay and gallant virgin emptier fine silken fancy little swift and silent deep and painful ordinary old

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Words to Describe train

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "train" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "train" are: woeful white, rapid and apparently random, kindly menial, quickest and nearest, and once absurd and terrible. There are 995 other words to describe train listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe train suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "train" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many train adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is train?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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