Describing Wordsfor Horse

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Here are some adjectives for horse: curtal, small, stiff blind, big, light-colored, fiery striped, untrained, skittish, own, grown-up, tasty dead, gallant pale, real, spirited, small sorrel, quiet and well-trained, dark and broody, well-trained, placid, wonderfully lean, untamed wooden, sorry sway-backed, sedate and predictable, strange, blue-eyed, odd shaggy, lively five-year-old, ostensibly seven-year-old, magnificent telepathic, panic-stricken black, unusual but familiar, vicious, beautiful, colossal unknown, fatal wooden, white barbary, formidable, dark, aristocratic high. You can get the definitions of these horse adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to horse (and find more here).

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Words to Describe horse

Below is a list of describing words for horse. You can sort the descriptive words by uniqueness or commonness using the button above. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for most common nouns. Here's the list of words that can be used to describe horse:

curtal, small stiff blind big, light-colored fiery striped untrained, skittish own, grown-up tasty dead gallant pale real, spirited small sorrel quiet and well-trained dark and broody well-trained, placid wonderfully lean untamed wooden sorry sway-backed sedate and predictable strange, blue-eyed odd shaggy lively five-year-old ostensibly seven-year-old magnificent telepathic panic-stricken black unusual but familiar vicious, beautiful colossal unknown
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fatal wooden white barbary formidable, dark aristocratic high intermittently lame partly laden quiet, sleek gawky, oversized spavined white quiet serviceable vicious, diseased and furious diseased and furious ugly rawboned old unkempt plumb gentle blue-eyed white stout sorrel black and beauteous legendary mystic tireless, implacable gaunt, terrible fastest, grandest suddenly cooperative jacketed vaulting crazed, high-strung absolute and excellent lean, dark-gray thin thoroughbred old, whitish unbridled and unbroken thy left-hand runaway federal active and well-managed chunky gray worn-out sleepy gallant black surly mortal morose, old rawboned black right-wing high obviously docile bald-faced red dark dappled worse one-man tall dappled uncertain and craven wild or vicious unbroken wild slothful gray easy-going grey damned flighty unbroken or untamed grand and unattainable temporarily mad stubborn or skittish gallant and powerful big thoroughbred beautiful, restive quiet but desperate actual complete rare difficult high and nimble heavy and inactive yon hessian powerful but heavy friendly telepathic strongest and fastest unique horned superb lithuanian faithful, pugnacious big, well-bred handiest fresh goddamned bushy gaunt blind gaunt pale smaller, whitened lame gray healthy and well-equipped fine, healthy and well-equipped absurd but recognizable rangy powerful singularly bony curious, gregarious strong dappled least clean fine-looking nervous bony, blind grecian wooden beautiful spirited small plucky delicate thoroughbred old, bony aboriginal or truly wild spanking black impetuous untamed striped javanese strong but skittish coal-black turkish modern wild saintly venerable own prostrate large well-fed grey and imperfect fat or great swift heroic mythical wooden great and swift-footed lean and diseased thin, spirited wonderful headless mammoth, wild characteristic all-pervading wiry syrian pale righteous lame, broken-down mettlesome grey headstrong, powerful famous, irregular ordinary unbroken unsound or broken-down nervous or high-spirited spirited and impatient little but spirited valuable and swift jaded and sorry best and fleetest old sorry restive black largest, blackest bloody dark full-size white headless wooden beautiful but vicious now horned otherwise imperturbable hot proud great sorrel idintical stiff, blind spirited dappled spirited black graceful, dainty beautiful tartar lame white big sorrel sorrel graceful horned spanish heavy jaded white stocky, fiery panicky runaway literary dark jealous spectral worthy mechanical fine but ordinary nameless unknown old but spirited tall and stocky occasional sway-backed tall, feisty medieval armored stocky, shaggy well-trained and obliging obviously high-strung merely well-trained shaggy, dusty magical white medium-sized beautiful strong well-trained meanest, wildest tall spirited gangling grey fast magical enormous and unusually colored leathery vaulting vicious and wildest stupid, worn-out fastest damned monstrous, dead less fractious thy fleetest decently mannered notoriously wild and vicious fiercest untamed particularly large and spirited free superstitious previously sedate angry and proud thine or thy ideal unemployed idle and hitherto useless despondent fitful extraordinary aberrant thoroughbred brown resolute, well-bred great, sorrel tall and self-willed foolish and restive fairly spirited somewhat restless and impatient bengal local powerful but jaded genuinely vicious tottering, naked lively dark-brown new or awkward old sorrel unemotional white somnolent grey swift, thoroughbred obstinate or lazy famed white already jaded large and very brown gray, worn-out often keener often keener and more jaded, dilapidated same sorrel tall sorrel great, scary old thirsty gentle, spirited lithe spanish dyspeptic white vicious or sulky untrained or young swiftest and most vicious young and mettlesome far-famed bengal big trustworthy intensely sedate big, belligerent steady stable rhetorical high scrawny sorrel well-kept, spirited high-spirited, thoroughbred beautiful and speedy high-spirited, blue-blooded incapable white free unbridled miserably jaded fine and high-strung stout, well-trained quick fearless otherwise incomparable spiritually mere partly refreshed faithful and partly refreshed new and very frisky last well-bred shivery but well-fed still spirited legendary gigantic superb mechanical bold and well-trained high-spirited and well-trained seven-year-old sorrel sober white quite fresh but dry gray dappled cuban dead jaded single horrid runaway rather high-spirited dull sorrel splendid barbary skittish and headstrong young and very spirited tall but quiet frisky brown frenzied yellow mettlesome, erratic well-bred and high-spirited vicious and runaway violently restive bake thine properly quiet grey sway-backed brown bald-faced vile and gaudy unsteady or vicious lame brown heterogeneous, irregular good thoroughbred disabled omnibus headstrong, restive unbroken three-year-old delicious dead colossal yellow occasional omnibus young, skittish smallest and swiftest poor, smart irregular or local unruly wild nimble, easy bald-faced brown high-spirited white snow-white hungarian lame omnibus aristocratic, high-spirited two-year-old and unbroken untrained or untouched again influential and energetic again influential powerful untrained glorious and acrobatic young, nice serious-minded and kindly old impatient dead untrained, unrehearsed stalwart and nimble magnificent barbary high esthetic irregular loyalist restive, gray good-looking sorrel thin, jaded proud, gray unaccountable dark miserably gaunt shaggy and ragged skittish, vicious unbroken sorrel large, high-spirited brown argentine salient, superb mettlesome southern apparently unmanageable stout, low-priced slow, much-abused thoroughbred but jaded decent wooden fiery and stalwart black diabolical noble sorrel lean deformed obedient and correct perfectly gentle and good-natured sturdy and shaggy slightly lazy bald-faced black somewhat lighter and speedier artistically acceptable correct and artistically acceptable black barbary fastest gaited lean and decrepit restive and dangerous large or broad able single well-trained and spirited willing, spirited dangerous runaway black, thoroughbred lately shod substantial, small lone hungry large semi-annual splendid bengal free or wild poor, shaggy fine-looking speckled frisky norwegian slow-moving, white speckled wooden well-fed wet poor, busted largest and most useful tolerable white blessedly stationary high-strung, uncertain conscientious and immovable strong but lazy stray, black young and unmanageable white, black and sorrel competent, lusty young and not foolish smaller, spanish self-willed or headstrong easy-going gray slow, spiritless dark sorrel medium-sized hardy never shod high or tall swift or spirited restive or stubborn unsound or worn-out little sorrel unnaturally colored apparently enraged nervous, spirited spirited gray cruel wooden enraged and powerful rampant, red animal, wild curtal powerful black gallant white remarkably placid male, dear resultant makeshift damned, foolish comely grey uncontrolled, angry sullen, intractable dilapidated purple powerful, spirited fabulous mechanical strongest, fastest blue-eyed, white restive and rebellious large coal-black fine sorrel compact, black black, spirited phantom white worn-out and decrepit unit=--=electrical thermal unit=--=electrical past whitened high-spirited, mettlesome remarkably fine and spirited docile and well-trained unusually emphatic large tartar powerful and spirited dappled grey full hot ould black high swift brave proud young and modern maximum external better trial miserable dutch modern terrestrial superb grey shaggy young hollow brazen fleetest moral high old white notoriously slow own lame restive spanish heavy-armed rich, juicy big and unusually strong skittish northern weary half-starved stout, slow-moving wild-eyed wooden stout speckled young and restive obvious and popular goddam high equally threadbare small, rawboned scarred and thin large sorrel lean and sorry strong gaunt leggy gray horrid, monstrous terribly old and shaky terribly old particular cheap chief naked obvious, old damned well-trained wild and energetic turkish heavy old all-purpose magnificent, inexplicable fine-looking sorrel own, ordinary normally steady handsome and well-trained dumb, clumsy uncommonly sinful hammerless old bony gray electronic virtual repulsive, hairless well-mannered, spirited ludicrously formal cockeyed little charmingly well-made gaunt and self-willed tall, gaunt and self-willed noble and high-spirited damn able magnificent sorrel synthetic-leather vaulting idiot and all-around goddamned dreamy stocky yellowish talented dark least best pompous, chauvinistic cosmic white ridiculous, hollow humongous hollow gigantic, hollow tall, silver-gray skeptical high smaller, normal softest gaited smartest, best lithe, skittish under-mechanical terribly noble own jittery damn cozy anxious thoroughbred noisy, flatulent expensive hollow skittish gray proverbial high tall snow-white red second scientific dead breathtakingly splendid fiery, young clever, bold new and willing brave, well-trained bad but happy strong mighty unexercised young incandescent, sallow untamed and unbroken awfully strong and restless best and most showy elephantine black frantic runaway mad, runaway small ardent old or disabled staid, well-behaved big siberian magnificent crested self-conceited old fine, faultless beautiful sacrificial black and powerful undecided old valuable egyptian well-bred grey antique colossal fine entire superb gray comfortable, deep-seated bad and stubborn tough, shaggy livid dead proud spirited last omnibus white skinny good businesslike big but bony well-bred and well-trained headless white queer gaunt old unsound good fiery lame, blind usually sensitive foolish runaway awkward or shy lov-elly black your western frightfully tall massive vaulting mettlesome old new and favorite lusty, strong fresh but dry cleanest, pure sober but rather slow poor, docile amiable grey large, stringy thoroughbred gray strong, rangy young sorrel noble barbary tame, good-natured odious gray strong or free freer or stronger rather docile half-starved gray beautiful, well-trained sleek, fine noble gray already thirsty successful divisional recent fossil actually material rawboned white active gray great four-mile kurdish irregular modern argentine striped wild professional dark powerful coal-black haggard, white sturdy, grey rebellious wild magnificent and spirited wild sorrel lean, miserable old and rather poor fine gaited warm-blooded sensitive fine favorite recalcitrant bony well-trained, swift-footed naturally well-balanced refractory and vicious imperturbable brown noble rational violent, hot fresh and handsome plump, lazy old or vicious weary, sweaty big-boned black obstinate or timid well-trained, docile four-year-old natal everlasting gray worn-out white strong and glossy small well-trained solitary lame mangled brown stolid wooden gaunt but fiery ragged irregular restless, fresh lean, worn-out virtuous and well-behaved natured and gentle daring and slippery singular meeting--aboriginal black, untamed dreadful, immoral black and sorrel upstanding grey solitary but powerful charming shaggy villainous wooden tame gray gentle but active showy, unsound top and faithful own fresher cunningly vicious large thoroughbred dappled gray splendid black nervous black handsome pale strong and swift spirited white strong grey mid many powerful gray suitable female monstrous wooden hospital, old superb black equally sober young unbroken high-strung, thoroughbred own thoroughbred little shaggy queer wooden famous wooden gaunt white good, well-trained black, graceful badly winded splendid gray famous grey hump-backed little great thoroughbred first-rate all-round stout brown colossal wooden gaited big sturdy dead wooden splendid bridal magnificent gray black and fiery good gray young brown own tall bloody high high commie dull good equally gaunt good, responsive unusually colored strong black-and-white small but wiry huge, weary tall, sober-faced ardent fiery old and unbroken bony grey brave grey sulky brown oldest and most historic rangy sorrel great, motionless black australian valuable spare powerful grey your young inferior irish cunning and vicious big, coal-black fine barbary vile gray ridiculous wooden chief white other irate single shod unfortunate big large, coal-black old fire-engine lame or sick handsome spirited powerful runaway handsome sorrel finest and most spirited fiery barbary gothic heavy free generous fine innocent liveliest young delicious gray young grey unbroken young sleek sorrel fiery grey quiet, well-trained wild and unmanageable ould grey mettlesome black oriental human cat-like little sure your thoroughbred black literary high naughty, lazy considerable smart barbarous western fiery black fine pale meek white best common magnificent black skittish placid black best tall great staggering big, sulky sane old fine, spirited mettlesome thoroughbred irish somewhat restive strongest and swiftest safe, steady gentle and docile tall grey shod dappled brown thoroughbred poor, spiritless last skeletal robustly handsome sturdy rugged odd and beautiful sway-backed ther wild acrid, sweet-sour wrong spiritual magical wooden thin, rangy big docile beautiful coal-black smart, honest bony white religious high little maimed angry, old last raw monstrous and awful bony, powerful swift turkish single bony goddamned high plain, gentle lush old unremarkable brown hard, rancid safe, pleasant pale and muddy sway-backed grey muddy pale thick, plaid slightly skittish fastest and strongest motionless, solitary particularly bumpy old, bedraggled tall, grand-looking dead, poisonous bony, gray better spare unusually large and fine big calico good, brown old omnibus real full-sized already restless somewhat unmusical appalling white young, fiery resolute brown swiftest little often lame young, high-spirited dutch and danish fat, easy-going gentle and faithful meditative grey thoroughly winded slender, swift shadowy, white beautiful barbary well-trained and gentle dead lame fine coal-black clever australian speedy black desirable, canned young thoroughbred wondrous mechanical nearly thoroughbred curious horned shy or timid thoroughly lazy sturdy canadian dusty, sweaty bad, big old half-starved immense mechanical more mettlesome prodigious wooden mighty warlike old bald-faced black, bald lucky, old gentle and good-natured lighter and speedier ancient irregular beautiful sorrel fresh, spirited excellent low-grade rusty white strong well-made brave turkish contemplative old fiery and active huge antiquated big spirited fresh, powerful big spotty blind and vicious honest, powerful notorious runaway swiftest runaway more armored weatherbeaten old great, black fat, healthy wild and vicious wee wooden graceful white handsome grey rather undistinguished bony old good grey spavined poor jaded wondrous old damned lazy fine, gentle definite dark stocky white real vicious lean, old white, blue-eyed effective black faithful white powerful brown mettlesome young poor staggering real and noble white and luminous young, hot great black noble white old gray old lame handsome black academic high shaggy little true heavy grey dappled ungainly white notoriously wild large and spirited wicked grey goodly white miserable, old ordinarily white handsome, showy sick or old black canadian stout, grey great sheeted real sacrificial naughty naughty now jaded new grey unusually spirited bony, white thoroughly unsound huge coal-black heaviest and slowest fresh stable every-day, common sensible and courageous same staid good spanking good, upstanding much everyday little turquoise best irregular strongest and tallest free, loose thin, shaggy beautiful brazen fine and well-trained sensible, reliable old, half-starved stout, black big, good-hearted

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Words to Describe horse

As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "horse" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this website, the top 5 adjectives for "horse" are: curtal, small, stiff blind, big, light-colored, fiery striped, and untrained, skittish. There are 995 other words to describe horse listed above. Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe horse suits your needs.

If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". A search for words to describe "people who have blue eyes" will likely return zero results. So if you're not getting ideal results, check that your search term, "horse" isn't confusing the engine in this manner.

Note also that if there aren't many horse adjectives, or if there are none at all, it could be that your search term has an abiguous part-of-speech. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. This confuses the engine and so you might not get many adjectives describing it. I may look into fixing this in the future. You might also be wondering: What type of word is horse?

Describing Words

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there's a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files - mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it's more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way - for example, gender is interesting: "woman" versus "man" and "boy" versus "girl". On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, "beautiful" is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world's literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for "woman" - too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The "uniqueness" sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives' uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it's actually pretty simple). As you'd expect, you can click the "Sort By Usage Frequency" button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

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