Describing Wordsfor Boat

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Here are some adjectives for boat: dineval, silent and angry, decidedly third-rate, low canal, stiff, roomy, same leaky, manned, safe, beautiful, impractical, would-be silent, wide flat-bottomed, nearly high and dry, wobbly slippery, swift, inconsequential, well-designed little, beautiful pea-green, graceful big, away haitian, small golden-crusted, big, aluminum-hulled, wooden flat-bottomed, cranky, open, low flat-bottomed, flat-bottomed native, safe, flat-bottomed, similar but somewhat shorter, hateful double, old-fashioned canal, modern canal, beautifully dry, single canal. You can get the definitions of these boat adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to boat (and find more here).

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Words to Describe boat

Below is a list of describing words for boat. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe boat:

dineval silent and angry decidedly third-rate low canal stiff, roomy same leaky manned, safe beautiful, impractical would-be silent wide flat-bottomed nearly high and dry wobbly slippery swift, inconsequential well-designed little beautiful pea-green graceful big away haitian small golden-crusted big, aluminum-hulled wooden flat-bottomed cranky, open low flat-bottomed flat-bottomed native safe, flat-bottomed similar but somewhat shorter hateful double old-fashioned canal
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modern canal beautifully dry single canal small, unsteady old, one-man entire leaky little waterlogged lowly signal same pea-green wise crafty heavy flat-bottomed awkward flat-bottomed largest or long narrow barbary empty, leaky last collapsible heretofore well-balanced splendid, faithful possibly unready steady, roomy cranky speedy frail, leaky narrow, canal largest, strangest bad, wet private canal big, flat-bottomed open, flat-bottomed large flat-bottomed clumsy quick slender canal central key dormant little frightening and adventurous beautiful and perfectly good fine, no-nonsense fantastic pink mysteriously speedy own canal damn unreal unadorned, slow utilitarian little ludicrous and beautiful next rickety sturdy deep-sea staunch, strong smallest and most manageable horrible sweaty narrow, flimsy rudderless, engineless balanced modern weak but elegant tolerably good and clean bright, white and blue leaky and muddy daring, mere primitive and most characteristic wretched, ill-equipped stately canal frail small red, flat-bottomed soon ready and manned soon ready green, unwieldy now rudderless shredded small staunch, dry little, leaky sassy, gritty graceful, blue-black wabbly undersea pneumatic canal italian undersea occasional canal larger, speedier queer, cranky first-class high-pressure dilapidated canal substantial flat-bottomed shabby and leaky native flat-bottomed safe double open flat-bottomed uncomfortable canal clumsy flat-bottomed alarmingly leaky unsteady smaller disabled and waterlogged tiny, buoyant own flat-bottomed lazy canal wretched slow flat, rickety persistent and protracted marvelously persistent and protracted full canal local life-saving sedate and sturdy belgian canal tiny ramshackle lightest, tightest complete collapsible sparely manned completion--annual little rudderless extraordinary and very primitive good-looking sizable portentiously sharp big half-swamped can-al _can_-al sluggish flat-bottomed clumsy upturned empty, strange repulsive, uninviting all-round better famous rotary cleaner, handsomer mysterious, phantom soon high and dry cranky rotten lake-canal frail but buoyant large, heavy and clumsy sharp, flat-bottomed flat-bottomed old flat-bottomed cheap, smart small leaky small flat-bottomed ordinary flat-bottomed low-lying, small gray and tiny nearly waterlogged sole operational overcrowded british nearly flat-bottomed neatly ornamental big canal rudderless glass-bottom nice refreshing temporarily disabled now high and dry big flat-bottomed little flat-bottomed pat full completely sunken small, flat-bottomed hot and lucky bright orange-and-white small, powerless seemingly uninjured narrow, unsteady twelfth empty large, flat-bottomed lightweight, collapsible primitive damned wee long wondrous mag�ical mighty, magical extraordinarily shipshape humble flat good-size yellow comically larger and more comically larger dependable but ungainly old slender ominous able small elusive fourth sluggish, waterlogged westbound coastal dirty, unofficial usually sharp and clear impossibly decrepit small and practically open large beached little cambodian good deep-sea comparatively cheap and painless postwar clandestine crummy rental gray official aluminum-hulled sunken funeral golden oblong small rudderless frail, brave apparently obligatory foul and furtive safe and heavy wet and open steady open peculiarly grimy foremost or nearest decent open usual flat-bottomed large serviceable good and well-equipped leaky small leaky, flat-bottomed cranky, rotten long, flat-bottomed ugly canal dirty canal tardy rival queer, flat-bottomed matchless new last coastal plain, usable frail, cranky rather larger and lighter capacious and rather clumsy reliable big cranky ould clean canal crazy, leaky long and flat-bottomed extraordinarily steady serviceable and handy seventy-foot drab uncouth dutch broad and buoyant open double-deck marvelously persistent impertinent new mighty nifty ordinary canal unsteady blue naughty blue partly waterlogged hulking red first-class canal fearfully overcrowded flat-bottomed, open gray open particularly handy mysterious flat-bottomed whole auxiliary crooked canal considerable smaller small and very unsteady beautiful, pea-green crazy native upturned collapsible frail, fair-weather cranky, leaky poor open rough, leaky biggest and most expensive heavy, flat-bottomed leaky little fast white fine able poor timorous half-swamped similar, smaller specific small little tottering clumsy but comfortable large, fast-moving well-equipped small lumbering, awkward small dangerous small collapsible empty, motionless little high-pressure slow and sumptuous unstable little bare and rough old, flat-bottomed native small last canal comically bad little pea-green new, splendid entire canal dumb, sick fine and roomy old, upturned queer, green weird gaelic oval concave groggy little large bodied suspicious white same canal miserable rickety rude open slight fragile big and swift flat-bottomed, clumsy nearly high strong open great flat-bottomed identical golden old upturned small open slow, black beautiful dutch --mortal strange rough large and roomy lighter, smaller awful bumpy damn british fragile yellow fast underwater cunning, swift purely pathetic infamous arched wide, flat-bottomed unfamiliar small brown loose-jointed bigger, safer competent and conscientious fun-filled and memorable such rough-hewn next southbound circular babylonian spacious, spotless proverbial slow beautiful, responsive immensely quiet surprisingly obdurate good all-weather large canal miserable, leaky dependable and skilful little, unarmed flat, awkward fair strange venturesome small big and safe big and rough fine and well-equipped stout flat buoyant and graceful tiny collapsible typical finnish handsome and able splendid and superior narrow canal little canal weak crazy dim phantom old, played-out strange, frail rather slow-moving puny white narrow, flat-bottomed fugitive white open spanish biggest and most luxurious big unwieldy old canal broad, flat-bottomed strongly manned larger, better long flat-bottomed fine, fancy small, wretched quick and handy leaky deeply laden small unfamiliar golden-crusted tolerably good old leaky small wretched long and unwieldy black, upturned small and open white tiny old, leaky unwieldy little slow canal old and leaky black-and-yellow striped other chartered low, flat-bottomed large, safe handsome, roomy clumsy great large and swift now tranquil largest french tight, dry strong, swift older, smaller small, open real ethnic large great nice, convenient mag�ical different flat own standby incoming small big and sturdy wretched weak gorgeous barbaric common open german undersea recent arduous white phantom stout, fat ordinary deal presentable little suspicious dark narrow, swift particularly unlucky long and clumsy whole underwater long quaint strong, buoyant retrieval powerful and speedy specially chartered suddenly becalmed tough, reliable great, roomy same inverted other canal clumsy dutch large, capacious well-known and long-established fourth upper ten-foot long famed old soon high fine, new canal grand royal other, shorter collapsible long, romantic little stainless-steel same monetary peculiarly low fine, tight single-engine little undersea flat, slippery yon black large moorish big, safe big collapsible slow clumsy great intercollegiate broad french rather crazy unsteady little white upturned swift german small broad neat, graceful ample and comfortable good fine biggest and fastest big, strange little open small outboard large, well-made neat and beautiful somewhat crazy humble native elberthal small, collapsible shallow, wide upturned same crazy newer, larger tidy old decrepit little leaky old small, uncomfortable same existential familiar red-and-white smaller open wooden funeral last incoming practically open fine slim larger and lighter mighty stout steady double little parallel queer squat small, clumsy own staunch filthy open large, rude pea-green entirely inadequate fair great becalmed now defenseless helluva nice great, lazy good secondhand nice, wide excessively dirty frail, small single efficient extra small horrible wet deep, large slender wooden damned small lower thy beached larger military ominous dark whole ruddy great gilded boxy little little frail round-bottom tight new yon open handsome chinese dirty and dilapidated delightfully comfortable stronger and heavier broad slow undersea strange native ordinary open now stationary cumbersome old good staunch little, small nice handy heavy, sluggish good roomy ornately gilded small but serviceable tiny, narrow dangerously narrow neat, comfortable next biggest fully manned durable little last and smallest small unarmed nearby yellow unsteady old glass-fiber single insignificant awful small small and solitary fourth and largest partly sunken good sizeable wide and steady lightly laden single, strong smaller modern broad flat-bottomed large, roomy surprising little swift little miniature golden queer yellow own european open coal frail little damned slow seemingly ordinary collapsible metal small grim small exploratory same proverbial big native rather swift lumbering great strong, open little upturned strange, rude small native small metallic fairly tight small, silvery able little engineless low and heavy propeller-driven somewhat clumsy heavily laden strong good modern, up-to-date open large open largest and best free thy safe and proper dependable little little broad true egyptian low, rakish small, familiar damned french old flat incredibly heavy mere open black open now high small but good small extra frail solid and comfortable small, unmanned bargelike large, clumsy little, green old and rotten fairy white small, swift grand good long-line small stiff gallant little clumsy old same bloody low, lean new nuclear sloppy little uncommonly hard fine, wholesome stately black sweet fairy short flat large native big damn old coal ghostly green wide, comfortable small, stout powerful red perhaps long own spacious big roomy outboard ten-day nimbler regular international wickedly curved fearfully heavy wild gaelic now unseen good-looking old small frail exceedingly slow swift, powerful taut little neat, strong somewhat shorter kamchadal same boring great funeral wondrous white gun-metal gray wet and dirty best small long shallow less swift less buoyant large and luxurious slow little fastest tiny open tipsy old own open little flat broad grey dear, brave staunch little small, fast-moving gay coloured double-deck waspish little own flat mighty handsome noisy old heavy and clumsy quaint dutch handsome large smaller and lighter sunken fine big goddamned little perilous little sassy little dauntless little strange, dangerous famous canadian other wireless welcome little little coastal smart new roomy noble and powerful big, clumsy laden little neat fine and strong short, flat smartest little still motionless nice green preventive huge powerful tall-masted usually sharp long, cramped less wonderful unreinforced broad and flat fine good beautiful private common small d�dal small, old-fashioned largest and strongest good, quiet waterlogged stand-by small, shallow disabled fine new buoyant little large hospital certain dutch single empty small fragile delightfully easy rustic little great transatlantic own substantial large, new still invisible rather odd-looking sleek new long furry little crazy huge, clumsy large new long skinny small ancient rental single open stubby little sleek, powerful wet, windy unique and wonderful fair-looking such smaller dandy little old long small wooden slow and clumsy perfectly horrid mysterious dark single small vulnerable little wide, spacious fine beautiful large, heavy slender dark single flat cranky long, narrow perfectly fine awfully long good large small norwegian better and safer six-day decayed old heavy old long open big, heavy jutish good safe tiny wooden adical foul little good tight hot-shot grand little slow old orange-and-white lonesome little flat, shallow little fairy loveliest little ancient sacred small but strong broad old beautiful new chartered large flat clumsy little swiftest fairly expensive cranky little next good huge, unwieldy senegal foremost now deceased roberval great clumsy last native quiet and uneventful ill-equipped tiny invisible old heavy good new ratty old fairly safe swanlike new and pleasant rather smart unsteady large and splendid pitiful little strong, handsome minor key good stout little wooden strong, heavy huge long narrow and shallow funeral big heavy thirty-foot small, elegant small and narrow narrow, open infirm old heavy laden good, comfortable little larger stronger and better larger fleetest narrow little oncoming nine-day little young large comfortable real fancy dingy brown low flat equally mysterious big, comfortable small, narrow expensive little long, swift small auxiliary little dutch low, flat superfast ocean-going long, hungry thick, clumsy steel-hulled present splendid big, new spiffing smaller little old-fashioned big ole great beautiful heavy old-fashioned slim brown more agile little, little rickety old graceful little open wooden big foreign small, sleek black, glossy great rich wet, dirty roomier long and narrow fine, big great heavy cranky old small, small great little slowest big rusty big, roomy much quicker old little small, frail next new hindmost paltry little good and safe small dutch reasonably safe long narrow particularly beautiful small french small coastal hot, stuffy little gilded obviously expensive long swift thin, fragile strange long ordinary wooden flat little slim white own swift american-built good-size slim gray large and handsome big flat stout little top-heavy large and heavy strange black old crazy big clumsy big damned dismal old less elegant narrow and crooked awful little mysterious little good modern underwater terrible little comparatively cheap big, broad beautifully clean richly laden manned large, comfortable good, stout small narrow long slim precious old heavy, clumsy exceedingly comfortable next bloody big single-handed strange brown ferocious little old slow best and largest khedivial shaky old little squat small flat splendid little big white staunch good, serviceable small solitary fairy long low long, low

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Words to Describe boat

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "boat" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "boat" are: dineval, silent and angry, decidedly third-rate, low canal, and stiff, roomy. There are 993 other words to describe boat listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe boat suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "boat" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many boat adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is boat?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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