Describing Wordsfor Wine

examples: nosewinterblue eyeswoman

Here are some adjectives for wine: fruity red, seventeen-year-old red, good rhenish, unfamiliar but refreshing, joint, white, cheap, sour, excellent rhenish, potent, sweet, lukewarm spiced, much rhenish, intensely grateful, own spiced, tart, cool, drunk red, superb rhenish, rhenish and hungarian, piquant white, brave burgundian, pleasant and moderate, french weak, sour red, drunk vintage, priceless secret, actually frequent, pleasant, fruity, best rhenish, red muscat, tolerable red, fiery, stupefying, heady and sweet. You can get the definitions of these wine adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to wine (and find more here).

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Words to Describe wine

Below is a list of describing words for wine. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe wine:

fruity red seventeen-year-old red good rhenish unfamiliar but refreshing joint, white cheap, sour excellent rhenish potent, sweet lukewarm spiced much rhenish intensely grateful own spiced tart, cool drunk red superb rhenish rhenish and hungarian piquant white brave burgundian pleasant and moderate french weak sour red drunk vintage priceless secret actually frequent pleasant, fruity best rhenish red muscat tolerable red fiery, stupefying heady and sweet
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muddy but strong theological and sorbonnical red rhenish generous new pungent spiced damnably awful heady sicilian sweetish red well-traveled bad contraband european heady red red algerian cold cordial veritable rhenish strongest syrian warm spiced hot spiced fine spiced old rhenish drunk black hungarian red unholy oriental hideous, unwanted peculiarly soft and good red palestinian good tawny spiced elder sour, weak hungarian white fragrant, heavy earthly sluggish seldom disagreeable seldom disagreeable or dangerous sour and nasty other but new fiery potential stale, weak yellow, drowsy temptingly excellent hot elder tart white sparkling vintage satisfactory red olive and red strong heady costly scarlet sour, thin excellent red italian red sour french good red drunk much algerian red crystal and clear tangy white sweet muscat superb sparkling drunk fragrant chilean white capital, capital spiced green cheap, raw cloying spiced pleasant, local strong, unaccustomed delicate long-stemmed heady intellectual lousy raw deep bloodied nice straw-colored down heady iphthal sweetest iphthal sac-ramental orange, white better red strong hungarian delightful, red and yellow excellent orange drunk sweet sour hungarian principal sparkling white hungarian black strong generous hungarian theologal pure wholesome full-bodied golden fiery rhenish liquid true sorbonnical refreshing sour cheap, palatable vintage and good excellent neat lilac, deep unlimited strong common sour pure generous beastly sour new or sweet nutritious new sweet algerian sticky algerian better foreign new brisk little full-bodied full-bodied new drunk more well-to-do french antimonial homemade white different potent old and red rich spiced little antimonial delightful sweet hot, spiced red hungarian meal and fine reannual straw-colored french good rare coaxing and too much heady dark bittersweet red brutally sweet tart, greenish upland red tart, sparkling dry, iced golden, spiced mostly untouched peruvian red excellent sparkling dry, fruity slightly feeble sweet and slightly feeble mild, icy few and rather less much sacramental lukewarm red heavy lebanese best, weak ancient, addictive extremely well-stocked meal or vintage sour, common outstanding white green muscat drunk fairy heavy, tawny local sweet sour but potent spiced, hot tart, yellow heady native dead and insipid always limpid old and very sweet sparkling sacred red sicilian luscious old oldest, choicest comparatively young and fruity young and fruity merry and drunk bland delicious thin rhenish highly cordial rich and highly cordial cheap but not unwholesome down intoxicating dry spanish generous, heady generous austrian hearty spanish peculiarly rich and generous noxious, foamy young and crisp small, thy cool spiced drunken more flavored white once corked choicest, oldest sour refreshing sweet convivial sweet, convivial intoxicating, yellow spiced and perfumed cheap bluish coarse but palatable delicately potent down good or bad cheapest wholesome poor libyan egyptian sour generally poor and dear old cavernous dark burgundian generous, sparkling beastly algerian hot, white and red good algerian false spanish strong but inferior peculiarly good and cheap usually clear and limpid lightest and most limpid ago sparkling sweet or new colored, astringent perfectly fine and clear crimson sacrificial rich, sweetish famous and knightly old federal and wholesome truly federal and wholesome tolerably palatable intoxicating sparkling costly sicilian heady and insidious rare sparkling particularly good and abundant remarkably excellent and abundant red destructive meal and dark excellent, superior shocking sour frisky sweet sweet and strongly alcoholic abundant and intoxicating iced red rough african unkindly native bad or sour red and sweet white or rhenish strongest red harsh but refreshing fruity and fragrant smooth, full-bodied pure but hot pure and stronger potable and pleasant serviceable sparkling golden or crimson heady italian warm and highly spiced riscal austrian red unnameable strong drunk virgin native, sparkling mellow and perfectly ripe other, white and red subtle, aromatic golden, heady great & strong somewhat tart but pleasant warm and potent choicest and oldest full-bodied, generous frothy, yellow consequently cherry delicious rhenish sour, white privileged pure drunk french thar african tawny astringent old and luscious scarce and very fine strongly fragrant wonderfully excellent dainty spiced thin, ungracious costly grecian sparkling and intoxicating charmingly sparkling and intoxicating charmingly sparkling ripe and vermeil joyous maddening admirable home-grown drunk pure rhenish white sweetish and heavy renowned egyptian dry sicilian delicious, luscious governess--capital heavy algerian sweet elder sweet poisonous particular, excellent indubitable rhenish bitter, acidulous rather stronger and fuller amber rhenish exhilarating white foamed red excellent palestinian pale burgundian palatable white sour tangy substantial, old infinite sour thinnest and most ordinary rich and imperial strongest and sweetest bad, new home-grown pure drunk undiluted drunken strong clear and old fabulously strong _antimonial spiced warm sprightly delicious unkindly red pleasant but not insidious purple astringent light-colored dry rhenish sunny sparkling excellent white drunk old red french dry white australian red good spiced soft, fiery hot wan spiced strong, sour bitter, dark tart red fine vintage robust red sweet, potent finest, richest sweet and treacherous excellent vintage absolutely poisonous vintage red sour white spanish red full-bodied red tart yellow mauve and deep rosy french tolerable small sparkling sweet strong, delicious french or rhenish strong cordial joyous, clear best elder red australian best bulgarian true after-dinner strong red more spiced delicious red sour new thick cheap inexpensive red german sparkling strongly alcoholic red foreign indifferent local sweet, syrupy cheap red french red drunk less new dainty rough sharp sweet spanish quaint, sad harsh native strictly pure lightly spiced dry red excellent spanish sweet white sweet red lousy dry sour, immature always red strong raw finest vintage now priceless heady, sparkling vaunted white adequate pink milky red sweetest, finest indifferent red alive and drunk wonderfully flavored wonderfully flavored and scented warm gummy same frothy nasty, evil pleasantly cool and tart superb and golden bemazingly expensive homemade purple decent red unripe chilean bottled white contraband white platter and sparkling rare and most delicious sparkling german little spiced expensive perfumed bad algerian vile sour red local successful expatriate best muscat already sweet and strong expensive leftover pert, garrulous warm and bitter empty sacramental cool and very welcome weakest true cloudy maroon miraval red cool, spiced dry portuguese sour but drinkable alternate red raw palestinian raw syrian sour potent fiery colorless flinty sicilian sure red exquisite bulgarian thickly colored daytime and red sweet, more strong, flinty pale, spiced better amber refreshing red strange but refreshing acrid native good chilean homemade red bright-red hungarian northern golden pure, heady bitter pineal moderately lucrative striking fine good, full-bodied young, casual clear spicy deliciously fruity rarest vintage stale red remarkably palatable tart new cloudy purple cool tart red austrian pungent italian sweet, amber heady amber bad vintage famous sparkling red, tangy unfamiliar but potent red bulgarian real inexpensive sweetly flavored highly palatable and smooth peppery, harsh white romanian romanian red chilean red cheap but remarkably good bad syrupy suitably delicate fine, irresistible fragrant spiced great eared untouched red cheap, disgusting watery, fruity profitable international dominant strange fine, sour good but modest innocuous, white rich potent marvelous after-dinner enough stygian lional more foulest, cheapest sicilian red indifferent yellow high-octane red potent spiced much hymnal spiced red cheap fruity refreshing white sweet, spiced drunk little new fruity specially rare weak, common far-famed spanish curious or luxurious rare and appropriate european sweet swiss white red aromatic wholesome red strongest spanish austrian white thin spicy cool flower-scented own sacramental exquisite hungarian dusky fragrant drunk sufficient honest and opulent fine sour remarkably sour red ordinary richly spiced sufficient white fiery hungarian frustrating first-rate new sour strong rhenish oldest sparkling successful sparkling capital red chief sparkling high-class sparkling good drinkable heavy, fiery unusual portuguese same hungarian weak or sour pleasant sparkling warm, cheap heady, generous dear, more finest hungarian obese, misshapen strong iced fine rhenish fine agreeable sour and remorseful fragrant and pleasant little bankrupt admirable red mysterious and royal generous red is--real magnificent sparkling weak homemade other well-equipped somewhat heady immediately red rich, sparkling red, sparkling fair spiced lusty spiced tart but pleasant doubtful red sacrymental tolerably fruity weakest red delicious, tart drunk but little exquisite delicate atrocious red notably red good phoenician moderate red white rhenish cheaper white syrupy brown common sharp ruddy sparkling bodied red compact, deep enough spiced agreeable red white portugal renowned good insipid and worthless brown spanish uncommonly sour sparkling french golden rhenish remarkably aromatic french sparkling famous vintage spanish and rhenish brackish red seldom dark seldom dark and dangerous capital sparkling strong luscious light-colored red new and ordinary false, pure strong and remarkably nasty rough ordinary rough red never drunk smoky white thin, sour rare spanish marvelous red sweet sparkling weak white bright and purple famous spiced delicious white bad red delicious sparkling excellent spiced meal and more harsh, sour sweet spicy remarkable red much red last sour sour, cheap meal and good free and excellent rich, full-bodied sour good cheap sour thick, crimson stale, cheap crimson purple rare, old strongest white clear and thin pure fiery muscat expensive red nice crisp warm, spiced tart green drunk good sweet, fiery local white unusually thin french white old hungarian little sour good orange dry, full dingy, stuffy leftover white acceptable local flinty red sumptuous green wonderful sparkling sufficient sweet sparkling old raw, sour excellent raspberry strong sicilian sweet and perfumed thy costliest supremely magnificent horrid sour good sparkling down good potent red good peruvian peculiarly good soft and insipid wholesome and genuine purple italian fairly wholesome sick sweet pleasant but weak excellent pleasant white elder elder and white weak but pleasant little condensed hungarian or italian good and tasty later red strong generous sour and sharp ancient and dingy fiery, golden frequently drunk bad, sour down fragrant sparkling rosy red clear sacred and ceremonial sour blue cheap but strong heady new almost astringent sharp, warm rough but wholesome commonly white more bottled bright and luscious best autumnal thin sour italian white agreeable and wholesome sparkling red strong, heady rarest old rich strong enough white drunk sour admittedly excellent mild, pale rough purple heavily fragrant sokal inferior red sufficient red weak sour especially pure rather rosy cheap spanish sauterne cool delicious golden spanish best white expensive local spiced hot pleasant red perfumed white rich and lustrous witty young thick sweet sweet dark drinkable pleasant yellow rich and delicious much white amber and purple perfect blue dark sweet sacramental massive stationary good vintage soft, french fine, fragrant icy, sparkling damned raspberry exceptional white dry italian cheap local several all-night enough iced astringent white pale, red more medicinal nasty cheap sweet heady german red already sweet sugared sweet long-lived red free, red abundant and splendid familiar dusty estimable and extensive atrocious local enough rancid dry, amber suspiciously pale cheap, dark tolerable white pungent red barely drinkable harsh acrid mild, sparkling much neat large, untapped unfamiliar golden miraculous old rich, alien ninth largest fearless inter­national potent sour rough, unpalatable huge chunky chunkily vulgar well-stocked sacramental sweet crimson dark fruity heart-stoppingly expensive drunk fine drunk strong clear spiritual unique and delicious much danish queer italian spanish white sweet immortal richest and oldest red, silent almost innocuous potent white famous rhenish preferred sweet red-seal truly federal capital white humane and worthy single australian strong, spiced remarkably superior choicest and most expensive good home-grown somewhat tart thin common new and troubled rich and rosy free red portuguese white strong portuguese abominable red well-known rich undeveloped, great harmless native drunken sweet pleasant strong confessedly bad good white fine aromatic fragrant and delicious somewhat sour rich, strong down sweet pungent green young pink sparkling green congenial little poor local spicy red clear red much chinese much sparkling hearty red rare vintage pleasant white spanish sweet cold spiced strong and pleasant heavy southern incomparable good rich red prime old much strong pale amber sweet golden pale french decent white empty french bitter red potent golden cheap, strong stale, sour fine, rare much harsh glorious, magnificent warm, sour modest red almost viscous rare amber fiery southern other rhenish bad native pure and pleasant slightly coloured different red specially excellent perfumed yellow thin, fiery cupful white old rare heavy aromatic ancient and good peculiar and pleasant other sparkling excellent pure orange or other pale german inverted empty sticky old fine heady hungry, good new intoxicating more etherial rich hungarian rare golden heady drunk such almost incandescent welcome and good rather sour famous sweet red and tawny rarest and costliest poor and cheap sour much sour harsh red red or white best red cool red open more several well-stocked extremely excellent frothy young heavy, sweet dark, heady strong, red aromatic white rich good good inexpensive empty-shelved best sparkling ancient and generous sweet amber absolutely extraordinary cold, frothy unpretentious domestic tart young heavy leatherbound african white good lunar beautiful, past fantastic italian dark magenta murky amber strong, neat red southern quite palatable extremely red homemade cherry enough sour excellent aromatic celestial old cheap native fiery italian much ripe sparkling orange rich and sunny harmless red stout ruddy

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Words to Describe wine

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "wine" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "wine" are: fruity red, seventeen-year-old red, good rhenish, unfamiliar but refreshing, and joint, white. There are 995 other words to describe wine listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe wine suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "wine" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many wine adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is wine?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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