Describing Wordsfor Sun

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Here are some adjectives for sun: hot daytime, distant, shrunken, handy and hot, daily new and old, radiant, traitorous, tiny mediocre, gray, blinding, merciless southern, pitiless african, garish, lumbering, hazy late-day, naked, nearby, southern wintry, god-curst, big and swollen, still high and hot, wider, cooler, fervent blue, high unclouded, mental nor external, warm hesitant, ageless, disinterested, remote yellow, cheerful late, yon material, golden, glad, now sharp and beautiful, inconceivable central, splendid silent, bright, big. You can get the definitions of these sun adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to sun (and find more here).

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Words to Describe sun

Below is a list of describing words for sun. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe sun:

hot daytime distant, shrunken handy and hot daily new and old radiant, traitorous tiny mediocre gray, blinding merciless southern pitiless african garish, lumbering hazy late-day naked, nearby southern wintry god-curst big and swollen still high and hot wider, cooler fervent blue high unclouded mental nor external warm hesitant ageless, disinterested remote yellow cheerful late yon material golden, glad now sharp and beautiful inconceivable central splendid silent
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bright, big red and unclouded illimitably distant soft unfailing magnificently radiant blinding southern warm daytime huge talismanic overpoweringly bright mildly variable fierce and tiny hot, hostile tiny, scarlet slightly smaller and cooler peculiar and sometimes multiple yellow younger prematurely low rosy, wintry radiant yellow wan, dead achingly bright spiritual or prophetic strong daytime phenomenally bright swollen amber fierce and unaccustomed warm, unclouded portable, personal new luminous flaming nearby foreign and stony late mid-afternoon red, static never glorious increasingly off-center low and powerless bright, gorgeous hot, remorseless daily new soft dutch still warm and bright yon lurid hazy early-morning great, satisfying fancy big languid and reluctant miniature fiery weak, wintry synthetic yellow artificial atomic unfamiliar hot enormous, lurid strange indian-summer pale and anonymous bright, mid-afternoon relentless, murderous overbearing alien bright and somehow familiar late amber hot bahamian miniature new benevolent, miraculous merciless western scarlet, huge hot primitive hateful, devastating vivid japanese hardly warm dazzling, brassy already high and warm small but nearby orange secondary flashingly bright white, stupendous already remote hot and pitiless glorious, unclouded mock or spurious mock or false vintage and hot universal and resplendent nocturnal or dark pitiless southern vertical african wintry, watery always bright and genial microscopic magenta alternate hot destructive australian huge unclouded discerning, prying red, sanguine perennially powerful cruel african marvelous clear external unimportant loving and interesting hot brilliant fierce african hot syrian miserable red red wintry late-afternoon hot african unpleasantly brilliant blinding african single heraldic orange white white yellow small controllable glaring african stolid, unswerving pale wintry great, motionless wealthy, happy vulgar yellow warm lazy fierce western yellow-dwarf modest yellow furious and unstable aritficial firecoal hot safe nearby warm low polar hot high warm siberian hot equatorial rare late-day faraway alien fierce, distant goddamned glaring eternal glaring doubly intense ruddy pink huge, crimson approximate but fairly accurate red and virtually burned-out virtually burned-out harsh southern blinding western endless glaring still hot and clear bright impartial rather bright and hot immense, all-consuming fierce tropi\-cal bleak pale red, haggard different, fiercer yon socialist warm midwest dim, pleasant sizzling tropical dim russet myriad distant insidious, deceitful fiery equatorial low, unshakable glorious, laborious bluish alien fake and miniature low, late-afternoon red, motionless magnificent binary watery, pallid sedate and civilized now high and hot waxy low now unstable white, airless strange and fervent now high and strong still orange and bright uinal and thirteenth uinal uinal, last violent proven�al now-dominant blue fierce mid-afternoon unstable green faint and wintry low south-eastern now hot and glaring mellow italian bright and comparatively warm incredibly strange and wonderful small and sanguine flaming southern torrid and vertical wild unshackled cruelly hot still hot and glaring immense newborn fierce equatorial bright and businesslike graciously warm and bright graciously warm red, sleepy merciless egyptian distant lethargic keen windy stormy golden pitiless tropical watchful tropical warm, inquisitive full, unalloyed pale and sympathetic low, fiery hot unclouded pale, round-faced divine vernal torpid and sunken prematurely mild truly self-respecting fiery, pitiless fierce subtropical wintry but golden glaring, cloudless hot western warm dazzling extremely hot and powerful exciting oriental despondent, moonlike gloriously golden southern or oriental unrelenting southern serious and workmanlike extra ethereal now high-mounted brazen merciless distant, naked mighty but temperate unusually blank unusually blank and hard fierce day-long direct tropical sweltering, merciless cruel brazen equinoctional dreary weak tranquil impartial gorgeous indolent bleak hungry fierce adjacent also bright and warm vertical and unclouded ther bright strongest tropical late, low high, pitiless splendid pitiless cold impoverished sizzling old merciless, overhead pitilessly glacial radiant african now vertical and hot vertically striking pitiless western eternal and intellectual truly imperial and royal rare and wintry watery and apologetic harsh jamaican just warm and bright huge inflamed bare, despairing extinct vagrant ineffective northern nocturnal yellow colder and sadder merry round-faced flaming egyptian biggest golden strong, unreal shy wintry fickle persuasive ineffable, eternal central, solemn unchanging dominant still beautiful and strong fiery subtropical fierce, vertical weak arctic bright and sultry bare and brazen bloated fiery flaming sultry brilliant vernal tropical tempestuous genial and warmer normal and solitary vast and vermilion glad italian red, important bright sad benign barbaric spiritual and unintelligible glaring indiscriminating yon glaring elusive northern hot tropical splendid warm gently warm wan bluish erratic and undependable blindingly hot stationary yellow hot midwestern normal yellow fiery, golden immortal and invincible yon glorious cold orange fierce tropical red misty high, warm invisible seventh visible invisible tiny, captive same colder tan and little hazy, late-afternoon dull, crimson gross red yon solemn brilliant early-morning glaringly hot relentless red brash red distant and tiny central, undying brilliant wintry yellow broad warm glad cuban yellow almost equatorial pitiless, insufferable genial but not oppressive red mock ever warmer low northern wan red hot clean warm high pale, fitful inflamed, red sulky red bright australian blue primary stylized celtic swollen orange big and glorious uncommonly red baleful crimson still opulent moist autumnal simple passionate white, scintillating red and baleful hot, tropical late-day warm, sturdy high warm diffuse nighttime warm, brilliant clean and glorious bright wintry truly cold hot late-afternoon low western hot italian unseasonably hot hot glaring dim and ancient nearest alien bright, unclouded mid-afternoon warm autumnal bloody, bright already huge and yellow vile peruvian insolently brilliant uncomfortably brilliant crimson, dazzling cancerous orange low, watery bright, invisible still high and warm powerful and misshapen miniature interior high and unforgiving reflective golden gold-leaf stylized hot, mellow overhead, warm delicious late-summer swift tibetan single, stable brilliant but shrunken brazen sicilian harsh sicilian brilliant late-afternoon distant artificial distant, pale tiny, wan resplendent and sovereign impossibly crimson bright upland dim, dead dead, burned-out strong and ethereal gigantic crimson other and unexpected strong, tropical softer red swollen unhealthy present but unseen hot vietnamese realistic, artificial hot norwegian bright zanzibar grim flat bright late-afternoon fierce mexican natural, red weak overhead warm late-afternoon pale and seasonal bloody, sullen little yellow-dwarf moody yellow newly menacing mellow, late-day fierce southern serene autumnal shrunken, diseased tropical orange realistic counterfeit thinner, crisp still-horizontal miraculous, impartial cold african red, unhappy hot and merciless symbolic all-black fierce tropi-cal fabulous mock red and weary dull and ruddy lopsided orange fierce syrian bright, harsh hot, unseasonable late-afternoon orange wooden, padded small, indoor blinding italian eqt=tdrial amber late-afternoon slow and benevolent recently sunken dry, italianate equally white and dazzling shat-teringly brilliant hot overhead red early-morning yellow radiant strong unforgiving strangely ardent moderately resplendent mute, fantastic middle-sized, yellow hazy swollen benevolent egyptian misty opal swift, coastal harsh egyptian recognizable double insignificant orange incredibly hot and bright sometimes multiple unbelievably dense quiet and warm nearly sunken potent tropical yellow primary big blinding maddening vermilion brazen alien younger, hotter fierce swollen incandescent yellow oddly true snappy new lavender, warm hot asian strong choppy crazy infinite long, ordinary middle-sized yellow real and symbolic invisible brown huge, faraway shrunken wintry small but very intense standard ultraviolet hot jamaican larger, blue-green harsh, orange short-lived miniature mystic, unreal distant but immense blinding fierce shakropal heavy same south burgundian weak illusionary overhead, bright relentless rural unforgiving tropical naked, tropical fierce temporary ingly unstable super super blaringly bright stupidly bright swollen reddish larger, redder angry equatorial small and gemlike incredibly small and gemlike infernally bright and hot misty western always bright & warm glorious capital impossibly bloated tentative, icy sun—real human stormy anxious small unreasonable diminutive, romantic already unrelenting gaseous red blinding australian crimson ackal arid, hot new, hotter always larger and hotter already warm and strong perilous mexican tropically brilliant pale, worthless swollen greenish antisupernatural violent provençal unseasonably cruel dim british distant, fierce somewhat cooler and less low gigantic bru­tal red divine and limpid unusually bright and warm now frayed and ragged now frayed bright canadian wonderfully lusty and strong wonderfully lusty bright, material now hot and strong bright wise new sparkling hot and brazen severe hot relentless tropical red and bloodshot yellow, moorish unending golden low, northern early crimson distinctly warmer and tiny yon radiant red and wintry already red and hot pale arctic ruddy, comfortable vastly larger and many pitiless asiatic golden baltic steadfast and eternal hot, pitiless inner and ideal unreal, remote red and cold good burgundian warm and refreshing red nocturnal now high and fierce still hot and dazzling bold, warm odd ruddy still hot and high net disturbing relentless hot fierce, brazen warm syrian torrid african brilliant african now bright and hot fierce, torrid thy veined eternally divine red, tropical great bibliomaniacal red, sunken flaming distant nice red-rimmed other red-rimmed still high and unclouded ardent provençal ardent provencal fierce overhead smaller but brilliant hot, powerful radiant resiny placid, swollen miniature, flaming bright and clear-headed now resplendent red and royal small magenta clear, benignant true, benevolent huge and drowsy bright but wintry horrible southern arbitrary papal chivalrous spanish unchangeable spiritual still bright and hot horizontal and equinoctial wholesome, temperate himalayan or tibetan warm mid-afternoon mild northern peculiar, hot genial vernal pale and wintry large, electric white, semi-tropical grim african low, western bright and unclouded furious, hot hottest and most perpendicular amorous southern aestival terrible and pitiless pitiless italian yellowish luminous tireless, sleepless unclouded tropical clear fierce hot asiatic watery wintry pale, powerless big, distant ever full and bright central, spiritual cold and brittle indian-summer cold, brilliant dim, unknown wholly dead hot late-summer hotter, brighter hot northern red, cold dull vermilion nearly tropical fierce relentless bright distant tiny, shrunken always hopeful cheerfully bright nearest, biggest bright syrian pale and powerless seemingly distant good glad blinding, staggering high and everlasting broad bright bright, bright unclouded fiercely red ever brilliant swollen red increasingly hot tiny, distant red watery small captive hot eastern bright autumnal bright, unfamiliar tiny, magical bright mid-afternoon slightly pale wan autumnal slim tubular misty yellow near-equatorial clear and hot white atomic mild and milky pale hot standard thermonuclear hot, distant hot implacable exceedingly dim violent southern hot oriental apparently unsympathetic bright oriental modest republican glad and glorious deeply golden pleasant frosty dazzling oriental cheerful wintry bright, wintry warm brilliant spiritual central terrible egyptian yon yellow immortal, immaterial pale and silvery primitive nebulous ever flaming boundless and endless fit thy balmy vernal brilliant, immortal brilliant equatorial warm windless bold, golden brighter and hotter haughty, imperial vast, purple quasi-tropical tropical glaring hot bloated red red, bloody pale, cool tiny, brilliant normal heavy bright southern dim, wan ificial imperial crimson hot egyptian strong tropical hot spanish hot southern brilliant tropical bright african almost tropical almost vertical tremendously hot low, pale merciless white solitary yellow fierce, relentless still brilliant bright italian warm, warm invisible, angry restless new feeble red pale shrunken distant orange brighter green huge nearby huge, motionless proud yellow much haitian myriad bright good, constant bright merciless white, furious hard, unkind brilliant amber swollen milky sane sweet blinding double brighter, yellow sullenly red random and tentative fierce dull hot cuban illusionary tropical flat late bright, unyielding still high and bright tropi\-cal bleak, pale fiery tropical naked, open maximum brown wan wintry hot mexican soft tame celtic male harsh, blinding crazy crimson red northern pale, scarlet bright, gory ponderous red now sharp high tropical entire binary splendid single huge, vermilion peaceful brassy bloated, bloody small, unexceptional medium-sized yellow hot, constant gaudy padded new, mighty great radiant still bright and warm glaring egyptian low and unseen still orange larger and hotter orange primary speculative fictional fiercely white unholy dark soupy red full sizzling small and peripheral bright subtropical loud but precise dusty late-afternoon nice stable optically stable bloated, reddish bland yellow merry ceramic wan and shrunken bizarrely different common, yellow hot southwestern wan and feeble unknown moral violent provencal clear wintry distinctly warmer big placid glorious hot fair, red yellow hot red western same resplendent everlasting hot broad glaring dull oval glaring tropical dull, coppery soft, tropical mysterious, miraculous clear, delightful native southern sultry hot hot, italian least warm early tropical southern and warmer tiny blinding central imperial hot, southern full southern unexpectedly hot mild and misty single and stable genial, gracious hitherto radiant dim autumnal ever african red, coppery old and unreliable beautiful vernal great boreal swift, swift large, ruddy gay and glaring brilliant mexican powerful tropical absolutely blue warm drowsy now unclouded red autumnal grand warm warm, gracious brilliant, cold ordinary yellow bright hot torrid nice, bright huge, hot hot yellow great red red and lurid natural, normal larger and brighter bright and glaring remote central relatively warm bright, hot high, harsh hot, high great, hot oppressively hot intolerably bright rather ardent central double impossibly brilliant solemn red great olden delicious italian wintry garish green low eastern hot high, hot much tropical ruddy western rare, bright harsh arctic rare dim hot, naked high hot large, watery weird artificial usual pallid artificial miniature flaming double new and fiery true, striking bright but distant provengal incredibly strange brilliant autumnal warmer and brighter splendid, silent glorious italian vividly bright vast flaming warm spanish hot solid dark, central pale, wintry bright western calm dispassionate

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Words to Describe sun

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "sun" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "sun" are: hot daytime, distant, shrunken, handy and hot, daily new and old, and radiant, traitorous. There are 995 other words to describe sun listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe sun suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "sun" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many sun adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is sun?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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