Describing Wordsfor Cheers

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Here are some adjectives for cheers: ragged, halfhearted, much gratis, welcome and fair, brief and bleary, mighty jovial, comfortable good, full-throated british, excellent and very delicate, loud british, ragged and spontaneous, hideous good, loud but hasty, certain glum, deceptive good, rousing british, hastily hushed, hoarse ritual, enthusiastically defiant, nameless and unnatural, rather high and weak, evil nor heavy, tumultuous and irrepressible, faint idiotic, already gleeful, everywhere excellent, tumultuous and long-lasting, loud, tumultuous and long-lasting, back hearty, customary single, hoarse and frantic. You can get the definitions of these cheers adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to cheers (and find more here).

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Words to Describe cheers

Below is a list of describing words for cheers. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe cheers:

ragged, halfhearted much gratis welcome and fair brief and bleary mighty jovial comfortable good full-throated british excellent and very delicate loud british ragged and spontaneous hideous good loud but hasty certain glum deceptive good rousing british hastily hushed hoarse ritual enthusiastically defiant nameless and unnatural rather high and weak evil nor heavy tumultuous and irrepressible faint idiotic already gleeful everywhere excellent tumultuous and long-lasting
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loud, tumultuous and long-lasting back hearty customary single hoarse and frantic morbid mechanical savage, jubilant indiscriminate good ragged, sardonic muffled but impassioned spontaneous but weary benevolent good forth ironic bloodthirsty good loud undaunted rare feeble thunderous and enthusiastic hectic good frantic, tumultuous spontaneous, thunderous wild and hearty short, rousing irresponsible good cold meaningless pleasant--capital good irrepressible australian vigorous, snappy irregular but hearty last lusty old rockin substantial and good rousing, hoarse full troubled _ministerial faint and ragged home-bred british joyous, defiant wild and animated hearty british stately antique loud and incoherent confident good hoarse, communal handsome good vocal and telepathic fake good forth noiseless ragged, half-hearted thereupon loud obsequious good [ministerial full sober joyous and hearty infernal good hearty and protracted blurry but positive rhythmic, lusty enthusiastic and sincere ragged, lusty utter fairy expectant, humorless hearty and tipsy loud, hooting apparent--special bawdy good-natured tremendous and hearty avuncular good east resounding cautious, fragile away rousing approach—casual loud thankful perverse good mid tremendous eerily convincing anticipatory and jubilant huge, triumphant loud responsive resilient good vociferous radical welcome and good loud and generous friendly welcome and good triumphant and enthusiastic liquid good loud and cordial dainty good loud ministerial lusty antique terrible and honest regal good distinct and tremendous explosive, demoniacal unanimous and tremendous protracted good almost unanimous and tremendous resounding british unaccompanied, unanswered hopeless, good unusual and abundant long rousing rousing boyish unanimous, involuntary loud federal gay courageous lukewarm, half-hearted faint ragged warm, best glad and defiant shrill canadian undefined or irregular weak, magnanimous hoarse, full white ruddy profuse good faint but enthusiastic shockingly undisciplined hearty, long and loud loud spontaneous further medicinal great, rousing uncertain, boyish temperamental good sad, grievous self-confident good blithe and open thrifty northern glad good fairly hearty unaccustomed good good and joyous hoarse raucous raw, dry loud mental disproportionately loud faint british again enthusiastic oppressive good loud and enthusiastic expansive good hearty and vociferous final rousing muffled, hoarse inappropriate good ragged noisy magnificent good fierce good hearty or spontaneous zeal and joyful loud, spontaneous full humble full steadfast abundant good last rousing ever royal courageous good exuberant good false good merry, good slightly hesitant refractory and sinister crazily enthusiastic regular and wholesome raucous sentimental halfhearted, ragged rousing oriental chipper good adproval or swift earlier easy adproval great tipsy ludicrously overblown spontaneous triple mock frenzied invariant good louder-than-normal good ragged and unconvincing resurgent tentative now raucous tiny faint loud but unenthusiastic feigned good fierce, appreciative longest and loudest welcome and loud hoarse, spontaneous last elated immaculate good inspiring spontaneous glum good wild, incessant malicious good steady popular maddening good faint, desultory cheerfully�real long and hearty artificial good simultaneously loud unbearable good shrill british lusty, good-humored heartfelt and vociferous furious, savage later loud discreet but universal usual heart-rending disorganized but hearty forth tumultuous spontaneous, disorganized but hearty loud and sympathetic unanimous good-natured presently distinct ragged, spontaneous loud ironical goofy good mid rousing self-conscious good successive enthusiastic ragged and somewhat ironic suddenly tremendous ragged ironical forth frenzied climactic, ecstatic loud and uninterrupted heartfelt good tremendous british brittle false hearty and unusual small but rousing warm, ecstatic unspoken good ragged, good-natured bright, anomalous ironic, happy decidedly premature febrile good ragged and weak realistic good short but enthusiastic defiant good loud, simultaneous smallest momentary timid and faint lusty british liberal good riotous good great and simultaneous welcome and open-handed completely extinct hearty and inspiring shrill involuntary resonant british continuous, enthusiastic feeble and heartless rather feeble and heartless taffy and good by-gone good fewer better thrilling japanese faint, ragged plump good triple british gargantuan good blatant, confident loud and spontaneous chinese good loud, universal more ambrosial other busted sweet joyous faint, indeterminate full sorrowful glad and festal pleasing and glad thrilling and welcome apparently inborn and organic apparently inborn great spontaneous sharp, full mock good bolder and better long enthusiastic radiant good loud, tremendous loud and simultaneous loud simultaneous surprising good boundless good sudden, spontaneous loud and general great irrepressible sunny good loud, victorious terrible, mechanistic feeble and intermittent triumphant, defiant feeble but sincere practised good staggering, drunken inevitable good sudden, thunderous loud communal instantaneous good thin, sleepy grand, simultaneous enthusiastic good wonderful boyish great ironical rousing french available good wild british downright merry classic good faint, ironical low and ceaseless fantastic good low but hearty valiant good physical good sad sober hearty good hearty and enthusiastic certain macabre immense good brave, sunny rich and wholesome great and hearty high good plentiful good sovereign good great and inspiring again raucous hard-won good thin, disembodied loud false heart-breakingly hopeful coarse, unforgiving good, rollicking rousing, full-throated loud enthusiastic conspicuously false other, long general ragged wild, infernal brief, halfhearted inordinate good brittle good palpable good big, sarcastic little pre-christmas dead good typical medical nervous good faint and low informal spontaneous revolting good distant, ragged great and thunderous brief, half-hearted ruthless good maniacal good blustery good sour good remorseless good smug good morbid good gay and festal fierce irish amusing good loud and astounding stout good great, full-throated loud congratulatory spontaneous good trial and much hospitable good immediate and tremendous loud, triumphal unabashed good ample good morbid fancy much hospitable constant good innocent good rockin more ironical loving good false and flattering own doubtful loud and hearty long, hearty sturdy good new gay great good more hysterical astonishing good loud, ironical much fake loud and vociferous ruddy good brisk good excessive good vigorous good ever firmer great and sumptuous diffuse good general and spontaneous loud, tumultuous dull and simple unlimited good thin british material good sympathetic good rousing familiar good hoarse, ragged genial good usual festive full merry same ironic famous good more gleeful suave good would-be fierce relentless good sudden, sardonic resounding good dangerous good unshakable good tireless good facile good helpful good disgusting good rather tepid loud, incoherent cordial good noisy good harmless good wild, mighty loud, long loud thrilling tremulous, uncertain dear and pleasant wild and hilarious fierce british quick and hearty long, savage consequent good much and little open hearty broad good hearty sudden good evident good wild enthusiastic semi-ironical loud, hearty boisterous good wicked good calm good last and loudest final mighty patently false long, splendid warm good loud, enthusiastic peculiar shrill loud distinct curious hoarse intimate and secret unmistakably british loud defiant fine loud short, hoarse loud and wild late good usual good wild and tumultuous uncharacteristic good more rousing abortive little few raucous unmistakable good contagious good long hearty hoarse discordant fierce, vindictive thin, breathless forth enthusiastic loud and joyful loud, vehement big, boisterous terrible and fearful amiable good simple, social truly lofty wild joyous timid and respectful loud such glad shrill, thin loud and boisterous once loud brief, ironic friendly welcome frank good few respectful many hearty unexpected good loud and animated perpetual good somewhat faint forth hearty whimsical good hoarse and hollow shy good loud, scornful casual good doubtful good cynical good loud and lusty fresh and fruitful curious irish high, good wild, inhuman substantial good ancient good wild and frenzied loud long eternal good serene good hearty and vigorous deep german wild, glad fairly loud deep, full-throated thy bridal sarcastical more thunderous intelligent and appreciative sad and heavy thy merry halfhearted few halfhearted new, blue such rousing wild, enthusiastic utter loud drunken good loud and continuous ofessional professional good grim good bright, false miserably feeble wild hoarse wild, thrilling low, stern general good loud, quick especially loud gay good more shrill wild nocturnal shrill treble same insistent vociferous considerable good loud, raucous other, great certain artificial much good few muffled moderate good long resounding loud good mighty british momentary good loud raucous sudden insane usual regular hearty and spontaneous honest hearty unusual good soft and happy loud, wild loud, full honest and hearty recent good habitual good suddenly loud generous good invariable good rollicking good ironical obvious good deep-sounding full fair robust good deal better faint ironic fragrant wild eminent good involuntary little jovial, hearty own steady such good own loud unfailing good such festive good and abundant universal good usual ironic invincible good forth mighty calm and good sudden, involuntary great and joyous loud and frantic loud hearty deep throaty past good present better long, loud single, unified equally loud small, uncertain several hearty perfect good wild, frenzied same wholesome single explosive happy good loud resounding vigorous british full heavy loud and triumphant dark sullen long, hoarse shrill female few ragged few weak resounding [general utmost good more vague special good thy brave more vociferous full good more strident prettiest possible customary good glad and happy little good enthusiastic louder ragged such valiant genuine good forth loud royal good few half-hearted endless good barely muffled good loud same tumultuous sudden hoarse few hoarse loud, rude sad and sorry such sunny other substantial blithe and merry amazing good still louder true british spontaneous other good little cuban thunderous almost animal gallant british poor good truly british thy gracious much wanton occasional distant more resounding loud and raucous deep hoarse brave british rather feeble few sympathetic new heavy sad and sober such hospitable always special basic good thin, distant overly enthusiastic somewhat ironic long, unbroken sufficient good wild shrill such honorable stentorian lusty festal sudden tremendous official british great loud tumultuous full-throated great and sincere soft and mellow few drunken loud, impatient ready good long, deliberate great hearty hoarse few, brief great drunken wild, irregular particular good little comfortable thy haughty few enthusiastic normal good such sober raucous long and loud capital good great booming heartiest wild, undisciplined few good-natured simple good genuine british such lusty mad, wild new and alien fierce little excellent good thy purple real british loudest great resounding game-show wild hysterical _--general sweet domestic loud triumphant soft mellow such frantic unscripted spanish and british old good loud, shrill good, little loud and long higher religious own good sharp quick good hearty iginal long, shrill simple practical many faint same good more hearty few feeble throaty thy bitter long wild good rousing little present merry ironic tremendous possible good more good fierce, savage honest good half-hearted polite little jubilant such liberal quick mental simple, practical big irish louder and louder loud shrill merriest same excellent certain bright few vague single wild more loud greatest good profes\-sional thy sad bleary old mad brave good unanimous more courteous nearly pure tremulous little comparatively feeble sweet and solemn frantic little orphan several loud great ragged good british little liquid such hearty such loud pre-christmas little rough such evil such abundant other crazy much great whooping festive more auspicious feeble bluesy hesitant single loud better or worse small internal good and excellent gratis good, hearty shrill utter such strange human more terrific precious few long, happy extraordinary good mighty nice little silent little wholesome frenzied ministerial much false almost unanimous muffled wild and savage long-lasting occasional wild sumptuous wild good and evil faint strong, steady more vehement long, wild same weary ear-splitting much louder rather high such loving high social friendly thy good little feminine almost simultaneous mighty more tremendous joyful heartfelt joyous faint, distant untarnished defiant such ample glum triumphant hooting hospitable sudden wild jovial pumped-up surprisingly strong simultaneous particularly loud little internal dulcet unaccompanied last wild former good unuttered british hardier broken-backed inadvertent bridal such solemn such bright same external long and strong glad ambrosial feigned feeble little sorry raspberry gay and festive false welcome good irish congratulatory such gross vehement same false straight-backed barely audible

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Words to Describe cheers

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "cheers" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "cheers" are: ragged, halfhearted, much gratis, welcome and fair, brief and bleary, and mighty jovial. There are 944 other words to describe cheers listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe cheers suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "cheers" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many cheers adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is cheers?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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