Describing Wordsfor Reaction

examples: nosewinterblue eyeswoman

Here are some adjectives for reaction: subtly disapproving, disgusting but valid, primitive, disgusting but valid, severe allergic, useless feminine, extreme allergic, highly allergic, violent allergic, half-conscious nervous, sick, angry, postadrenal, awfully extreme, nervous claustrophobic, mild allergic, imperfect or abnormal, incredible public, allergic, specific, peculiar, unusual or adverse, alarming emotional, awkwardly excessive, awful allergic, evidently unprecedented, turbulent, indomitable, always equal and contrary, dark and avenging, unexpectedly violent, severe herpetological, automatic negative, mental toxic. You can get the definitions of these reaction adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to reaction (and find more here).

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Words to Describe reaction

Below is a list of describing words for reaction. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe reaction:

subtly disapproving disgusting but valid primitive, disgusting but valid severe allergic useless feminine extreme allergic highly allergic violent allergic half-conscious nervous sick, angry postadrenal awfully extreme nervous claustrophobic mild allergic imperfect or abnormal incredible public allergic specific, peculiar unusual or adverse alarming emotional awkwardly excessive awful allergic evidently unprecedented turbulent, indomitable always equal and contrary
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dark and avenging unexpectedly violent severe herpetological automatic negative mental toxic slight alkaline exothermic chemical normal, instinctive positive, juvenile shortsighted parochial shameful governmental complex allergic violently exothermic direct, emotional emotional, moral magically empathetic scornful or sometimes savage virulent allergic overall systemic same knee-jerk never-ending chemical bone-deep, instinctive constructive soviet inborn, automatic self-supporting nuclear emotional, glandular strong allergic emotional, ethical initial nervous undeniable male terrifying or wonderful sufficiently positive savagely alert perhaps emotional probable official built-in, explosive capitalistic and clerical fundamental excitatory next aesthetic vulgar, plebeian strong, temporary strong and most unwelcome vigorous idealistic automatically defensive silly physical easiest and most proper natural and momentary uncontrollable nuclear suitably violent sheer, nervous ordinary allergic helpless, watery early lustful lethal metabolic inevitably volatile unpredictable aggressive cataclysmic thermonuclear predictable political immediate nasal gross or subtle wide-scale electrolytic distressingly female any-physical characteristic and colorful old-time quick obviously unplanned quick and obviously unplanned pressure-equal and opposite pressure-equal statistically unusual ongoing chemical significantly quicker debilitating allergic initially scornful negative facial definitely positive positive widal urgent and direct appropriate or adequate quickest simple native preparatory savage and instinctive serious visible typical febrile wholesome sceptical ecclesiastical orthodox powerful anti-semitic probably sympathetic perceptible alkaline distinctly alkaline hasty and emotional supremely conscious personal and supremely conscious outlandish and disproportionate different nuclear slightly bizarre automatic, unthinking spectacularly rapid adverse chemical metabolic chemical negative religious surprisingly common explosive atomic predictable human eqval and opposite eqval pure paranoid ingrained instinctive-traditional opposite-and-equal inefficient nuclear humanly observable unthinking hostile similar basic agonizing glandular typical psychosomatic deep-seated tribal slightest subsurface normal innocent admittedly odd angry and unthinking little glial striking parasympathetic interesting aural coldly swift coldly swift and certain self-sustaining thermonuclear unlikely male quite earthy considerably stronger and more passionately possessive almost fragmented unexpected angry less affable i>ceral initial, archetypal mildly melodramatic intently physical angry and impulsive immediate, devastating �vulgarly violent extravagantly partisan decent interstellar awkward, unusual mainly chemical intense allergic tiniest guilty slight allergic incongruous and automatic knee-jerk female fleeting, strange sensible and well-adjusted instinctual, primitive involuntary vascular foolish, knee-jerk ridiculous and juvenile different but equally passionate instantaneous, violent psychological defensive instantaneous nervous fiercely sensual stinging, confusing primitive and not unexpected nasty allergic invariably savage capable old-fashioned sorry, natural weird initial childish and rude equal and positive definite but slow instinctive, aggressive primal heartfelt involuntary, simple numb, unconscious abrupt, incongruous entirely vulgar and horrible immediate, definite easily reversible conservative ethical instinctive and physical inevitable and overwhelming involuntary morbid swift and indignant extravagant but inevitable mischievously extravagant but inevitable beneficial vital coldly sober idle and frigid strong anti-imperial faint rebellious entirely sane and healthy outwardly negative temporary and purely human vehement plebeian natural but entirely wrong wholesome and not unnatural genuine instinctive instinctive hostile conservative or celtic pale and bleak subatomic thermonuclear dreadful, unstrung unconscious but deep involuntary, galvanic indefinite cold immediate and purposive possible unfavorable intense dynamic sweet and exciting indescribably sweet and exciting soon parliamentary national sentimental possibly hideous disastrous and possibly hideous stronger rhythmic unfailing galvanic immediate unconscious defensive political solvent philosophical instantaneous psychical instantaneous but abiding natural intense fevered, convulsive unexpectedly dull immediate and inexplicable pallid, second-hand inevitable slow slight theological inevitable and wholesome probably optimum weakly alkaline extensive specific already rampant and vindictive exceptionally constant appalling working-class inevitable celtic slower cortical pure vertical sure and severe healthy and almost inevitable instinctive japanese continual and very energetic sometimes inflammatory corresponding heroic jesuitical bourgeois long and seemingly decisive healthy curative normal, vital directly appreciable mutual pathological proper inflammatory healthy revolutionary naturally pessimistic consequent febrile overt negative instinctive sympathetic secondary psychical violent and misguided excitatory physiological opposite expansive definite excitatory geo-electrical similar and alarming sympathetic insensitive glad, unreasoning faintest alkaline [_partial gloomy and inevitable salutary and defiant violent and directionless silent hysterical primitive and immature chemicophysiological actual chemicophysiological chemical and mental physical, chemical and mental violent pagan beneficial critical mutual biological long conservative serious heathen simultaneous romantic potent and precious extreme repressive furious mystic striking and extreme orange acid always tardy violent and always tardy mute but inexorable own grandiose equal and opposite sane, normal useless, pitiful perfect automatic purely childish overwhelmingly positive odd secondary equal and contrary automatic human electrically swift opposite and equal always mechanical truly volcanic dangerously erratic various nodal persistently positive little inflammatory inevitable psychological frequent dull acute schizophrenic swift chemical mere aristocratic unnecessary chemical excessive juvenile swift momentary powerful orthodox powerful alkaline decidedly alkaline spontaneous, creative unrestrained emotional strong bulgarian strongly alkaline opposite physiological mere indignant apparent emotional feebly alkaline violent chemical extensive and constant devilishly difficult knee-jerk standard civilian strong alkaline sudden and astonishing such instantaneous thoughtless, spontaneous visceral and collective problem-the troubling well-known immune instinctive-traditional completely idiosyncratic unexpected and completely idiosyncratic exceptionally adverse unsettling, violent sudden meaningless swift, honest surprisingly swift and precise almost allergic immediate gut-wrenching massive allergic instinctively hot involuntary ocular acute allergic foolish physical voluntary neural usual facial curious love-hate disagreeable visceral uniquely harsh public western <p>editorial mere ad-hoc premature atomic vastly unreasonable outdated, corny chemicoelectrical emo-tional, moral adtional, moral ritual, instinctive lucky easy quick protective stronger good crazily inappropriate insane and entirely understandable initial atavistic “perfectly normal abrupt physical initial violent steady-state chemical honest primitive primal aggressive violently dear extreme emo�tional likely british instinctive jewish serious allergic violent and acute damn bizarre normal charitable ill-defined negative singular emotional senseless but natural cruel but involuntary usual unbridled standard psychotic overly indignant nearly hys\-terical cataclysmic solar innocent, unabashed overly harsh and unnecessary unexpected sympathetic endearingly human immediate nor dramatic giddy, nervous separate allergic devastating allergic resoundingly negative honest, clean childishly impulsive gargantuan emotional hysterical further hysterically violent hottest nuclear deep, female defensive emotional automatic but useless earlier panic-stricken standard allergic immediate purple equally severe and devastating violent chymical audible chymical initial berserk inevitable cultural earlier passionate rare adverse decidedly unsentimental periodic gravitational comparatively hesitant knee-jerk defensive understandable and natural chemical or catalytic weirdly logical knee-jerk male absurd, unprecedented embarrassing but uncontrollable rely instinctive visceral irresponsible muscular-chemical enigmatical psychic instinctive emotional mirthless, nervous utterly malevolent swift and utterly malevolent typical frantic direly youthful excessively visceral typical denial mildly bad immediate uncontrollable downright discourteous odd and downright discourteous hostile initial closest nodal noticeably slower hazardous immune illogical emotional “perfectly natural only-too-typical magical allergic sympathetic negative extreme xenophobic instinctive inventive initially fearful simple adverse pure involuntary good exothermic innate repulsive high-powered explosive tragic allergic knee-jerk negative initial tiny satisfactory and salubrious bizarre allergic strategically optimal organic or instinctive sporadically psychotic previous, petty vocal and neuromuscular initial, unfavorable cold atomic ingrained nervous supercharged psychosomatic long-term adverse frequently valid visceral physical negative stereotypical elastic and powerful conceivable psychological actually resentful violent and actually resentful old-style female gratifying small disconcertingly hands-off unpredictable genetic fairly apathetic excessive hysterical bizarre psychic pure unconscious immediate hypnotic own squeamish general, unspoken healthy and quite useful reptilian macho inappropriate physical oddly mild fairly hilarious totally odd less-than-general probable critical uncharacteristically spontaneous tremendous exothermic perceptible emotional possibly negative tight, involuntary particularly negative initial, knee-jerk unforeseen synergistic radical and photochemical viscerally emotional violent immune initial critical uncontrollable atomic natural but unnecessary suspicious and pessimistic chemical and mystical initial inhospitable instinctive muscular profound and almost universal mechanical post-mortem slight and not painful entirely vulgar violent critical powerful sectional normal and unfettered mischievously extravagant swift natural typical instinctive frank and rude human, inevitable customary nervous deep and different intense inflammatory gradual and powerful speedy and violent adverse congressional earlier nervous considerable horizontal consequent papal inexorable divine concrete, scientific violent or irregular inevitable dull strange, instantaneous sudden and natural weak basic radical legislative healthful physiological keen emotional instinctive, feminine spontaneous psychosomatic swift but complete swift psychological well-nigh inevitable evangelical and popular permanent inflammatory earlier expansive fully consistent and independent fully consistent strong effective somewhat sensible subconscious emotional delicate elastic entirely conscious sudden limp sharp and stern wicked and absurd gay defiant dangerous antislavery excessive positive emotional and meaningful blind and somewhat bigoted such nation-wide propitious momentary immediate or synchronous unconscious and immediate great ciceronian little or slow sentimental, physical and intellectual decidedly childish milder psychotic impatient brutal emotional instinctive successful protective stronger conservative vigorous religious psychobiological entirely disproportionate always equal and opposite sudden natural slow but irresistible slightly alkaline more premeditated genuine cosmic involuntary and inevitable unconscious defensive widal necessary internal normal emotional exothermic adverse public instinctive defensive excitatory old healthful unusual emotional long emotional pure, uncontrollable possible reasonable big positive own insupportable hysterical female uncontrollable psychological earlier angry spontaneous atomic entirely instinctive fastest human extremely negative violent negative naturally stubborn stereotypical male high-energy nuclear chemi�cal disturbing emotional profound erotic initial emotional fatal allergic fearful and certain profound and protracted powerful silent passionate and rebellious immediate and brilliant suitable emotional complex protective unduly strong healthy modern intimate subjective mystical and emotional fundamental molecular definite and stereotyped practical and physical natural and unfortunate primitive imitative sharp masculine already rampant dangerous and obstinate passionate, turbulent emotional and economic seemingly decisive classical or semi-classical immediate chemical profound and violent mere higher everywhere more and more sudden, delightful intense emotional naturally graceful curious and surprising involuntary physical customary human alkaline curious feminine further royal immediate and dramatic always equal simplest animal general celtic entirely unacceptable understandable human favorable public internal chemical equally instinctive strange perverse equal but opposite completely neutral violent visual instinctive and immediate negative public sadly disappointing korean diplomatic public and critical complex multiple ><i>chemical similar physiological sudden, weak least audible ridiculous knee-jerk conspicuous emotional critical and public immense emotional instinctive, fearful deucedly poor instantaneous, visceral personal aesthetic sometimes savage violent sympathetic primitive and benighted instantly violent always refreshing hideous involuntary concomitant painful correct clinical ridiculously human proportionate emotional cumulative allergic more thought-out entirely automatic blind and primitive tormal more complimentary hypoglycemic variable gravitational swift and almost involuntary unimaginably hot normal quick inadvertent physical justifiable military instinctive and emotional unplanned feminine immediate angry purely superfluous inordinately violent unexpected allergic just plain and simple involuntary and uncontrollable blind, thoughtless emotional, irrational strong visceral equal or opposite atomic structural fatal toxic usual knee-jerk strong and foolish initial negative typical defensive apparent available bad allergic completely surprising extreme physiological totally involuntary open emotional angry, distraught instantaneous chemical typical knee-jerk equally jealous initial knee-jerk special affectionate petulant childish sympathetic physiological last visceral nonspecific immune small superstitious severe and injurious quick and involuntary corresponding religious sharp and profound slightly variable tactual and electrical possible therapeutic usually inflammatory conservative and monarchical curious unexplained favorable emotional hard, hysterical furious and vindictive own secretive sheer hysterical violent acute erratic emotional secondary chemical natural curative painful or uncomfortable impossible chemical violent or excessive continuous mutual previous positive consistent and independent natural and vigorous sufficient inflammatory great inflammatory necessary and fatal vital and healthy quickest and greatest somewhat bigoted profound psychotic strong febrile faint but permanent violent mental nearly uncontrollable strong temporary equally violent parasympathetic purely involuntary unpleasant emotional definite conscious oddly intense quick, free general and powerful often surprising single chemical silly female wholly automatic natural chemical mildly quizzical unexpectedly harsh specific emotional potential adverse primitive, instinctive conscious emotional corresponding psychological great and swift electrical and tactual immediate and severe faintly alkaline neutral or slightly alkaline fundamentally necessary least frequent acute and intolerable quick and merry aristocratic and official typical male purely automatic typically feminine initial defensive near-panic acute emotional own initial particular and immediate little defensive delayed last conceivable negative human explosive chemical pure instinctive slightest overt understandable psychological essentially emotional shockingly murderous mild erotic ceral immediate impulsive overtly masculine false physical disastrous chemical own heady own incandescent overt bad ultimate masculine fierce physical totally subjective normal parental peculiar muscular natural and intelligent immediate inner entirely mental now main ast possible profound chemical particular physiological spontaneous chemical own troubling natural, biological embarrassing physical “perfectly understandable new agreeable inevitable biological vascular and nervous passionate physical same sceptical characteristic purple partial political entirely materialistic characteristic dry mild alkaline complex electrochemical instinctive, unreasonable pleasant, physical mere unqualified earliest certain sudden and exquisite singular mental higher conscious typical emotional uncontrollable nervous strong and widespread healthy vital usual inevitable monarchical or aristocratic rapid chemical instinctive involuntary habitual emotional just nervous negative emotional normal physiological neutral or alkaline sufficiently bad instinctive extreme negative rather traumatic dreadful nervous quick defensive ideally simple characteristic emotional highest psychic inevitable feminine partly physical conceivable personal particular chemical rightist terrible spiritual violent inflammatory direct emotional material and mental fiercely protective own perilous particularistic own nervous strong emotional span>initial unexpected and disturbing seemingly innate natural survival faintly pleasurable adverse and hostile herpetological endothermic hardly original instinctive female profound and primitive immediate and respectful faint but real nontypical genuinely innovative ongoing physical greater negative violent, sudden perhaps understandable automatic male same catastrophic intensely uncomfortable seemingly involuntary instinctively protective blind and instinctive artistic creative sharp nervous complete and logical strong and irresistible equal opposite strong ecclesiastical bad psychological probable general just automatic constant special rapid and clear purely instinctive strange physical real, physical purely emotional severe emotional entirely normal less emotional strong adverse direct and logical usually considerable chemical deep, emotional

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Words to Describe reaction

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "reaction" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "reaction" are: subtly disapproving, disgusting but valid, primitive, disgusting but valid, severe allergic, and useless feminine. There are 995 other words to describe reaction listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe reaction suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "reaction" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many reaction adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is reaction?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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