Describing Wordsfor Gait

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Here are some adjectives for gait: deliberately rigid, oddly constricted, moderate and comfortable, usual sinuous, airy wishful, uneasy, charming, brutal, animal-like, easy but swift, casual, smug, slow and effortless, calm, awkward, heavy but rapid, uncertain tottering, weary, dowdy, independent and elastic, natural delicate, feeble and unsteady, efficient pedestrian, tolerably bold and cavalier, graceful and confident, deliberately implacable, proud but not haughty, smooth, predatorial, uncomplaining and steady, lumbering awkward, genteel and noble, affectedly youthful, humble, clerical, awkward and tottering, direct and linear. You can get the definitions of these gait adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to gait (and find more here).

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Words to Describe gait

Below is a list of describing words for gait. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe gait:

deliberately rigid oddly constricted moderate and comfortable usual sinuous airy wishful uneasy, charming brutal, animal-like easy but swift casual, smug slow and effortless calm, awkward heavy but rapid uncertain tottering weary, dowdy independent and elastic natural delicate feeble and unsteady efficient pedestrian tolerably bold and cavalier graceful and confident deliberately implacable proud but not haughty smooth, predatorial uncomplaining and steady
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lumbering awkward genteel and noble affectedly youthful humble, clerical awkward and tottering direct and linear quiet, pliant perceptibly quicker easy, baffling curious but not uncomfortable aimless awkward powerful, clumsy marvelous, long convincingly stiff curiously leggy nonetheless rapid awkward but nonetheless rapid stiff, unhurried endearingly awkward intentionally odd curious, lithe peculiar, flat-footed still awkward and uncomfortable same, confident rickety, rapid complex tripodal extravagantly delicate slightly arthritic staggering, irregular good six-mile consequent stiff capricious, unmethodical indescribable, purposeless curiously noiseless supple and voluptuous slow and discreet slow and troubled staggering but steadfast customary swift majestic and yet graceful grave and peculiar lumbering but rapid awkward and unsteady gently precise meaningless, rapid more sheep-like former languorous stiff, uneasy slow and mechanical unsteady and uncertain best sluggish slow gangling queer hunched-up rapid and elegant proud, military-style distinctive lumbering odd, spidery easy, youthful peculiar broad queerly staggering faintly drunken sinuous, rollicking queer bumpy painfully slow and careful curious, stiff awkward hump-backed cautious but direct deceptively awkward abominably uneasy bold and elegant seeming painful peculiar bearish vague abstracted rapid and jerky quite slower sublime chivalrous normal stiff suspiciously stilted insufferably haughty short and lumbering somewhat sidelong fussy, awkward restless and abrupt somewhat fierce and reckless noticeably stiff decently demure slack, irregular cramped and civilized uncertain and heavy civilised or artificial unsteady, desperate good twenty-mile wearily slow curious, unsteady somewhat jerky and uncertain rather sidelong unsteady rickety heavy, tottering stiff, tottering frank rollicking sober or stealthy weak, staggering jerky, jaunty peculiar and unmistakably painful unmistakably painful choppy, high-heeled feeble and staggering stilted, choppy moral, ministerial sweepingly free cat-like, sinister slow and almost funereal uncertain, half-reluctant disdainful, important fierce, jerky unchangingly regular free, undulating smooth free jerky mutinous skulkingly slow feeble, monstrous stealthy but clumsy fearless, easy-going loose, indolent stiff, laborious tireless, flat-footed slow and serene curious, rotary gently disheartening jerky and tentative preternaturally steady steady, loose exceedingly unsteady same unprofessional hitherto brisk curious catlike usually majestic comic, undulating stiff and tottering aimless, anxious unsteady, slouchy impatient and irregular heavy and spiritless genuine conventual peculiarly rapid and easy ordinary senatorial slightly balanced slow supple awkward bipedal awkward, unsteady tremulous, tottering offensive, rollicking careless, fickle apparently elephantine tottering feeble regular and somewhat rapid steady six-mile demure and expectant curiously tortuous nimble and curiously tortuous extravagant, contemptuous serious and somewhat ponderous smart and bold peculiarly smart and bold peculiarly smart quick and nautical regular, purposeful quiet processional sluggish and ponderous perversely sharp shifty, sidelong cold, staid dainty elephantine leisurely sidelong sidelong, fugitive easy effeminate less gouty lofty or haughty lofty, proud stately smooth slow and elegant rather tottering smooth and silken ungainly slow curious lumbering own broken-down free, powerful harsh, regular oddly furtive lithe straight slow awkward slow and lumbering peculiarly awkward dear coltish lumbering, unhurried previously well-balanced irregular, awkward queer, staggering functionally mindless strange, tottering hell-bent staggering slow, recognizable off-balance, lumbering swift, awkward stiff, clumsy quiet and confident slightly bouncy slowest, safest obedient, mindless slow, purposeless wary, helpless awkward, lopsided crooked, painful >usual lumbering usual lumbering horribly staggering near-neanderthal gracefully stiff cautious stilted steady and pleasing faintly unsteady ponderous, rhythmic slow, sore mercifully comfortable easy, feline bustling, crabbed curiously erratic large and arrogant cramped painful loose feline desperate, uneven distressingly rough loose, confident incredibly voluptuous stealthy, self-assured elephantine lumbering distinctive sinister servile dependent slightly indolent cumbersome, lumbering peculiar lumbering louder, ponderous smooth alluring typical equestrian slow, stilted smooth rollicking slow free lopsided, mechanical slightly faster-than-normal easy long distinctive lopsided normal, graceful mighty consistent curious stealthy characteristic bear-like long, elephantine free, agile peculiar, unwilling alert, military almost unsteady uneasy and perturbed respectably slow idle childish curious choppy heavy vulgar awkward, conscious long, swingy stiff or sore easy, tireless slovenly bad compelling rapid vigorous and majestic numb and aimless fastest feasible lame, unsteady swift but awkward half-mincing proud steady comfortable, slow nervous, irregular sure, graceful laborious, slow burlesque jerky odd automatic considerably livelier usual circumspect ordinary lumbering heavy uneven proud and rapid stiff and mechanical correspondingly slower gentle, antiquated clumsy lumbering easy silent quite unrestrained steadier and slower curious cat-like peculiar staggering misleading loose-jointed listless, spiritless free majestic curious, evasive rather stealthy monotonous, rhythmical habitual slouchy dainty, circumspect dainty graceful servile, dependent slightly characteristic constricted, jerky strangely unsteady quick, modest feeble and tottering peculiarly rapid usual clumsy infirm and feeble awkward, clumsy same stilted somewhat gawky normally buoyant terribly unnatural deceptively swift staggering drunken wooden mechanical easy, undulating easy, business-like loose, aimless slow historical strange uneven slow unwieldy tottering, uncertain slow, doleful unaffected natural proud, regal stiff, rheumatic awkward sidelong comparatively awkward quaint, stiff usual drowsy aggressive and masterful proud presumptuous imperfect and unequal same breakneck still awkward own lame deliberate military slow, unsteady steady unhurried somewhat lumbering usual nimble tolerably bold smooth, noiseless good regular strange, awkward somewhat stiff and jerky casual, loose-jointed steady, purposeful quick, muscular stealthy, purposeful odd, mechanical steady but wary strange, hump-backed jerky and awkward typical mechanical stiff, lumbering tense, self-conscious familiar uneven crisp and precise slow and stiff quite decorous rather infirm strange capricious little skittish slow and important dainty, careful furtive, stealthy free swift same bustling somewhat staggering peculiar flat-footed rough awkward lumbering, clumsy shaky and uncertain heavy uncertain agreeable and handsome slow and reverential slightly staggering sidelong and uncertain awkward, irregular rather jerky feeble, tottering proud and graceful predatorial highly comical cautious and circumspect slightly drunken same uneven usual awkward little slower curious, stealthy ever slower weak and sluggish least excellent heavy, unsteady timid, awkward restless, jerky single-foot nice brisk drunken, staggering usual deliberate odd chinese free elastic slow, lumbering steady, easy jerky, nervous slow and languid full liquid slightly unsteady strange and stilted previously smooth awkward, jerky peculiar lunar peculiar sidelong queerly graceful normal wooden odd, wide usual laborious rapid and angry solid healthy strong, brisk odd diagonal oddly jerky faster-than-normal peculiar lopsided free, careless otherwise slow customary slow quick, rapid weak, impotent rapid but steady curiously precise alert military usual meditative heavy middle-aged sedate and solemn easy, regular exceptionally easy graceful, lithe joyous, elastic lightest and easiest smooth mechanical curiously uncertain swift and steady almost drunken heavy slow same languid slow and weary slightly quicker easy, languid strange, uneven peculiar rapid reasonably rapid unsteady own indolent own lumbering nnatural slow, pathetic proud and confident strange, unsteady usual impressive slightly teasing grotesque, lopsided steady, stubborn usual mellow quick, peculiar quick easy heavy sluggish usual noiseless high majestic marvelously rapid young and agile quadrupedal low, smooth timid, anxious troubled and uncertain long, sensuous far bolder curious stiff such counterfeit heavy and ponderous remarkably elastic old oral tolerably rapid moderately rapid quiet and natural swift, steady peculiarly distressing slightly uncertain strong, purposeful uncomfortably stiff sinuous, graceful swift, stealthy quick, lopsided slow, angry oddly smooth short, careful regular, rhythmic best long-distance quiet easy somewhat jerky jaunty, self-confident lumbering heavy much steadier peculiarly easy somewhat freer peculiar unconscious swift, sinuous stiff, awkward usually smooth six-mile old sober slow, sluggish heavy, uneven heavy and awkward graceful, languid completely unfamiliar slow and lazy strong, confident slow ponderous ponderously slow much stiffer awkward, angular peculiar and uncomfortable seemingly drunken strange, lopsided steady and sensible slow, aimless quick, agile somewhat unsteady strong, free free, proud gentle, undulating less frenzied fierce and reckless heavy, deliberate surprisingly swift feeble, uncertain swingy easy, indifferent same undulating such unsteady slow and monotonous fair and easy usual discreet usual slow less deliberate long easy steady, regular clumsy, inefficient tranquil rural strangely uneven same steady awkward, lumbering casual civilian gentle, willing old, weary shy awkward long, masculine usual majestic slow, undulating slow, lopsided slow and quiet strong, smooth slow and solemn five-mile proud, free ordinary slow nateral own awkward stiff, artificial familiar easy slow liquid stiff, slow three-minute soft, undulating usual swift slow funereal natural and characteristic swift, easy timid, nervous slow, easy somewhat weary usual precise quick impulsive smooth, easy usual vigorous long, easy spanking remarkably smooth brisk, confident smooth, strong slow, indifferent sleek, graceful strange undulating same jerky strangely sinister somewhat fierce swiftest possible apparently deliberate free, graceful best male remarkably steady brisker long, sturdy steady, rhythmic tripodal loose-jointed hard, bruising slightly stiff somewhat lopsided good and steady smooth, swift tottering more awkward staggering somewhat slower quick, graceful weak, uncertain almost funereal usual reckless eight-mile unusually stiff almost proud slow, heavy odd, unnatural rather rapid consequent rapid slow, dreamy weak and tottering stiff formal easy, graceful slow, languid almost birdlike smooth, graceful still slower sober, steady awkward usual calm eerie, silent slow, purposeful strange awkward rapid, steady characteristic german nervous, jerky somewhat rapid short sturdy almost casual same placid perfectly steady strong, proud stiff military stiff, jerky stiff and awkward almost catlike quick, awkward calm and deliberate slouchy almost furtive peculiarly graceful jerky calm, steady incredibly smooth deliberately slow oddest possible swift and easy less professional slowest possible swift, graceful semi-nautical slow, awkward quiet steady free, unfettered free wild fairly rapid rather languid reasonably fair eye-popping almost jaunty old athletic calm, easy own triumphant grave and deliberate lumbering four-mile sidelong rather clumsy slow, uncertain somewhat feeble somewhat menacing heavy, slow soft and graceful flat-footed rather easy four-minute rather unsteady same rapid slow, soft rapid more rapid tripedal stiff, unnatural unmethodical heavy, awkward slow, meditative old regular unhurried slower fine, proud slow, hesitant free and graceful slow and feeble sure and steady heavy, lumbering striking military rather uncertain more sedate bold, free almost human far slower slow and regular much livelier interjectional brisk military lopsided same easy same quick slow, steady rather comic nearly human easy, confident best royal long, lofty same rhythmic peculiar and characteristic rapid and easy short, choppy breakneck hunched-up steadier steady maddeningly slow own ordinary graceful and elegant extremely slow quick, clean easy, careless more business-like somewhat ponderous slow and heavy somewhat irregular quick, easy same unchanging astonishingly rapid slow, methodical whooping uncertain much smoother almost feline good, comfortable slow solemn somewhat erratic certain easy same weary twenty-mile easy more decorous two-minute slow heavy more moderate listless quicker bipedal fastest uneven natural and easy cat-like gangling painfully slow unartificial strangely familiar much quicker thy fine hard and bitter slow slow sad slow and steady such rapid uncomplaining stiff, formal rather slow rather awkward choppy purposeful stilted sheep-like stealthy long rough elephantine beautiful smooth slow but steady rhythmic wishful nice steady coltish loutish slightly irregular half-reluctant rather ridiculous snail-like slow and deliberate brisk livelier truly imperial bouncy nimbler same continuous constricted slow and careful elastic same deliberate “special arthritic two-time rather comical thirty-mile frictionless undulating soft sweet more reasonable broad-based more weary good smart cockeyed circumspect smooth young quick, decisive long, steady languid self-important comparatively slow slow and gentle noiseless somewhat stiff hoydenish animal-like clumsy quick, sure irresolute gineral effortless slowest usual gentle slow but sure long, lazy slipshod off-balance confident stiff easier stiff-backed own clumsy free and easy birdlike peculiar more dramatic same queer more timid graceful same swift bear-like freer moderate laggard sober rheumatic hump-backed legged easiest deliberate almost regal fairly steady weak-kneed jaunty own heavy crabbed feeble balanced rollicking abashed somewhat peculiar speedier sinuous doddering infirm break-neck majestic long, loose supple dowdy feline military-style iambic high-heeled bearish shaky gouty three-mile uncouth one-horse same curious stiffer leggy nerveless hair-raising catlike pedestrian sedate mettlesome swift nonchalant furtive unswerving well-balanced more sober booby undecided languorous uneasy somewhat eccentric senatorial buoyant erratic spiritless gawky good steady nimble neurotic indescribable boorish rather peculiar equestrian aimless all-day indolent smooth hesitant smoothest smoother giddy bumpy bumbling more nervous quick and easy more natural disheartening lame lithe exhilarating weary business-like marshal ral processional tireless care-free own free

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Words to Describe gait

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "gait" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "gait" are: deliberately rigid, oddly constricted, moderate and comfortable, usual sinuous, and airy wishful. There are 995 other words to describe gait listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe gait suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "gait" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many gait adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is gait?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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