Describing Wordsfor Dance

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Here are some adjectives for dance: intricate and ceremonial, expressively erotic, truly intricate, rude all-night, complex ritual, earlier ritual, agile aerial, slow mindless, distant carnival, secret, independent, final, graceful, furious and most revolting, reliable and eternal, great heart-to-heart, pyrrhic or military, pyrrhic, convoluted, intricate, immense, wispy, supple, slow, intricate, eerie, bizarre local, pyrrhic or martial, quick and obscene, steady, limpid, enormous formal, slow aerial, sedate individual, appealing and suggestive, monopodal, new quicksilver. You can get the definitions of these dance adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to dance (and find more here).

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Words to Describe dance

Below is a list of describing words for dance. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe dance:

intricate and ceremonial expressively erotic truly intricate rude all-night complex ritual earlier ritual agile aerial slow mindless distant carnival secret, independent final, graceful furious and most revolting reliable and eternal great heart-to-heart pyrrhic or military pyrrhic convoluted, intricate immense, wispy supple, slow intricate, eerie bizarre local pyrrhic or martial quick and obscene steady, limpid enormous formal slow aerial sedate individual
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appealing and suggestive monopodal new quicksilver slow, unaccompanied sleek and confident undulating oriental voluptuous decorous old and rather bawdy intricate unending hypnotic universal crazy staggering frenetic, senseless lively hungarian wild and aerial grave static weird rhythmic last and merriest hasty, informal beautiful pantomimic joyous and exciting sordid drunken rude ceremonial humorous chinese female aboriginal immodest comic queer, floppy short frenetic truly savage and bizarre stiff absurd little two-step intricate, endless intricate, furry frantic and outlandish graceful and solemn quaint tribal beautiful, horrifying careful, sinister comical, ludicrous subtle, sensual mad, macabre formal ominous hypnotic jazzy manifestly painful little soft-shoe impromptu interpretive slick and sensuous electronic european eerie, fitful awfully oriental brief, macabre final or main voluptuous dreamy primitive choral genuinely civic thy sublunary [general diplomatic warlike pyrrhic gay diabolical circular fairy wild and exceedingly primitive jerky, unbalanced funny eccentric inevitable interpretative rapid elegant peculiar rollicking vigorous, sonorous immense processional enjoyable, inexpensive strikingly immaculate weird and tremendous strange and seductive wonderful and fantastic amusing native racy french intricate orbital mad gravitational wild circular big intertribal chaste pastoral degradingly mechanical intricate, computer-controlled soft-shoe primitive, hysterical acrobatic ritual deliberate, sensual strange ghoulish mad, chaotic petite perfumed intricate, slow brutal, sexual endless, limber sinuous underwater weirdly sensual swift melodious slow empty languorous, poetic frenzied, delightful elfin aoibheal mad, fiery peculiar orbital joyful and mysterious nude interpretive sleek, sensual swift, morbid slow but visible rhythmic and intoxicating fantastic and wearisome hilariously laid-back ancient sensual immeasurably graceful indecent moorish extremely graceful and spirited deplorably long votive african soon municipal lively polish easy and most graceful few jubilant stormily exciting rhythmically flat inner miniature tempestuous spanish remarkable furry truly wild and savage twenty-eighth regular pert and ferocious final senior wild pyrrhic interminable native barbaric, foreign particularly staid and formal particularly staid graceful unpremeditated little one-step mid-week after-dinner “corral great corral shorter temporary intricate classic dreadful amateurish virile pyrrhic yearly junior weird hypnotic beautiful greater graceful and equally meaningless fantastic but noiseless ceremonial social sinuous pantomimic giddy agile queer and sprightly little teasing polish quick norwegian shadowy wild gay impromptu intensely intricate patently impromptu tranquil and celestial queer and charming wild centrifugal eccentric pastoral endless, alluring mainly venerable fantastic, maddening informal after-dinner perpetual and silent little, informal merry, momentary cool optical amorous wanton ceremonial or theatrical excessively pagan altogether jubilant wild and rhythmic merry and most graceful graceful provincial frantic and obscene large and rather fashionable wild pictorial crazy and wanton gay mystic aforesaid beautiful wild, noiseless mournful and exceedingly proper especially wild and savage early mimetic queer polish irregular fancy striking but immodest wild festive delicate unceasing rollicking hungarian intricate maritime jolly heathen almost macabre slow and strange weird undulating wild, suggestive annual furry rapid, stationary elegant polish extremely riotous sensational, never-to-be-forgotten rhythmical barbaric awkward old-time fearsomely voluptuous grave, spanish gracefully quiet boisterous, obscene lively french and italian stately polish solemn and graceful deadly social irrelevant legal still tragic wild illegal complex, meaningless endless, sinuous strange and sinuous usual, splendid gay, lilting heavy, noisy little off-balance disappointing other lively spanish mad fantastic mexican sacred joyous nuptial silent but triumphant shadowy soft overnight huge foamy pink incongruous, involuntary slow and primitive mad, insane profane and vicious wild polish slow spanish wild, acrobatic strange ritual tight, electric complex gravitational final slow excellent rid silent rhythmic downright erotic ritual tribal wild gymnastic continual edgy brief lumbering own quicker ill-timed sexy scarcely rhythmical cruel, blind sinuous sensuous splendidly barbaric highly courteous violent, intricate brutal demoniac sleepy sinuous brisk, pointy strange airborne ensual and haunting sensual and haunting rather bawdy perpetual chaotic merciless random grave and joyful static and distant primitive, sexual wild and dynamic idiotic joint current diplomatic seamless, graceful wild, dyspeptic <p>original spanish unstoppable ritual usual imperceptible jagged insane almost stylistic deliriously sadistic almost generic sexy, slow elegant, joyous strange saturday-night dire but elegant intricate acrobatic serpentine, suggestive undulating, erotic continuous and vivacious delicate, reciprocal exotic and wild clumsy, aggressive mad slow helpless, panicky good, slow abstract little slow dangerous eerie circular teasing, seductive utterly gleeful a><br>formal solemn ceremonial silent frenetic strange, antic slow terminal formal, intricate ancient, lumbering woefully empty gorgeous slow startlingly sexy slow harmonic old latino peculiar, private constant frenzied great forthcoming beautiful, complex rough giddy slow and wondrous ridiculous impromptu stubborn clumsy graceful, irresistible strange, straight-backed prone and primitive insultingly bouncy insultingly bouncy and childish filmy electric brief subtle wildly sensual unhurried orbital three-body orbital intricate, provocative wild crazed strange, incestuous violent, silent dim but distinct tangled and chaotic wild, madcap crazy reproductive grotesque, energetic insanely funny funny floppy madly antic formalized ritual semi-improvisational great unperformed ridiculous happy sacred spiral beautiful, bloody formal antique blinding binary discursive spiral endless mindless surprisingly pedestrian sweet, exploratory ebullient, clumsy arthritic tribal unending tortuous easy, sensual weird, formal ceremonial aztec especially spirited familiar, erotic delicious and altogether evil abstract and verbal purely abstract and verbal mental happy mythical erotic sensual, powerful swift intricate ontologically empty blind and ontologically empty violent thermonuclear crazy rustic erotic, sinuous seductive, sensual colorful serpentine endless hypnotic amazingly sinuous sensual modern intricate baroque high-speed frenzied stylized, more intricate and self-destructive balanced, political fat random restless stationary fast unused constant capricious dark particulate inner happy rhythmic tribal wild atomic frenzied, elated slow, modern stately spectral obscene, involuntary anxious solitary few exuberant fantastic slow lawless new contrary, slow korean traditional slow and illustrious vigorous rough universal and highly original lovely fancy exceedingly nimble plumb dandy decorous and devout mad weary ancient pyrrhic lurid and horrible gruesome, grotesque alluring seductive fullest formal gorgeous hungarian curious aërial curious a�rial perfumed, overcrowded weirdly funny graceful polish brisk german sordid provincial sicilian national old-world southern rascally bacchanal explicitly religious noiseless flighty a�pastoral horrid national wild and unconventional short and flimsy mad and weary big and dazzling rapid, animated mad spiritual grotesque, elephantine wild pyrotechnic endless active legitimate native smoothly sweet extravagant moorish spanish french otherwise stupid grotesque and mystic strong but grotesque gay, voluptuous decidedly grotesque artistic social sinuous oriental naive viennese favorite and medi�val favorite and mediaeval languid, continuous last, unpremeditated sicilian popular weird moonlit irregular, unsteady serious and chaste old festival less hungarian dirty garish fierce pantomimic languorously sensuous brief voluptuous wondrous bold picturesque and national weary perpetual wild impromptu mad fierce magical and mimetic airy german strange brief great, complex popular and vigorous slow, intimate endless orbital constant chaotic slow, eerie small, stationary slow, purposeful makeshift outdoor small, awkward good martial deft and delicate wild hungarian slow, restless sinister silent vague slow complex three-dimensional beautiful, lethal peculiarly dreamy exceedingly antique sinuous, suggestive animated and elegant questionable little disreputable public harmless and pleasing gay unconscious strange, cosmic last, sacred peculiar ancient foul-smelling, low-ceilinged chiefly short recently fashionable slight but intense strange and luxurious evil, seductive great, intricate quiet or noisy plaintive funeral clumsy rustic little recurrent favorite and characteristic primitive rustic dreamy spanish wild, indescribable low, noisy heathen religious grave and majestic slow and evil nearly motionless particularly rowdy awful and glorious unique national last and wildest grave spanish funny chinese noisy, riotous wild and merry pointless little graceful aquatic occasional regimental huge triumphant stately annual grand, lazy brief wild stupid sexy sultry, meaningless crazy random frantic, insane wild and raucous demeaning little formal, elegant psychedelic-revival pushy blue ensual single erotic erratic quick crazy, improbable primitive erotic slow, sinuous smooth tidal sweet and special small, undulating slow unending gently lilting final ceremonial strange sensual obviously fancy desperate, drunken quick, gleeful ceaseless monotonous bouncy and childish sensuous, real inhuman, natural eerie aerial endless planetary primal modern fabulous electronic slow eternal boringly familiar dreamy slow-motion meaningless, chaotic enthusiastic but grotesque warmly loving mysterious heathen strange, frenzied traditional bridal complex ceremonial delicate, slow peculiar aerial cheerful, louder-than-usual loud, anonymous suave, young simpler, introductory equally erotic silent, flaming slow elliptical graceful and spirited vigorous and general solemnly joyful half-forgotten spanish religious ritual staid and formal peculiar triumphant silent mystic new galvanic grave solemn weirdly sensuous intricate, ancient dense, silent graceful fancy hot and noisy pantomimical slow, rhythmical quaint native ecstatic little ancient formal endless formal secret and wonderful great and formal rude, noisy impromptu but graceful complex, chaotic primitive, instinctive larger, outdoor strange formal odd jerky intricate, precise slow hypnotic peculiar sacred popular elizabethan old-fashioned slow particular spanish drunken, noisy graceful oriental lively italian ceremonial religious lower irish thy tumultuous solemn ritual formal spanish same involuntary old sure little suggestive weird, shadowy peculiar jerky merely emotional --funeral large choral ancient and solemn strange, compelling astonishingly graceful moorish military solemn and ridiculous unbelievably sensual heavy, insistent strongly rhythmical rapid orbital hungry, possessive jittery little mad and joyous grand communal curious and intricate nice bouncy endless, pointless hypnotic, compelling silent, expressive new high-security warm, slender grotesque aquatic wild and curious long and progressive slow exquisite sinuous silent intricate aerial complex evasive frantic, fugitive triumphant, defiant fine smart green, orange crazy aerial bright mad amazingly athletic little lecherous cruel and endless invisible cosmic wild erotic slight erotic odd, nervous louder-than-usual dark and sweaty eerie dreamlike brief mad new, delightful ordinarily successful public ceremonial old choral solemn and sorrowful best cuban grotesquely comic strange ceremonial open-air public slow, solitary merry, informal coming-out cheerful and animated gray, dismal solemn festival ancient tragic odd, jerky little clumsy small impromptu slow, graceful real ultimate small and informal other antic eccentric french wild popular grave, majestic wild aerial rollicking french mad, drunken smooth, silent popular revolutionary gleeful little swedish national divine, eternal clumsy, staggering bizarrely beautiful endless, complex wild and spontaneous jazzy little relatively uncomplicated exclusive private particularly sensual slow purposeful slow graceful aoibheal manic little constant loud own spiral grim, slow peaceful, empty strange, vicious old cajun slow and intricate wild frenzied frenzied tribal simple naive next private grave, slow vague emotional ancient provencal slow, simple fierce and irresistible wild, warlike queer, jerky great processional seventh or ninth best and rarest thursday-night beautiful, terrible strange slow mighty slow wild fantastic original, simple slow, erotic intricate three-dimensional certain molecular serious or tragic wild, wicked big and noisy wild and mystic peculiar spanish precious long impromptu little little informal wild, frenzied choral slow and graceful beautiful silent anguished little weird, exotic slow, beautiful silent, dreamlike exclusive, private blatantly sexual slow, provocative remarkably graceful strange, clumsy fifth and greatest strange motionless strangely easy complex aerial simple and informal little, playful charming native ancient proven�al curious aerial quaint, sweet grand fine animated and picturesque wild uncouth free and joyful weird, fantastic currently fashionable small informal swift current simple, graceful slow, sensual bizarre little quick suspicious quiet, shadowy exuberant little strange and dismal great mythic national french exceedingly proper rough, noisy lowest and most brutal great tribal obviously dangerous small formal more lethal endless diplomatic slow, repetitive impossibly intricate slow, vast many nude slow, luxurious slow relentless tutional particularly gratifying mindless mechanical crazy paranoid little nautical whole slow incredibly graceful altogether evil simple slow mad aerial timeless, eternal wild, uninhibited common animal whole violent junior-senior big fashionable enthusiastic religious somehow sinister characteristic french new glad sudden, wild stately spanish grand annual ancient national small, informal pantomimic back-to-back slow, sultry equally meaningless rather fashionable norwegian national wild and rapid graceful spanish same ceremonial hungarian national little impromptu two-step slow, languorous smooth, swift ancient ceremonial exceedingly primitive polish national giddy little few clumsy usual bureaucratic extremely public regular saturday-night slow and sinuous more dizzying little sexy biggest social beautiful formal more merry fancy, little wild frantic swift and elegant slow secret wild, fantastic wild triumphal wild and hideous more rhythmic lively french original spanish pro-castro extraordinarily violent slow circular little happy old ritual wild and frantic strange, intoxicating mad, happy slow, sickening strange and intricate cold mathematical horrible german popular spanish general strategic wild weird mad and merry same spanish popular mexican last disastrous native australian intricate little ancient dramatic slow, strange strange, barbaric screechy coldly practical frantic little wild, exhilarating strange underwater free, graceful particularly ambitious quaint oriental justly popular graceful, beautiful passionate spanish ancient and beautiful same archaic spanish national shocking little macabre popular national orange and white painfully slow bizarre and terrible wide glassy gummy black quick, happy slow and dangerous strangely regular proper grown-up such old-time rather intricate wild fierce impromptu next full sixth or seventh slow, delicious irresistible little heart-to-heart merry charming new slow, deliberate usual little rapid little grotesque little ritual strange silent little ritual wild, barbaric sinuous little complex geometric wild and horrible long and animated seemingly purposeless eerie little characteristic spanish certain ritual especially wild old peruvian wild and sudden interpretive slow, grave continual little blithe and merry quick, agile frantic, furious slow, cumbersome

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Words to Describe dance

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "dance" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "dance" are: intricate and ceremonial, expressively erotic, truly intricate, rude all-night, and complex ritual. There are 995 other words to describe dance listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe dance suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "dance" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many dance adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is dance?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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